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Is anyone still on dial up?

Cooked Crack

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You guys are all on dial up compared to my internet speed.


Lol. I don't see how it's any faster than mine. I read that article, and the only way I can imagine it being that much faster than mine is if the next page you're going to automatically knows it's the one you're going to and pops up before you even think about it. lol.

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I like the commercial where the NetZero guy say's he could save the country something like 50 billion dollars if everyone simply used net zero. Can you imagine the problems with everyone on dial-up. Murder rates across the country would be up 10,000 percent. Heart attacks would be up 100,000 percent. We'd all go mad!

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I'm still on dial-up, but only because broadband is too expensive for our budget.

I did, however, get lucky and was able to upgrade from Ubuntu 6.04 to 8.04 online .......... it took all of 100 hours!

The only problem I have on ES is when a thread is chockers full of photos .... I just don't bother opening it.

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