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My boy over at another dealership just sold Big Daddy a new truck, and Big Daddy was pretty sure that the Redskins will end up with Terry Glenn. Take that as you wish, but you heard it first from Smoot21. I would post this on CPND, but for some reason I cannot post or read post over there. Another source of mine and this one reliable folks seems to think that Davis will be traded and he will be traded to the Texans. For there number one pick. Take that as you wish, but you already heard that from me, from another source of mine. Smoot21 is right 76% of the time, but he is wrong 24% of the time.<br /> <br /> <small>[ February 28, 2002, 01:24 PM: Message edited by: Smoot21 ]</small>

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Either way, it's comforting to know brother Smoot21 is giving 102%. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />[quick edit, Smoot ... nice]<br /> <br /> <small>[ February 28, 2002, 01:26 PM: Message edited by: Om ]</small>

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Okay, I could probably deal with trading Davis for the number 1 over all and then, maybe trading down and picking up bunches of picks. Face it boys, we're hurting in terms of players signed, and remaining salary cap. I don't know if we could efford the number 1 overall. Secondly, on Glenn, only if it's a low contract with no signing bonus. Let it have some good payouts for incentives but don't give him anything until he can prove himself. Shouldn't be much of a problem as his reputation is probably worthless after his antics up in NE.

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of course if your sources are correct, then that begs the question of who the Skins will take at #1, presumably David Carr, the player Snyder has been bragging about for months?<br /><br />Glenn is a talented player and if he had any emotional intelligence at all, he could be a 90 catch, 1,300 yard receiver each year.<br /><br />But there is just something in his makeup that prevents him from becoming the player he could be.<br /><br />The second question your post raises is if the Skins are really going to trade Davis, then who becomes the regular tailback on this team?<br /><br />We don't have anyone signed for next season as Carter is a free agent.<br /><br />After only 63 carries last year, I am not ready to re-sign Carter to a large contract hoping he is able to play 16 games at age 28 for the first time.<br /><br />And if we do go after Glenn that will reduce the available coffers to sign a name free agent back.<br /><br />Maybe, though, Mendes and Cerrato have identified a guy they like for round 2 in the draft, a player that can come in and contribute right away.<br /><br />In any case, I don't want to see the Skins go after retread disappointments like James Stewart.<br /><br />One possibility could be James Allen from the Bears. He ran for 1,200 yards in 2000 and was benched because Jauron wanted a bigger back.<br /><br />Perhaps Spurrier is not so prejudiced about having a true tailback in his offense?<br /><br />Allen is also a good receiver, something the Skins haven't had at the starting tailback spot in quite awhile. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />Plus he is only 25.

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The only problem with all this trade Davis speculation (and given Smoot's record of having Davis going to other NFL teams like Detroit), people forget one very important aspect of any deal.<br /><br />Davis is set to count $6.037m against the cap this year.................if we trade him we eat $5.509m in unallocated signing bonus and $1.5m in additional bonuses after March 1.<br /><br />Are you prepared to destroy this team cap wise with this move?

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Hearst is a free agent.<br /><br />So why wouldn't the Texans, the Lions or any other team Smooty wants to annoint as the new team apparrant for Davis, just sign Hearst and keep their picks?<br /><br />I suppose the answers too simple.<br /> <br /> <small>[ February 28, 2002, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: PCinOz ]</small>

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yep, UFA. Want to roll the dice on a player that has missed 3 of his 8 seasons in the NFL?<br /><br />Feel that lucky?<br /><br />I would rather go with Allen who is only 25 from the Bears.<br /><br />Pittman from Arizona would also be interesting if he didn't have all that off the field baggage from those domestic assault charges.

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The notion of trading the #1 pick in the draft for Davis is laughable, too.<br /><br />I think Davis is a stud, but I wouldn't give up the top pick in the draft for him.<br /><br />And, as PC pointed out, if Davis is traded, another $1M in cap space is sucked up, too. Gotta be careful there.

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Let's see... from the Texans point of view.<br /><br />Trade the #1 pick for Davis. Make a BIG push to pick up Trent Dilfer.<br /><br />You have a solid offensive line, and the RB and QB spot are squared away. They have Jermaine Lewis, who they think they can get something out of at WR, and they may very well pick up a receiver or two in the draft and free agency.<br /><br />Seems like a decent offense to me.

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Houston would be NUTS to trade the first overall pick for Davis. Bottom line, running backs don't last long. Davis is young but not that young. He already has three punishing seasons as the workhorse with 300+ carries. <br /><br />The Glenn thing I would buy. Terry has had a lot of time for reflection and he is in some financial trouble. He knows he has to straighten things out.<br /><br />The question is can the Pats release him without taking a huge cap hit. I think the answer is no.

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Smooty, I'm also on the Perc and narcoticss are a wonderful thing indeed <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> . As for the rumors above, I'd be heartened to see Terry Glenn as a possible guy. I've been hoping for him or Germaine Crowell for weeks now. And, are you sure Davis will want to go to Houston. I thought he was a lock for Detroit because he went to Auburn which is in Michigan <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> . But, that may have been part of your 24 percent incorrect <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> .

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Art, glad to see your back, hope your surgery went well. I have had three surgerys on my left knee since november and it sucks. My duty as a Redskin fan is to report all rumors that I hear. However outlandish they might be. I think this one is more on the level, compared to a Bailey and Davis for Taylor and Brunell rumor I got wind of yesterday. I will keep reporting them as I have. I give you guys some exclusives over here, and you know it. That what I got, like I said take it as you wish. It makes sense.

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I do think you could make a case for Stephen Davis being worth the #1 pick in the draft. He's instant rushing credibility. Ask the Dolphins or Browns how important they think that might be.<br /><br /> We'd be left to manage with Ki-Jana and Kenny Watson, but that might work out (it could also result in a consistent 3.1 yards per...)<br /><br /> But getting a young stud QB is certainly a great dream of mine. And having the #18 pick to throw at defense or at DeShaun Foster wouldn't be bad. <br /><br /> Terry Glenn...at what price? That's the key, isn't it? He plays his way back to the big dollars and respectability in exchange for a season near the vet minimum. Hmmmm...<br /> <br /> <small>[ February 28, 2002, 06:42 PM: Message edited by: TennesseeCarl ]</small>

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Smooty, you know I've always supported you posting such things. I'm just giving you a little ribbing <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> . Keep it up. I'd be intrigued to see whether either thing comes true. Both would be something I'd support. Of course, the Davis rumor puts your percentages in a bit of a bind since you have the equipment manager who says his jersey is being mass produced and Snyder won't trade him because he needs an increase in revenue from his merchandise. Of course, I don't have to tell you the Redskins are the most lucrative team in football so, really, even lower merchandise sales aren't hurting to badly yet, so, I'd guess Snyder will wait to play that card for when he has to.<br /><br />I hope the Terry Glenn issue is true. I'd like that idea, but I like lost puppies and rogue NFL players who are whiners until they whine here then I hate them <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> .

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Thanks Smoot21, just jumped on the bandwagon to say thanks for what would be the biggest Skins news since the Bruce Smith acquisition two years ago.<br /><br />Should a Stephen Davis leave, the void is not so easy to fill, as it may seem, but being a fan, what do I know. <br /><br />I wouldn't dare question Big Daddy, but then you are the only source of that info, so we'd just have to take or leave it as you suggested. I trust what you're saying. I couldn't handle the uh, uh hum, "weight" of fibbing on Big Daddy.<br /><br />I also believe that a Davis move would be made by the Skins for yes, a #1. It makes perfectly good sense, since Davis is NOT even 30 years old yet, but Terry Allen and Emmitt Smith keep getting showcased. Apparently that would mean that although vital, Davis' role wouldn't be the fit they're looking for. I would also venture to say that a look, not like what to we are accustomed to, since the WCO use by Walsh, Montana, Craig, Taylor, Clark, Rathman and Rice or Gibbs, Riggins, Theismann, Smurfs/Funbunch and Hogs.<br /><br />The flexibility to go from any set exists when the touches are put on and what he's doing is anybody's wonder. The reality is the league IS watching every little move, so to leak so vital a piece of info is somewhat strange at this juncture.

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