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Will We Miss Marcus Washington?


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I'm new to extremeskins, and im sure this has been discussed, but I was wondering how every1 felt about this. washington seemed like a guy that really enjoyed being a skin. I kno he had some injury trouble but was releasing him the right move? Not having him is the reason I'm rooting for a Curry/Mauluga type of pick in the draft

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u really dont think he was ne good? i thought he was a good lb wen he wasnt in street clothes

Past two years? No. He wasnt quick enough to get to the QB. He got eaten up by blocking TE's and he was slow in coverage. He plays with a lot of heart and hes a terrific teammate. I just think that he really lost his speed and quickness because of the injuries...

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That makes two of us. He can still play when he is healthy.
Which is just about never.

And even when he was healthy, he's still slowed down from prior injuries building up.

He just hasn't been an impact player for us since random flashes in 2006, not consistently game in and game out since 2005.

At a much cheaper vet min. contract, sure, he'd be great to have back, but otherwise we can move on fine without him. Nothing against his locker room presence, but that only amounts to so much when he's not getting it done at all on the field.

There's an amusing (in a sad way) sig somebody has around here of a videoclip of Marcus trying to bring down Steven Jackson of the Rams, and Jackson drags him on the ground behind him for probably 5 or 6 yards before Landry comes in to tackle Jackson.

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