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Time for announcing booth changes


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Why one earth would fox put two ex-cowboys in the booth to call a skins game? They might as well of have David Boston's dad ref the game also so he could screw both NFC East teams.

note to fox: Never let a booth with 2/3 NFC East players call and NFC East game, the last thing you'll get is fair and full coverage. CBS should of hired them to keep those fools over in the AFC. They acted like the Skins were lucky to win 4 in a row until about 5 min left in the 4th where all the sudden the Skins were a threat to the east.

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The only thing I've been able to come up with is that the Madden Bus couldn't make it from Detroit to Philadelphia in time. That or Madden ate too many "turduckens" and called in sick for Sunday's game.


"The Kurp"

[edited.gif by TheKurp on November 26, 2001.]

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I'll give Johnston his props, he did a decent job and doesn't actually sound like a jock pretending to be a commentator. But Aikman was still feeling some effects of the Lavar leap un under his chin. He had several miscues Once calling McNaab, Tony Banks, and once referring to Carter as Davis, and Dick Stockton left him hanging both times and didn't correct him.

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Madden was doing the Indianapolis game.

My problem with the booth in yesterday's game is that whenever the Redskins did something or scored, or they mentioned the score, it was always with suprise in their voices. And, at the beginning, Aikman talking about how close these two teams play, even when one team is better than the other.

Look, I'll admit a win in Philly was a great thing and the Eagles are a tough team, but, this was not among the great upsets ever here. But, you couldn't tell that from the tone. That's what bothers me.


Doom is in the box.

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