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Matt Millen still working for the Lions?


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No escaping Millen saga

No escaping Millen saga

Sources say former GM still working with Lions

By Bob DuffDecember 9, 2008

Who is running the Detroit Lions? Rod Marinelli? Martin Mayhew? The Ford family?

How about Matt Millen?

Wait a minute -- didn't he get fired?

Maybe he did and maybe he didn't, depending upon who you are willing to believe. Two different National Football League sources -- one of them close to the Fords -- insist that the Millen firing earlier this season was just a ploy to appease angry fans of the 0-13 Lions and that Millen is still calling the shots and on the club's payroll as a consultant.

One NFL scout acknowledged that this rumour is making the rounds through the league and that while he couldn't absolutely confirm it, it wouldn't be shocking news to many in the football world.

"It wouldn't surprise me at all," he said. Added another NFL personnel type: "Whoever is calling the shots, they're doing a terrible job at it."

Read the link for the rest of the article

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LMAO the only front office that is more of a joke than ours.

I can think of several others worse than ours: KC, Oakland, Miami before Parcells, Houston, off the top of my head.

Matt Millen Update!


NBC might want to trot Matt Millen out in front of the cameras like nothing ever happened, but WDIV, NBC's affiliate in Detroit, isn't about to forgive or forget what he did to the Lions. From the Detroit Free Press:

Every time a certain familiar face showed up on camera Sunday during NBC's Super Bowl pregame show, Channel 4 ran a scroll at the bottom of the screen:

"Matt Millen was president of the Lions for the worst eight-year run in the history of the NFL. Knowing his history with the team, is there a credibility issue as he now serves as an analyst for NBC Sports?"

Ah, if only the NFL was like professional wrestling. Matt Millen could put on a mask, get a new set of tights, and just like that, have a whole new identity. "Hi, I'm Bob Costas, alongside Jerome Bettis and The Masked Franchise Destroyer ... "

He will forever be Matt Millen, though, and the name Matt Millen will forever be synonymous with losing. I've written about this before, and I don't think that being an absolute train wreck of a general manager means that Matt Millen couldn't also be a good analyst.

At the same time, of course, I also couldn't blame anyone in Detroit if they held a grudge against Millen for the next, oh, 1,000 years or so. I'll readily admit that if he did that kind of a hatchet job on my favorite team, I'd have no interest in ever hearing any ignorant word that ever came out of his mouth.

Outstanding work, Channel 4. I think this is something we can expand and use in all sports, on all networks. When Tony Kornheiser starts talking on Monday nights, we can have a scrolling warning that reads, "CAUTION: In two years of work here, this man has never said anything that has added any value whatsoever to a broadcast, and we seriously doubt that he's going to start now."

I sure do love that stab at Kornhole at the end. Good stuff.

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