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this isnt out of frustration anymore... blow up the team


Who's "dumber"?  

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ive been frustrated these last few weeks but ive managed to calm myself down. watching the beginning this game im upset again though im still calm. i do believe however that its time to re-do the team. campbell is flat out awful i dont care what anyone says so bench him. put in collins for the remainder, maybe even give colt a shot. portis doesnt seem to be a team player so to be honest if we could get a lot of draft picks for him, i wouldn't be opposed. get rid of the entire o-line, and just start over. this team is not super bowl ready, and they might never be with a coach that doesnt understand how to make adjustments during the week. we're one demensional, we're predictable, and looking now at cedric benson go 80 yards on a screen, we can't play defense. its over with this specific team. i hate to be a pessimist but seriously, blow up the team.

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I've been saying "blow it up" for three years.

People saw playoffs 2 out of the last 3 years and thought I was crazy for suggesting it.

Say what you want, but Joe Gibbs willed this team during his tenure here.

Our flaws are all becoming all too evident right now.

I'm actually happy we are tanking. It's one step closer to maybe, just maybe fixing this train wreck the proper way.

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