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Sam Bradford- since were going to try and trade for him


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theres that word again, heavy. why are things so heavy in the future? is there a problem with the earth's gravitational pull?

haha nice. Can I vote either Campbell throws for 3,500 yards and 20+ TD's or he gets hurt in the first game, Colt comes and and has the same numbers? Please? We've suffered long enough, we deserve it!

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1. If we draft Bradford, how does that guarantee that we won't be back to square 1?

Just when Campbell gets a chance to use a system for more than 1 season, and now we start all over again?

Campbell was playing not to lose last year, he was doing what the coaches told him to do. Just don't make a mistake, thats what he was told to do. Zorn better let the training wheels off if he wants to continue coaching in D.C.

This seems to be a make or break year for Campbell playing for the Redskins.

With that being said, he will do well this season. I belive he can throw about 8-10more tds and his qb rating will be in the 90s. Whats sad is, he could have a good season and the Skins could miss the playoffs, and chances are he would still be out as qb for the Skins.

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This year will be pretty interesting. Seems like a three-way battle for first overall between Bradford, McCoy, and Tebow. Of course if Bradford loses out, he has another year of eligibility anyways. If Campbell doesn't deliver and/or he is gone by 2010, either of his own accord or cause we did not want him back, I would be more than comfortable drafting any of these three.

Also, Tebow is the sexy pick. His name alone will sell soo many jerseys for whichever team drafts him. His image is going to be one of the most marketed early on. Snyder must be salivating at this prospect right now.

I would love to see Tebow throw more, he's a great runner but as a passer, I'm not sold on him yet...

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We will trade up. We will give up big draft picks. But you cant go anywhere without a franchise QB. If Campbell doesnt crack 20TDs this year and take us to the paloffs, hes done and were trading up big time.

What if Campbell throws only 10 touchdowns this year and we win the Superbowl?

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What if Campbell throws only 10 touchdowns this year and we win the Superbowl?

What if Portis scores 60 TD's and JC throws for 4 and we go undefeated?

Be realistic. Has a super bowl winning QB (who started the majority of the season ) ever thrown for less than 10 TD's?

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