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Zorn; Fischer, and how the two manage players


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Let me just preface this by saying that I'm guardedly optimistic about signing Haynesworth, but there's some big issues that could arise from his signing, most notably how Zorn and Fischer differ as HCs and how they deal with their players.

I think Haynesworth was a product of Fischer's coaching and style. Fischer is pretty much a take-no-**** coach but also very talented at what he does. He discplines players but never loses the respect of his players.

Zorn, on the other hand, is still pretty green and trying to win over his players. This won't be good if Haynesworth starts acting like the Haynesworth from 2 years ago because Zorn is ill-equipped to deal with a player like that without losing other players in the process, or the team at-large. Look at what Portis did last year to make things difficult. It may happen again.

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I hope for our sake. I have a lot of respect for Blache, and I know his attitude is conducive to a winning team. I'm more worried about Zorn and what happened with the whole portis-meltdown at the end of the year.

yeh, but the meltdown seemed to affect the offense more, not the defense. I think as long as Blache sticks around, we should be fine on defense. Even if Jerry Gray has to take over eventually, that will be fine.

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On NFL Network, Lombardi was talking about how Blache would be a great coach to keep Haynesworth focused and motivated.

Remember that while Zorn is the HC, his focus is still on offense. Blache is the guy who has more or less autonomy on D.


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On NFL Network, Lombardi was talking about how Blache would be a great coach to keep Haynesworth focused and motivated.

Remember that while Zorn is the HC, his focus is still on offense. Blache is the guy who has more or less autonomy on D.

You pretty much took the words out of my mouth and couldn't have said it any better... Haynesworth will be a product of what Blache produces him into.

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Blache strikes me to have the magic touch with players, and I've read the players love him. In interviews, IMO Blache is engaging and seems to have a lot of personality.

Jim Zorn on the other hand, IMO at least from what I observed, isn't much of a communicator. If it was up to Zorn I think we'd be in trouble but Blache should be mostly managing this guy.

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