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Don't give up on any Portis team


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Don't give up on this Redskins team until all possibilties are completly exhausted. One thing every Redskins fan should know is a Portis team will not quit. You guys should know this. 05 and even last year the skins were more desperate than this year. We need a little help. Don't forget our destiny was not controlled until week 17 last year.

Resting Portis was the smartest thing the Skins could do. He will be ready Sunday against Cincy. By the time we play Eagles it could be completely in our hands in terms of win out and make playoffs.

Be the negative or the optimist but you should never count out a Portis team or a recent Skins team. Gibbs players don't quit and they fight till the end. Most of these guys are Gibbs guys and thats the character they will play with. These are winnable games and its not ourfault that we got them all at the end.

Dallas, Philly have tough scheds and the high powered dallas machine couldnt score on Pittsburgh just like us.

Play the enitre schedule out and see where it stacks at the end. This situation is more favorable than the last2 playoff runs. Don't give up hope just yet.

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We have played some really good teams for the last month or so. Our D is above average. The offense has been up against great D's and they aren't getting enough to get the ball downfield. I cant pin this on Campbell. You don't remember the start of season where he was making the downfield throws?

Losing Samuels really hurts but Heyer in my opinion is an upgrade on Jansen. I think will get some more shots downfield the last 3 weeks. Eagles have a decent D but we pushed them around the first time. It is by no means stellar like some of these teams we have run up against the last month or so.

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Thats the only positive thing I see yet in this year. I put total faith in portis, and have no faith in our QB situation.

Unfortuantly I also fall into this way of thinking. Where I probably differ from those thinking like this is that I am not at all convinced JC should be benched for either of the backups. JC needs to restore the feeling the guy is a capable starting QB in this league, time for excuses is gone. Produce Jason and I promise to come back to your fan club :2cents:

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