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Where should I order custom t-shirts?


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I'm looking to custom make text-only t-shirts. Any advice from where I should order? I'm looking for decent quality, easy to create it, and not too expensive. It'll be only 3 shirts, so I can't use anywhere requiring you to order a large number of shirts.

I looked at Cafe Press, but they require you to upload a .jpg file. Since it's text only, I'd rather use a site like Zazzle that'll let me create the text there and play with font color, font size, etc. If Zazzle weren't so expensive, I'd get it from there. I'm hoping to find a less expensive place to go.

Any leads are appreciated!

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DesignAShirt has a minimum order of 6, but I'll keep them in mind in the future when I'm placing a bigger order.

I have PhotoShop, but I don't know how to use it well. If there are no other options for my 3-shirt order, I'd rather pay a bit more on Zazzle than mess w/ pulling this together in PhotoShop.

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For 3 shirts ? Spend the money and get you some good shirts that will last.

Other option...send a PM to Jumbo, Art, or Blade, or one of the older Mods that was here at the time there were actually "extremeskins" T-shirts and hats, fleeces, etc.

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