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Jason Whitlock: Bio hazard: A-Rod author has credibility issues


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Jason Whitlock takes no prisoners and pulls no punches.


The Times and SI can kiss my ass. Jayson Blair worked at The Times. Mike Price won a lawsuit against SI for the lies the magazine published about him. And years ago, an SI writer wrote a profile about me for the Columbia Journalism Review and, among other journalistic crimes, lifted a quote from an old column and passed it off as something I said to him.

This is big media criticism, hardcore. Read the whole thing.

We do a lot of media crit here. This guy is better.

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As a white male, and also a young adult I respect Whitlock's opinions in most columns he writes about. Sure, he may bring out the race card in every article, but it's what keeps people reading.

I think this column hit the nail right on the head. Against my better judgement I purchased this book yesterday, and I'm 100 pages into thus far. So far, I'm not impressed

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I just started reading the book. i bought it because she came off really well the other night when she was being grilled by Costas on MLB Network.

Sweet last couple months for the Yanks. Their 300M 3b is a roider, the billion dollar stadium is a joke and Joba C has a mom dealing meth.

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I just started reading the book. i bought it because she came off really well the other night when she was being grilled by Costas on MLB Network.

Sweet last couple months for the Yanks. Their 300M 3b is a roider, the billion dollar stadium is a joke and Joba C has a mom dealing meth.

How is the stadium a joke, and yeah things haven't been going well, Jorge on DL :doh: too...

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Yeah Whitlock was on Dan Patrick and Jim Rome Monday talking about how the book was tabloid trash and how many anonymous sources there were. The author has major credibility issues, especially when it came to the Duke LAX case where she didn't apologize at all for accusations that were lobbed during that whole ordeal.

The book contains multiple anonymous sources and is not credible. Heck, I could write a book about Tony Romo sits to pee filled with lies and slander and put the book out as non-fiction. Selena Roberts is a disgrace to journalism.

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I just finished the book and I must say that it's pretty convincing. The book really is more about A-Rod's personality than anything else. Roberts ties a central thesis of Rodriguez' father leaving the family when he was 10. I don't know if i buy that, but it makes sense.

While it leans on a few unnamed sources, most of them are for little details to emphasize opinions of named sources. Guys in the clubhouse don't want to go on the record and say that A-Rod has a clubhouse attendant put toothpaste on his brush for him.

Some central themes in his life that get tons of illustrations from named and unnamed sources: Need for attention, insecurity, willingness to please (and willing to be dishonest/exaggerate to please), desire to be the best, jealousy of those who are better (borderline obsession with Jeter), and it goes on from there. Rodriguez seems to be in a permanent identity crises and often tries to balance the person he thinks he's supposed to be.

Some of the allegations:

A-Rod used steroids in high school/Seattle: Probable and very likely, but Roberts fails to make a strong link between facts an the opinions of those who saw his body dramatically change.

A-Rod used steroids/PED in Texas: Fact. He admitted to using 'boli' but Roberts really hammers his story. Roberts forms strong connections with steroid users and trainers who specialize in roiding up players and A-Rod. Very convincing.

A-Rod used steroids/PED in New York: Extremely likely. Roberts can catalog when he most likely was on and off roids between 04-present day. Certain shady figures creep back into his life and his numbers go up. When players are weary of increased testing, the numbers go down for A-Rod. When the Union privately pledges to protect the stars, they go up. When Rodriguez in in the WBC (with OLYMPIC style testing)--he fades.

Other things:

Agent Scott Boras comes off as a raving lunatic. (He is!)

A-Rod owns a company that runs slums in Florida. kinda ****ty.

A-Rod's charity and charity endeavors have often fallen way short from advertised.

The evaluation of Rodriquez's character, behavior, psychology, etc seems really spot on and detailed and Roberts tends to give tons of information without taking too many potshots (the notes about him being a lousy tipper, or smacking a Hooter's waitress' ass is a little lame, though).

Good read. It definitely has moments where Roberts is reading the tea leaves, and I'd take it with a grain of salt.

(I like the Jeff Pearlman about Clemens better. Pick that one up first)

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