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WP - Boswell on the Skins.


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OK, I agree with that.

And they can credibly argue that while they expressed interest in Cutler and Sanchez, the prices paid (not much actually in either case, if you really believe the guy is an Elway-type) and the fact they rejected them show that they think they can still win with Jason if he just busts through this ceiling of his.

But yes, I don't think Campbell is like "no, make this about me and their poor talent evaluation---Orakpo sucks being my implication! F Orakpo, it's about me and how I'm a victim here." No. lol

LoL exactly :yes:...Boswell just seems to still be hanging onto something that really doesn't need to be hung onto anymore.

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Read the first couple lines than closed it out, enough is enough all ready, So tired of the whining, the news writers here are such babys that think everybody should be coddled knowing full well the NFL is a business and these guys are adults (Campbell) but they treat them with kid gloves " Oh my god this poor child is tramautised now" Laughable, and he's getting paid millions to boot, no sympathy here~ one word: PRODUCE

It's not a good article at all...and like I said, I'm a Campbell supporter lol. But come on...the only thing that really happened is that Campbell had the blinders taken off, and now he sees the Redskins as a "business" instead of a family. Well, he probably sees his team mates as family still, but if he had any misconceptions about the business end of the NFL, he shouldn't now. And that's not a bad thing.

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Boswell typically tries to gauge the emotional pulse of the team or player(s) but in this case I think it is much to do about nothing. Provided JC produces, the FO would not be so dense as to not offer a contract extension and JC's feelings would not be so hurt to accept being paid elite QB money and continue to work with an excellent QB coach like Zorn. If he doesn't produce, the FO will move on and that's the end of all the discussion over hurt feelings.

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Boswell typically tries to gauge the emotional pulse of the team or player(s) but in this case I think it is much to do about nothing. Provided JC produces, the FO would not be so dense as to not offer a contract extension and JC's feelings would not be so hurt to accept being paid elite QB money and continue to work with an excellent QB coach like Zorn. If he doesn't produce, the FO will move on and that's the end of all the discussion over hurt feelings.

Well said :applause:

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it's a stupid article...JC hasn't done enough or isn't consistent enough to warrant a contract extension or the job security...this is the nfl, millions of dollars are given to these players to perform and he hasn't performed, which is why the team was looking to get better at that position...he's talking about the skins should just groom their young QB, dude is entering his 5Th season and he's 27 or 28 and the team and fans still don't know if he can be a franchise QB

I'm just so tired of these stupid articles/reports claiming that JC should have his job guaranteed and such just because he's a class act...tired of all the people using the 1st half of the season stats to back support for JC, 8 games isn't a complete season and you don't get anywhere just by performing for half the season and tanking the other half...QB is a weak spot and in order for the team to be able to contend on a yearly basis in this league, you have to have good QB play

Well, lets look at the progress of Cambell over the last few years. First, Cambell had to learn a 700 page Al Saunders play book and sit behind Brunell during the Gibbs 2.0 tenure. Gibbs retires, Saunders is let go. Enter, Zorn and the WC offense. Once again JC has to learn another style of Offense, minus Moss and Cooley at receiver, the rest of the receiver corps is questionable, Ala dropped passes and rookie injuries. Secondly, the Offensive line just fell apart in the second half of the season. How many times did we see CP get tackled behind the line of scrimmage and/or barely pick up 2 yards? Plus injuries to Portis did not help JC manage the game. When the '08 season started the running game was supposed to set up the passing game, this train of thought worked for a time. Plus, you would have to call out Zorn for his play calling during the second half of the season, or was it to late to make adjustments to an ageing line and a oft injured Portis ? Hail

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