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Defense??? (more appropriately the D line, if thats what you call it)


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This may have been discussed already, but I cant help but think that in our losses to the girls and ravens, we were somehow still in them late, how I have no earthly idea, but just when we really needed the D to step up and stop the run, THEY CANT! WTF!

Look good for 3 qtrs and tank at the most critical juncture. Last night was torture watching the 3rd string tb bang out tough yards on consecutive play after play when we needed a stop in the worst way.

They look solid against the run the majority of the time, but we got Gibb'sd the last two games. It doesnt add up.

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This may have been discussed already, but I cant help but think that in our losses to the girls and ravens, we were somehow still in them late, how I have no earthly idea, but just when we really needed the D to step up and stop the run, THEY CANT! WTF!

Look good for 3 qtrs and tank at the most critical juncture. Last night was torture watching the 3rd string tb bang out tough yards on consecutive play after play when we needed a stop in the worst way.

They look solid against the run the majority of the time, but we got Gibb'sd the last two games. It doesnt add up.

Sure it does. The defense spends way too much on the field and by the time the forth quarter rolls around they are outta gas. Also the Ravens kept Lorenzo Neal fairly fresh and when he came in during that drive he was giving LM effective lead blocks pretty much every time. Neal is a beast and is the reason why LT is having one of the worst seasons in his career.

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Is this a serious thread?

The defense got tired because our offense couldn't stay on the field.


Thank you!!!!:applause: Its like some fans just dont get it. The offense doesn't score points, turning the ball over, putting the defense in bad situations. Stop this thread right now. Its not about the defense. The defense has carried this team for 5 years now. The offense is learning a different system every year. How can a team get anywhere doing that? Answer. They can't.

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I cant recall the exact #'s but I do recall Madden and Michaels talking about how many more offensive plays we had run than the ravens...

I still say just odd that they look solid for the majority of the game. Hell take the quick 14 points off the board at the begining of the game (the D certainly expend a lot of energy delaying those scores) and we're actually winning the game or at the very least tied when it matters most in the 4th qtr, so I dont buy the we're all of a sudden exhausted line.

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Thank you!!!!:applause: Its like some fans just dont get it. The offense doesn't score points, turning the ball over, putting the defense in bad situations. Stop this thread right now. Its not about the defense. The defense has carried this team for 5 years now. The offense is learning a different system every year. How can a team get anywhere doing that? Answer. They can't.

I wasnt placing the entire problem with the defense, but in the last two losses there was a clear moment when the ball got rammed down their throat and they couldnt get it done. The theory that our offense hung the d out to dry last night doesnt hold water. No we didnt score points but we had the ball.

The Ravens had the ball a whopping 1:40 seconds more than us. What is the difference then?

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I cant recall the exact #'s but I do recall Madden and Michaels talking about how many more offensive plays we had run than the ravens...

I still say just odd that they look solid for the majority of the game. Hell take the quick 14 points off the board at the begining of the game (the D certainly expend a lot of energy delaying those scores) and we're actually winning the game or at the very least tied when it matters most in the 4th qtr, so I dont buy the we're all of a sudden exhausted line.

The time of possession was about even but that last drive was killer. Neal is an incredible FB and they have a good OL and some bruising backs.

Carlos' brain fart didn't help, but I don't think the defense is the problem we need to focus on.

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The time of possession was about even but that last drive was killer. Neal is an incredible FB and they have a good OL and some bruising backs.

Carlos' brain fart didn't help, but I don't think the defense is the problem we need to focus on.

work on the DEFENSE???????????


if the defense hadn't gotten the two turnovers they got we would have posted a blank 0 on the board.....also last time I checked the defense gave up 17 points (not counting portis' fumble) the offense should be able to match 17 points

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this would make sense...

if we didnt win the TOP battle....hmmm...

how about close your post?



The Ravens had the ball for 30:50 and we had the ball for 29:10.

But the TOP isn't the entire story. They ran the ball at us with Neal leading the way for McClain...which is two huge guys slamming into the defense the entire game.

We got tired, clearly.

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Sure it does. The defense spends way too much on the field and by the time the forth quarter rolls around they are outta gas. Also the Ravens kept Lorenzo Neal fairly fresh and when he came in during that drive he was giving LM effective lead blocks pretty much every time. Neal is a beast and is the reason why LT is having one of the worst seasons in his career.

1:40 t.o.p. differential. Pretty evenly matched if you ask me. So I dare go out on a limb and say that we've been crying for the last 5 weeks about our offense, and I'll say that DEFENSE WINS CHAMIPIONSHIPS. The best thing our offense could do right now is not have to outscore anybody. Pitt was a bloodbath, lose by 14 to a rookie qb last night whose best receiver is as old as moses, and we let dallas have life when they were all but done.

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1:40 t.o.p. differential. Pretty evenly matched if you ask me. So I dare go out on a limb and say that we've been crying for the last 5 weeks about our offense, and I'll say that DEFENSE WINS CHAMIPIONSHIPS. The best thing our offense could do right now is not have to outscore anybody. Pitt was a bloodbath, lose by 14 to a rookie qb last night whose best receiver is as old as moses, and we let dallas have life when they were all but done.

Again, TOP doesn't tell the story.

Get hit with those RBs and Neal for the entire game and you'll be tired.

They should have made a stop at the end, and they didn't...but that's not the problem.

Our offensive ineptitude is.

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On top of the fact that there was only a 1:40 t.o.p. differential to end the game. That comes after they ran it for almost 9minutes against our defense. So before that our offense had been on the field going nowhere for a much larger amount of time than any of you want to admit.

NO THE DEFENSE IS NOT THE BIGGEST OF THIS TEAMS PROBLEMS... But it isnt the answer either. If you think were going to ride this kind of defense anywhere but to next years draft, you're kidding yourself. As bad as our offense has been (and they are THE problem), I would like to see our defense rise up and win a ballgame at the time of year when it could mean the difference. Hell it might even give the offense enough time to pull their collective heads out of their asses and learn how to score points again!

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Stop finding more things to be pissed about please. I've got my hands full being pissed about the crappy offense.

Riggo was right when he said that the defense is a good, but not great defense, and that they are a playoff defense. Give them a good offense and they'd be good enough to win a lot of games.

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Stop finding more things to be pissed about please. I've got my hands full being pissed about the crappy offense.

Riggo was right when he said that the defense is a good, but not great defense, and that they are a playoff defense. Give them a good offense and they'd be good enough to win a lot of games.

Sorry for having an opinion...

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I cant recall the exact #'s but I do recall Madden and Michaels talking about how many more offensive plays we had run than the ravens...

I still say just odd that they look solid for the majority of the game. Hell take the quick 14 points off the board at the begining of the game (the D certainly expend a lot of energy delaying those scores) and we're actually winning the game or at the very least tied when it matters most in the 4th qtr, so I dont buy the we're all of a sudden exhausted line.

7 of those 14 points you speak of came because of the fumble...it was back and forth defensively...their front four held up longer than ours...plain and simple

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