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Zorn's Preseason Playcalling/Approach


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In the second year of a Zorn's offense with a supposedly more expansive playbook we haven't seen anything new or different from the passing game.

What's more is that the passing game hasn't even looked sharp.

I think that Zorn is really mismanaging the preseason games thus far.

And he bears the brunt for the lack of TDs. Am i alone in thinking that the focus for a team that struggled to score last season would be getting the 1st team offense in sync and scoring TDs?

Zorn has admitted that he hasn't been game planning much for the first 2 preseason games.

"I guess a week ago, I felt like we were just running plays. It was like a practice, we didn't gameplan much; [this week] we gameplanned a little bit more. Our guys were much more intent on improving, because they could see what was going on on video. And they did, they showed much more enthusiasm for playing. They kind of understood some of the moments of the game, the fourth downs, the third downs"


But this lack of game planning and limited 1st/2nd team reps has allowed his QBs to amass these underwhelming numbers:

Jason Campbell 13 att-4comp-48yds Rtg.-43.1

Todd Collins 20att-13comp-109 yds Rtg-58.1

More importantly the passing game looks out of sync.

It seem that other teams and coaches are doing more game planning and keeping their starter in longer in an effort to get to regualr season form.


Brady and Manning have requested more playing time.

Peyton to Colts: Let starters play more in the preseason


So what if it's preseason? Brady wants to play

Imo an example of missed opportunities came in the Steelers game.

Zorn had a chance to work on the 1st team RZ passing game and didn't call 1 pass.

We're in the RZ and he calls 3 straight runs.

Imo the running game is fairly simple, schematically you don't gain or learn a whole bunch working on RZ/goalline runs as opposed to RZ/goalline passes.

Then he called a time-out on 4th and goal then kicked a FG.

Really? A TO in a preseason game to kick a FG?:doh:

In the 2 following drives Zorn did nothing with the passing game.

A deep ball to Moss, a RB screen and a square in to Davis from the slot and a bunch of runs.

I do like that Zorn and Campbell at least used the Steelers games to develop some aspects of the passing game that were missing last year, like the deep pass.

The I-Form play-action pass is becoming our my favorite play if not our signature play and i'm glad to see Kelly running the deep post route.

“We wanted to take a different approach and we wanted to get some things on tape to see how we can improve and see what we can work on and how it can help us on offense,” Campbell said. “I understand the chances of having a high percentage are low if you’re taking shots, but that’s what we have to do. I can’t worry about my stats because we’re doing things to help us out during the year.”


I thought the Zorn's playcalling was better with the 3rd team and it was nice to see some RZ passing especially the fade route. But on the whole i'm dissappointed with the playcalling and game managemnt from Zorn and the offensive staff.

Zorn said: “He has challenges ahead of him for completing the pass when it’s there and things like that but that’s part of what we’re doing in our preseason, trying to get him honed up so he’s perfect.”


If Zorn intends on getting Campbell 'honed up' its gonna take more then 13 passes over 2 games.

I'm i taking these pre-season games too seriously?

What do you guys think?


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First play against the Steelers could've easily been a TD. The excusion wasn't there but the play call was great imo.

This is preseason, you don't want to show your hand, you only wanna see a few things and evaluate players. Give it some time

Edit: Our starters will play longer against NE so maybe we can evaluate them better. The best thing for us has been playing Bal, Pittsburgh and NE.

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...we haven't seen anything new or different from the passing game.

I do like that Zorn and Campbell at least used the Steelers games to develop some aspects of the passing game that were missing last year, like the deep pass.

Contradiction, anyone?

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not going for it on 4th and goal from the 2 was a horrible gutless call. it proves he has no confidence in our team in tight situations, and wanted points just so he could say that the first team scored points instead of them getting shut out again. any coach with a pair goes for it, especially that early in the game AFTER A FAKE PUNT!! a TD would have been a huge boost for the teams confidence. why we werent throwing down there is a mystery.......well, its not a mystery but.........

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All preseason games (esp the first 2) will always be vanilla. Teams around the leauge always admit to little or no game planning and really use that time to see what the younger players do. The thrid game will have more game planning (so look for more analysis from that game) and the fourth is to see which young players to keep and which to release.

You guys are looking too far into preseason....remember Detroit went undefeated last year in preseason...

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Question: Why the bloody hell would anyone want to show the Giants ANYTHING, formation or otherwise, that we might plan on trying inside their Red Zone?

I mean really. Use your whole brain when answering.

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In the second year of a Zorn's offense with a supposedly more expansive playbook we haven't seen anything new or different from the passing game.

No, we haven't. Its preseason. They will not open the playbook in preseason. Come on, dude.

What's more is that the passing game hasn't even looked sharp.

I think that Zorn is really mismanaging the preseason games thus far.

And he bears the brunt for the lack of TDs. Am i alone in thinking that the focus for a team that struggled to score last season would be getting the 1st team offense in sync and scoring TDs?

What do you want Zorn to do? When will the fans hold the players accountable? This is ridiculous.

I'm i taking these pre-season games too seriously?

What do you guys think?

I think you are taking preseason way too seriously. You are not alone. The media is much too blame also. Its the same every preseason.:doh:

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not going for it on 4th and goal from the 2 was a horrible gutless call. it proves he has no confidence in our team in tight situations, and wanted points just so he could say that the first team scored points instead of them getting shut out again. any coach with a pair goes for it, especially that early in the game AFTER A FAKE PUNT!! a TD would have been a huge boost for the teams confidence. why we werent throwing down there is a mystery.......well, its not a mystery but.........

What's wrong with putting points on the board?

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What's wrong with putting points on the board?

There's nothing wrong with putting points on the board but when you have an opportunity to go on 4th and 1 at the 2 against one of the best defenses in the league, in a game that doesn't count, you have to do it. The experience is invaluable.

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All preseason games (esp the first 2) will always be vanilla. Teams around the leauge always admit to little or no game planning and really use that time to see what the younger players do. The thrid game will have more game planning (so look for more analysis from that game) and the fourth is to see which young players to keep and which to release.

You guys are looking too far into preseason....remember Detroit went undefeated last year in preseason...

No, not all teams are vanilla in the preseason.

If you look across the league alot of teams are wide open in the preseason.

You don't have to look any further then the Ravens.

I live in Baltimore and the talk around here is that Cam Cameron is working on opening up the passing game with Flacco.

And do you know what they did in the 1st preseason game?

They actually worked on passing.

Cameron spread it out put Flacco in shotgun and threw 15 passes, that's 2 more then JC has in 2 games!

And its not just playcalling that i've been dissappointed in, its been playing time allocation.

JC hasn't thrown many passes this preseason.

*I would tell you the exact number, but JC is a non-qualifier in attempts on the NFL.com page

Far fewer then most QBs in the league, QBs that have been in there offense for years are requesting and playing more in preseason.


I don't understand how an offense that struggled to score points isn't throwing the ball in the RZ.

I don't understand how a 2nd year offense trying to break in new plays and new receivers has played their 1st team offense less then anyone else in our own division.

Right now i'm not happy with the way Zorn is managing the preseason.

I know its 'only' preseason and i'm not saying that we need to win.

But when i look at other offenses around the league playing their 1st offense a whole half and passing the ball more times in one game then we have the whole preseason it gives me pause.

How can the passing game/RZ look sharp if they:

1) Zorn doesn't doesn't call many passes

2) The 1st team offenses aren't out there for very long?


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Teams don't usually game plan in the preseason and coaches have different objectives. From a fan's perspective, I do very little second-guessing of the playcalling during the season and none in the preseason.

It appears to me that alot of teams are gameplanning or our team can't execute.

Either way it would seem wise to give the starters more playing time.

I'm pretty sure JC has thrown fewer passes then any starting QB in the NFL.

I hear you on the second-guessing playing calling, i try not to do it myself.

But 3 straight runs in the RZ?

Then calling a time out on 4th down to kick a FG?

I'm sorry but to me that's poor game management/playcalling.

Wouldn't it be nice to see Kelly/Thomas run a fade route?

Or a goalline playaction pass?

I don't think we're prepared going into our 3rd preseason game.

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It appears to me that alot of teams are gameplanning or our team can't execute.

Either way it would seem wise to give the starters more playing time.

I'm pretty sure JC has thrown fewer passes then any starting QB in the NFL.

I hear you on the second-guessing playing calling, i try not to do it myself.

But 3 straight runs in the RZ?

Then calling a time out on 4th down to kick a FG?

I'm sorry but to me that's poor game management/playcalling.

Wouldn't it be nice to see Kelly/Thomas run a fade route?

Or a goalline playaction pass?

I don't think we're prepared going into our 3rd preseason game.

DAMN, for once i agree with you ..good job!:laugh:

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The two deep passes struck me in a way a departure becuase for whatever reason they rarely threw deep last year.

From what I have read including players comments, Zorn has run a relatively soft camp. Peter King who checked out the Skins camp around the same time as the Eagles and Ravens said that the Skins camp was the distinctly lighter one.

That philosophy seems to extend to the preseason, thus far Zorn hasn't played the starters as much as some other teams. The argument for this is the players should be fresher over the course of the season and they should come in with less injuries than the typical team. And Zorn isn't the only one who subscribes to this, some other teams do it too.

The downside is supposedly you might not develop as good a rhythm as you would by going full out.

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First play against the Steelers could've easily been a TD. The excusion wasn't there but the play call was great imo.

Well, because the execution is not there (yet so to speak)

But isn't part of playcalling and gameplanning running plays that you've executed?

I read this quote and imo its very telling about Zorn's lack of gameplanning/poor preseason play calling:

"It was close,” said Kelly. “The crazy thing, though, is that me and Jason never practiced that route all week long. The first time we ran it was in the game. We'll get it done,

though—we'll complete it next time."



The 1st play of the game wasn't even practiced with the in game personell.

No wonder the execution/chemistry between JC & Kelly wasn't there.:doh:

C'mon Zorn you gotta do better.

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Maybe I am mistaken. Maybe I am looking at this all wrong. Maybe the preseason is unnecessary. The starting quarterback may not need repetitions to get ready for the regular season. Maybe Zorn is doing the same thing other teams do with their starting quarterbacks in the preseason.

Not quite.

Josh McDaniel (Denver) has given Kyle Orton 42 attempts. John Harbaugh (Baltimore) has called 33 passes for Joe Flacco. Wade Phillips with Tony Romo sits to pee; 30 attempts. And three-time super bowl winner Bill Belichick has given Tom Brady 23 attempts already this preseason.

My thoughts exactly.

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Honestly, my #1 disappointment in the preseason is Zorn. Two things are very clear going into 2009. Jason Campbell needs to show marked improvement and take the team to the playoffs to receive the contract extension he wants and Jim Zorn needs to lead this team to the playoffs in order to keep his job. On the 1st day of camp on ESPN 980 Snyder said he expects us to win the division this year. That's pressure and a half for that ass.

With both of those at play, how can we be going into the 3rd preseason game with the starting offense having played 5 series?!?!? Unless the coaches feel that the best defense we're going to face is our own and they are comfortable with what they've seen, the decision to be this restrictive is reckless and irresponsible.

We don't have to show the whole playbook, but I think we've got dive and stretch plays pretty much down pat. How about going 80% pass in the preseason to give reps and rhythm to the passing game? As optimistic as I am about this team this season, if we don't prevail then I'm looking at how Zorn handled the pre-season as a reason.

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You don't have to look any further then the Ravens.

I live in Baltimore and the talk around here is that Cam Cameron is working on opening up the passing game with Flacco.

And do you know what they did in the 1st preseason game?

They actually worked on passing.

Cameron spread it out put Flacco in shotgun and threw 15 passes, that's 2 more then JC has in 2 games!

And then Flacco goes up against the Steelers, and can't do ****.

How can the passing game/RZ look sharp if they:

1) Zorn doesn't doesn't call many passes

2) The 1st team offenses aren't out there for very long?


you have to remember that these guys have had mini camp, OTA's, and training camp. Zorn and the other coaches have many players that they have to evaluate. Why risk a 1st stringer to injury, in a meaningless preseason game?

Sept. 13th is all that I care about. Show me then. Right now, I couldn't care less. Most of the fans listen to the media. See, thats the problem. Its the same crap every preseason. Its ridiculous.

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