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As a Skins fan, I was flat out in AWE of a play Haloti Ngata made.


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I don't know if many people picked this up, but Haloti Ngata made a ridiculous play on the screen pass we made to Betts where he ran 20+ yards inside the Ravens 10. I glanced at the screen and I saw a #2 on the jersey, and assumed it was Ray Lewis who pushed Betts out of bounds, because the defender had come from the middle of the field. I was wrong...it was #92. When they showed the replay, the Ravens had Ngata drop back into a LB spot. Take into consideration that Ngata is 350+ pounds. Anyways on the screen he chased down Betts, and got him out of bounds. Again...this is a 350+ pound NT. It was unreal, but it showed the type of insane athleticism that he has. He's a beast....nothing against our DT's, but I don't know if any one of them could make that play. Well, here's to getting better....hopefully we'll get the ball rolling in Cinci...HTTR.

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speed and size as well. Their Linebackers are just big guys. You got a fat Ngata up the middle. Ray Lewis can still run for his age. They've just been developing that defense for a long time, and it seems like they can just plug in certain guys when one leaves.

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speed and size as well. Their Linebackers are just big guys. You got a fat Ngata up the middle. Ray Lewis can still run for his age. They've just been developing that defense for a long time, and it seems like they can just plug in certain guys when one leaves.

That's actually spot on; when people say that our defense is aging, they fail to realize that our system runs like a college program in that we can plug guys in. Suggs/Ngata/Landry/Washington are all under the age of 25.

Ngata didn't really have a good game last night, though, he wasn't freeing up much for the linebackers. On a good day, Haloti will eat up two or three linemen and still get to the quarterback.

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speed and size as well. Their Linebackers are just big guys. You got a fat Ngata up the middle. Ray Lewis can still run for his age. They've just been developing that defense for a long time, and it seems like they can just plug in certain guys when one leaves.

Even when they don't have the best talent at positions, they play with heart. There's a fire on that D that other teams don't have.

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The athleticism from their line and linebackers is what allows them to dial up the blitzes they do and what keeps us wondering. They can put 8 guys on the line and then drop 3 back into coverage and bring the other 5 and we dont know which 5 are coming because they can drop lineman back in coverage. If we bring someone to the line, they are coming and its easy to pick up. We bring 6 or more more than any team in the NFL but our sack numbers are low because teams can read what we are doing.

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