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Your Brain Sucks.


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TED.com is a website that (among other cool things) posts short talks featuring some of our most brilliant minds rising to a challenge: "Share your ideas. Make it interesting. Make it short."

Every week they post a new video. This week's talk is by Dan Ariely, who makes a very compelling case that you aren't in as much control of your own brain's decisions as you might think. If you're interesting in how the brain works -- and how it fails -- take a quick break and watch this.

Dan Ariely: Are We In Control Of Our Own Decisions?

A couple of other talks, 5 minutes long or less:

David Hoffman: On Losing Everything

Hoffman is a documentary filmmaker who lost everything from his 30 year career in a huge fire, a week before he was scheduled to give a TED talk about his films.

Dean Kamen And A New Prosthetic Arm For War Vets

Not just the Segway inventor, Kamen has over 150 patents and a special knack for revolutionary medical devices including blood work machinery and wheelchairs.

This website is as close as I have come to recapturing the fun, fascinating spirit of being at MIT and dropping in on interesting, succinct talks like this all the time. And the site is packed with them. Highly recommended.

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I've heard Areily before and really appreciate him. His outlook often reminds me of various constructs and themes from both the philosophical roots of Gestalt and the related psychological applications regarding human cognition made well-known by Fritz and Laura Perls. Logically, of course, the vast majority of tailgate activity has significant congruency with the cognitive dynamics Areily is applying to economics. :D

Excellent post, mjah, and good karma turing the 'gate onto TED. :)

You're probably one of those who read the organ donor box carefully at the DMV and made a fully concious choice in the benign direction. :silly:

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