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Why I hate the Dallas Cowboys


Who was the skin's best linebacker ever?  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. Who was the skin's best linebacker ever?

    • Pardee
    • Hanburger
    • Huff
    • Marshall
    • Arrington
    • Trotter
    • That other mean dude, I can't remember his name.

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Feel free to add my lackluster list....

a. Jerry Jones - although I see shades of Danny Boy in this loud-mouthed, pompous, know-it-all, obnoxious owner

b. Michael Irvin - goddamn he was good -- nose candy anyone?

c. Week 13 last year (especially the 2nd half) - I almost broke my TV in my dorm room when we blew this one.

d. Big Tuna (in our league and conference) -- amazing coach, big ego....suspect personality and class (left every team before he was going to have a losing season)

e. Annoying fans who have no association with the Boys and become fans of them in spite of the Redskins recent struggle to make the playoffs -- I hate people like this...people who become or say they are fans of rival DC teams just to spite

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My lens got broken on that Thanksgiving day long ago when Clint Longley (sp) staked me through the heart. And then there's the game rtandler and I've been chatting about in another thread that ranks up there with the bad days in Redskin football. Nope, no positive lens left for the old and aortic scarred.

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Originally posted by scottb

My lens got broken on that Thanksgiving day long ago when Clint Longley (sp) staked me through the heart. And then there's the game rtandler and I've been chatting about in another thread that ranks up there with the bad days in Redskin football. Nope, no positive lens left for the old and aortic scarred.

I remember some team laying down so we couldn't make the playoffs. I remember one game where a St. Louis receiver, Roy Green of some other one made the wierdest catch in the endzone I've ever seen. Got get me a copy of rtandler book.

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D!!!!! D I LOVE D.......i have been trying to tell people this for so long. The only reason that fags winning pct. is so high is because he quits before he has to have a losing season!

As for all you people who dont have complete hate for Dallas i dont understand how you cannot hate them.

I have things to add,

1) Their gay *** stadium!! Its got a hole in the roof. And its gay *** turf hurt Trotter for the season. They say the hole is in the roof so god can see his favorite team play. Wow talk about having no class what kind of team says that.

2) Parcells is gay i swear. He dyed his hair i mean come on.

3) Joey Galloway walking into the endzone. Iffy walked after him and i believe Iffy was gonna beat his *** but that other cowboys stood in the way and it looked like Iffy just said something like "that was messed up and we'll get you for that" and they will. Redskin players said after the game they wont forget that, and they wont. I cant wait until Galloway will look back on that moment and cry, why cry? Because he will realize that him walking into that endzone is the reason why he cant walk anymore!

4) Dat Nguyene or however you spell it. I dont even think i have to explain this i mean come on what a fag.

5) Chad Hutchenson, i cant believe he is actually a human being he is so dumb. There is no way he went to Standford. I saw him talking trash to Bruce Smith on Thanksgiving, who the hell does he think he is??

6) That special teams coach with the long white hair that has coached there for 90 years. I hate him.

7) How their fans say it is unrealistic for us to think the Redskins will make the playoffs this year while saying that it is realistic for them to think the cowboys will go undefeated this year.

8) Whoever that cowboy fan was that on another web site he told me AND QUOTE THIS "Laveranues Coles would not start for the Cowboys"

Thank you for starting this thread i need to get some anger out.

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Originally posted by Skins26

D!!!!! D I LOVE D.......i have been trying to tell people this for so long. The only reason that fags winning pct. is so high is because he quits before he has to have a losing season!

As for all you people who dont have complete hate for Dallas i dont understand how you cannot hate them.

I have things to add,

1) Their gay *** stadium!! Its got a hole in the roof. And its gay *** turf hurt Trotter for the season. They say the hole is in the roof so god can see his favorite team play. Wow talk about having no class what kind of team says that.

2) Parcells is gay i swear. He dyed his hair i mean come on.

3) Joey Galloway walking into the endzone. Iffy walked after him and i believe Iffy was gonna beat his *** but that other cowboys stood in the way and it looked like Iffy just said something

like "that was messed up and we'll get you for that" and they will. Redskin players said after the game they wont forget that, and they wont. I cant wait until Galloway will look back on that moment and cry, why cry? Because he will realize that him walking into that endzone is the reason why he cant walk anymore!

4) Dat Nguyene or however you spell it. I dont even think i have to explain this i mean come on what a fag.

5) Chad Hutchenson, i cant believe he is actually a human being he is so dumb. There is no way he went to Standford. I saw him talking trash to Bruce Smith on Thanksgiving, who the hell does he think he is??

6) That special teams coach with the long white hair that has coached there for 90 years. I hate him.

7) How their fans say it is unrealistic for us to think the Redskins will make the playoffs this year while saying that it is realistic for them to think the cowboys will go undefeated this year.

8) Whoever that cowboy fan was that on another web site he told me AND QUOTE THIS "Laveranues Coles would not start for the Cowboys"

Thank you for starting this thread i need to get some anger out.

Now Skins26, don't hold back. I think the "Extreme" is a place where everyone can openly express their feelings.

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I've been a fan of the Redskins since 1978, I don't need another excuse to hate the Cowboys.

However, if you want an excuse, how about the fact that most of their fans are only fans of the team when they win.

Plus, I finally figured out why they're called America's Team. America likes to hate something, and what NFL team is hated by more teams and people than that Cowboys?

Enough said.

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I think it always depends on what team is doing well and that you're trying to knock off. Back in the 70's and early 80's it was of course the Cowboys to be hated......who can ever forget the 1974 Clint Longley game and the 1979 Staubach-led comeback, and also the few times that you would want the Cowboys to actually win, they'd invariably wind up losing like a friggin overtime game. In the late 80s it was the Giants, and of course today its the Eagles (actually, haven't been able to stand them since the Buddy Ryan days).

I just think its sad that we haven't been able to beat the Cowboys in a meaningful game recently, particularly since they've sucked so bad the past three years. Lets hope that ends this year.

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I think it's great that Redskin fans are obsessed with the Cowboys. Why is that? Do they have the same reaction to Dallas that France has to the U.S.? Even when it is generally accepted in most French kitchens that American snack food is inferior to French cuisine, the French are still publically exercised about a MacDonald's in their world. Violently exercised. I sometimes think they are afraid of a takeover that they wouldn't be concerned about if they were really confident in their culinary superiority or, else, that they secretly relish hamburgers but are too ashamed to admit it. Is it the same with Redskin football? Do Redskin fans secretly wish they could openly walk into a MacDonalds without feeling guilty about it? Or wear a Dallas jersey?

Please forgive me. This is your board and I am somewhat of an intruder, but I really enjoy the spirit (and fight) of Redskin fans. You are great! And you do take teasing well, I hope.

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Don't overthink this, Angus.

We hate the Cowboys because George Allen needed something to whip the nation's capital -- and the long-moribund team he inherited -- up with back in 1970. He looked around, and his eyes settled on the franchise calling itself "America's Team" ... right there in his own division. You were such an easy target. And a deserving one. Success, yes. Cache, yes. And more appearance and aura of pure arrogance than there ever was.

Allen begat Pardee begat Gibbs ... and as we rose from moribund to champion, the Cowboys, their incessant arrogance, and their ongoing successes were a logical and natural measuring stick.

When the Redskins eventually roared past the Cowboys in the Gibbs years, and no longer really NEEDED them as a focal point of their growth, they just forgot to tell their fans. Not that it would have mattered if they had. See, those of us who grew up during those years have it in our blood. It's hard-wired. So much so, in fact, that even after that little run of success in the 90's (cheshire grin), when the silver and blue has morphed into a moribund, 5-11 repeatin', still-arrogant-fan-havin', Tuna-buyin', knuckleheah-owner-brayin' bunch of perennial divisional afterthoughts ... well, we still love to hate 'em.

It just feels right.

And you know what? I'm sure you wouldn't have it any other way. :)

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1. Bandwagon fans: The root of sports is cheering for the home team, Dallas has more fans that have never set a foot in Texas and no nothing about the Cowboys besides what they see on tv more than any other team.

2. Jerry Jones: Like stated above Snyder has shades of JJ in him but I'll start making full comparisons once Snyder names himself sole GM without an ounce of football experience. Maybe no Cowboy fans will admit it, but most are secretly begging JJ has finally relinquished final say to Parcells, well see.

3. Clint Murchinson Jr.(founder of the Cowboys): One of the most underhanded owners in all of sports surpassing Jerry Jones, Dan Snyder, or George Steinbrenner. Bribed a lobbyist in Congress, and did business with Washington Redskins owners ex-wife to launch the Cowboys. Their off the field illegalities have a history right down to their birth.

4. Tex "from LA but the name is cute" Schramm. The ultimate marketer whom sucked in all those bandwagon fans mentioned above. The pretty boy uni's, the pretty boy stadium, pasting "America's team" everywhere(thanks NFL films), negotiating Thanksgiving, national networking before there was any. It was all this man's doing, a brilliant marketer who was one of the roots of corrupting sports with what we the fans and non sports fans nag about today, spoiled lazy athletes, greedy networks and teams owners goobling up billions, ridiculous cost to go to a game, etc, etc.

5. Michael Irvin, Nate Newton, Hollywood Henderson, Deion Sanders, and every other Cowboy that made them "the Cowboys".

Side note: Cowboys I like(d): Tom Landry, Emmitt Smith, Troy Aikman, Roger Staubach......and ummmm.....that's it. Great minds, great characters, got screwed.

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