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Hate for Penguins spilling over


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Sorry if this doesn't deserve it's own thread but a glance at the front page and a failed search didn't show this being discussed.

I mother****ing hate those piece of **** penguins so damn much now. Grew up a huge Capitals fan, in addition to the Redskins of course, and remember all those tough losses to those scumbag douches from ****sburgh but the hate, despise, lack of respect, disgust, etc... The hate I had for the penguins never spilled over much towards the steelers before. But after tonight when I had thought previously that the new Caps would exorcise the demons of old and then feeling deflated after the game, I will now hate the piece of **** steelers from ****sburgh that much more now. I know it will only be preseason but I hope the 'Skins beat the living daylights out of them. Anyone else feeling like the hate steelers as much as the cowboys and eagles too now?:dallasuck:eaglesuck:steelersu:steelersu:steelersu:steelersu:dallasuck:dallasuck:dallasuck:dallasuck:point2sky:point2sky:point2sky:point2sky:point2sky

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Tell us how you really feel :rolleyes: :pokeye: :munchout:

I guess the speeding ticket on the way home from work where I had to watch the game, didn't help much, but damn I hate the penguins so much I say screw all $hitsburgh teams.

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Perhaps you should be mad at the Caps for playing like garbage

You have a point....but I still hate Pittsburgh. More correctly I hate Pittsburgh fans who, as far as I can tell, never stay in freakn' Pittsburgh! They all come to Maryland and clutter it up with their black and gold crap. If it's such a great city they should stay the hell there.

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dont be a hater dude....seriously it doesnt do any good. The caps got their doors blown off. Yes it sucked, but hopefully they will use it as motivation next year to come back a better team. dont drink haterade or eat hatertots, just give the winner the respect they deserve. too often are we hating the folks that rightfully earn their success.

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