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Firing Cowher before he takes the team to the Super Bowl


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How long did it take for Cowher to get to and win the Superbowl?

Would Dan Snyder really have had the patience for that?

Only two questions need to be asked at season's end---

1) "Do you wish to continue as the Redskins coach?"


2) "Do you feel you have something in you to take the team further than you accomplished this season?"

If both answers are a resounding yes, the coach should stay.

The carousel ends here.

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5 Head Coaches in 10 years. Not lookin good for the Skins.

Actually, I think that figure while true, is a little misleading.

Dan Snyder got the team in the summer of 99, too late to make changes. If it wasn't for the ownership situation not being decided until July 99; Norv Turner wouldn't have been the head coach in 99.

Dan make a rookie mistake by saying Norv had to make the playoffs to keep his job. Well, what do you know. The one year Norv's ass is lit to fire; he makes the playoffs. Dan should've said the coaching situation will be addressed after the season. Noone would've begrudged him for wanting his own head coach and Norv probably would've became the Cowboys head coach in 2000.

When Dan fired Norv in 2000 it was justified. Maybe should've happened after the season but it was justified. A head coach who had been their 7 years and really did nothing.

Coach 1: 99-00(13 games) A coach he inherited.

Coach 2: 00(3 games) Interim coach.

Dan's real first choice of a coach came in his 3rd year.

Coach 3: 01: He fired after one season.

Coach 4: 02-03: His second big name quit on him. I think Dan would've given Spurrier a third year but Spurrier wanted none of it.

Coach 5: 04-07: Stability for the first time in Snyder's ownership. A legend that couldn't return to past glories but at least gave us 2 playoff trips and erased the mess he inherited.

Coach 6: 08: Noone other than Jim Fassel wanted the job. Fans didn't want him so search went on until we got Zorn.

So in reality it's 4 coaches. I discount Dan's first 2 years because that wasn't a coach he hired. Since then he has only fired one coach and that was Marty. Spurrier and Gibbs left on their own. So, if Zorn doesn't last his 3 year contract and is fired; then it will be Dan's only second firing of a coach he hired. If Spurrier was a success, he probably would still be head coach. Spurrier realized he wasn't an NFL coach. How many college coaches since then haven't worked out? If Gibbs didn't want to spend mroe time with family, he probably would still be head coach.

Some of the coaching changes were a result of the coaches leaving and nothing Dan did. If Jim Zorn were to resign after the season, I wouldn't hold that against Dan.

As for Mr. Cowher, he did come close to losing his job after 2 losing seasons but Dan Rooney stuck with him. It is something that most owners including Snyder wouldn't tolerate.

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How long did it take for Cowher to get to and win the Superbowl?

Would Dan Snyder really have had the patience for that?

dude, the fans don't have the patience to give this guy more than a year and their quarterback more than a year in the same system

say what you want about Snyder, but he sure does represent these fans for better or worse

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