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Is it too early to start talking Dem sacri..err candidate?


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Anyone have any thoughts on whose going to get the nod?

I watched the townhall meeting in Iowa and I have to say I was pretty impressed with Deans plans on energy. I didnt like his Bush attack, but that was to be expected. Sharpton is making some headway as well. Graham seems to be heading off the deep end of looneyville.

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It's gonna be Kerry or Edwards. I'm pretty sure Kerry is the best candidate for the D's. Unfortunately, he has some skeletons. Edwards is an empty suit.

If I was physically forced to vote for one of the D's, I'd vote for Lieberman--he has the most integrity. On the downside, his voice sounds like he is constantly squeezing out a crap...

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Personally, if I had to vote today, I'd go with Kerry. That really means he has NO CHANCE because not a single person I've voted for in a primary election has gone on to win the nomination.

Dean is pretty far left, and I'm not sold on his ability to frame a debate. HIs views aren't typically too far off of my own, but I just can't see him framing the debate well enough to capture the imagination of the American voters.

Kerry's populist civic responsibility theme seems like a theme that might make some headway against the libertarian theme being halfheartedly pursued by the Bush administration.

Lieberman probably has a chance if he's trying to capture some middle ground.

Gephart would probably be my second choice. The problem I have with his campaign is that while I think healthcare is a legit issue, he too doesn't frame the debate correctly. If the Dems are going to win it's going to be on a platform of civic responcibility to ones' fellow citizens of the US vs. the politics of greed and "I want what's best for me, the rest of the world be damned."

Anyway, that's my take.

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I'd be very tempted to vote for Liebermann in a general election. I'm mildly interested in what Kerry has to say, but don't know a lot about him. The others are just way way too far left for me, but then again, I'm not a Democrat.

Here's a thought - If a white guy fabricated a story about a white woman being gang-raped by a group of prominent black men, would the media continue to ask his views on racial issues? Could he still get a shot at running for President, even in the primaries? So why doesn't anyone have enough guts to expose Sharpton for what he is - a lying, racist, race-baiting, uneducated scumbag who's never had a real job.:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

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Actually, I'm okay with what people are paying now or rather what we were 2 years ago. Interesting note on Gephart's proposal was that nobody would be paying more than they were before Bush. He's just talking about repealing the tax cuts that few people have seen. You know, the ones that were supposed to create jobs but thus far have not. I know that's totally unfair given the world economy, but it's is decent sloganing material. It's not like Bush has been dealt the horrible hand many on the Right might present either though. He has had decreasing energy prices, a strong patriotic campaign to keep spending storng (see car specials), and a few other things go his/our way.

Anyway, I think it's a campaignable issue (populism vs. meism not the healthcare debate), and it would give the Dems the type of vision that is capable of attracting voters much like the contract with America. The kicker for the Dems is being able to do it without exploding the defecit or changing what most voters see in terms of their tax rates.

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