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The Redskins' defense with Sean Taylor


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It would be amazing, but as others have pointed out, the rest of the defensive roster wouldn't be what it is if Sean was still with us...not just because of money, but also because he was such a game-changer that who knows what the Skins would have done the past season and a half. The D was great last year but was lacking the big play to give the offense a short field or score themselves...fumbles, ints, etc....Sean would have provided that.


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BTW, I don't want you to think I didn't enjoy these because I did very much so. I was simply just stating that I think we all know how this team would be with him and I think the players and fans do too; it's simply a question that doesn't need to be asked for an answer, we already know.

Didn't want you to think I was trying to be a PITA.

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Sh@t, I even hate playing Madden using the Skins and knowing Sean's not on the lineup.

Also, it's strange because just last week I was arguing with a true Cowboy fan here in Houston about what if Sean was still on the team and what impact he would have made. Then I really got pissed because the Cowboy fan was saying Sean wasn't that good and I was like "WHAT".

But I kept trying to plead my case to no avail and telling this guy "what if" we still had Sean with this defense.

So, I just came to terms that this guy was a hater and actually didn't know much about football or players especially Sean Taylor and what he was becoming in the NFL.

So got damm@t this defense better hunt some damn Cowboys this season for Sean's sake and the Cowboy hater or I'm going to be really pissed.

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Well... If we had sean, things wouldn't be the way they are now. We may not have Albert, we wouldn't have taken horton, we wouldn't have taken Orakpo... so who knows...

Why no Orakpo? smh..we still needed a DEnd Badly :doh: Even so,Give me Sean Michael Taylor anyday!

Why would we need Horton, when you got Area 51?:chair:

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It pains me to think of how unstoppable we'd look, if we still had Sean Taylor, but I guess I take some comfort in the fact that our current D is almost like an homage to ST: tough, hard-hitting, and ferocious. Those adjectives don't really do ST's game justice, but that was how he played.

Everything happens for a reason. Maybe if we still had Sean we wouldn't have signed Hall or Haynesworth. And Maybe we wouldn't have drafted Orakpo. I miss being able to watch Sean play but I'm going to look forward and enjoy watching the careers of guys like Orakpo and Landry unfold. It's the most positive outlook I can have.

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Who cares about all the "what ifs" back and forth...thanks so much for the OP, just moving stuff to hear the guys talk about him...damn I miss watching him...I've been a Skins fan since I could walk, and will never forget until the day I die, I was never able to see a game in person until one home game against Philly in 2007...showed up wearing my Meast jersey proudly...just such an awful feeling to find out two weeks later that the first Skins game I ever got to see live ended up as the last game ST ever played....

...dammit I miss him, God bless his family...RIP #21...

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