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Poll: How good of a driver are you?


What do you think of the new site?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the new site?

    • Amazing
    • Cool
    • Could be better
    • A letdown

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I'm seriously considering becoming a professional driver.

There is no equal.

I trust that you're joking, BUT just in case you're not... http://scca.com/joinnow.aspx

My one major failing is that I drive at one speed, which is about 55 mph, regardless of where I am. On the highway, it drives my wife insane because she wants me to drive faster. In residential areas, it scares the **** out of her and she thinks I'm going to plow through a group of schoolchildren or nuns or something.

Wow, that's funny as hell, Phoward!

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I slow into a turn and accelerate out of them, instead of going in quick and having to break out of them.

I change break pads thousands of miles after most people, because even with an auto, I don't use them as much as most.

I take the off-ramp on my way to work at 55-60. Most people rock it at 30. :D My car doesn't have a ton of power, but it sticks to the road.

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It's all in how you hit the corner, the lean of the car and when you throttle up.

That's the thing, my car is sprung so stiff it barely leans at all. My wife's car OTOH scares me it leans so much, I'm guessing that's why most people only take this one at 30ish. I just drop it into fourth and feather the gas. Good times.

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I voted "Excellent" because I know damn well I am not the best.

I have been driving since 1976 and have only had 2 accidents that were my fault (1976 and 1983).

I have only had 3 speeding tickets all before 1994.

I am a professional driver now (Class A CDL) driving an 18-wheeler with over 800,000 miles of accident and ticket free driving.

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