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Vote Portis FedEx Ground Player Of The Week!


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I don't know. Turner Scored 4 touchdowns and rushed for 117 yards. Looking at it objectively, he should probably win. Plus Forte had 132 yards and 2 touchdowns. Unfortunately for me I played a fantasy team (Major Harris) that had both those guys. Portis is coming in 3rd this week.

Wrong, he will win.....i put money on it!!!!

Plus I am going vote 243 times, so no dout he will win!

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Although I voted for him, I guess I should have said he probably shouldn't win. Despite our homerism around here, those other two clearly had better games.

Forte played the Lams dude..please tell me how they are better then the Shehawks. And dont give me that crap about how they beat us...

Turner had a good game...

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so of course you choose Forte over Portis even though you just said that they were both the same team.

way to show that burgundy and gold pride :thumbsup:

Personally, I don't find it to be the least bit wrong for him to think someone else deserves ground player of the week, even if he is a 'Skins fan.

I understand your point of view, Mike. That we should stick with the 'Skin that had a good game no matter what because we're Redskin fans. And it's a great stand to have, and it's great we have fans like that.

But, Michael Turner and Matt Forte did have better games, purely due to touchdown output. That's not Clinton's fault, but it is what it is. *shrug*

If it makes you feel better, I'd take Portis over either of them any day of the week :)

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I don't know. Turner Scored 4 touchdowns and rushed for 117 yards. Looking at it objectively, he should probably win. Plus Forte had 132 yards and 2 touchdowns. Unfortunately for me I played a fantasy team (Major Harris) that had both those guys. Portis is coming in 3rd this week.

same thing here. hard to argue with that logic. if portis had scored at least 1 td, then maybe he would have an argument. but hard to logically go against 100+ yards and 4 tds.

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Personally, I don't find it to be the least bit wrong for him to think someone else deserves ground player of the week, even if he is a 'Skins fan.

I understand your point of view, Mike. That we should stick with the 'Skin that had a good game no matter what because we're Redskin fans. And it's a great stand to have, and it's great we have fans like that.

But, Michael Turner and Matt Forte did have better games, purely due to touchdown output. That's not Clinton's fault, but it is what it is. *shrug*

If it makes you feel better, I'd take Portis over either of them any day of the week :)

Forte had less yards but 2 TDs. he didnt really have a better game enough to not vote for your own guy.

Turner did have a better game, but I wont ever vote against my brother in arms. :cheers:

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so of course you choose Forte over Portis even though you just said that they were both the same team.

way to show that burgundy and gold pride :thumbsup:

Re-read my post. I said I let my homerism rule and voted for Portis even though I objectively beleive Turner (edit: and Forte) are more deserving.

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So does 11 more yards rushing (Portis) negate two more touchdowns (Forte)?

It makes me feel better about voting for my guy, yeah. It also shows loyalty and the fact that I cant choose a team that plays the 30th ranked rush D against Seattle's 22nd.

so yeah, 11 yards and 8 spots/400 yards given up matters.

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It makes me feel better about voting for my guy, yeah. It also shows loyalty and the fact that I cant choose a team that plays the 30th ranked rush D against Seattle's 22nd.

so yeah, 11 yards and 8 spots/400 yards given up matters.

I understand your reasoning. Personally, I look more at the team's overall records than the ranks you mentioned. Both Seattle and the Rams are bottom feeders. To me, 400 yards more, which works out to about 36 yards per game over 11 games, isn't that significant.

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It makes me feel better about voting for my guy, yeah. It also shows loyalty and the fact that I cant choose a team that plays the 30th ranked rush D against Seattle's 22nd.

so yeah, 11 yards and 8 spots/400 yards given up matters.

First off, I am not any less loyal because I voted for Turner. I would love for Portis to win the award each and every week, but in order to do that, he has to be head and shoulders above every other running back in the league. Last week, I thought Turner was better. I won't be blinded into not giving someone their props because of my loyalty. CP played great, and his not winning the ground player of the doesn't dimminish that.

I want them to win awards, but I want them to win them by earning them.

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First off, I am not any less loyal because I voted for Turner. I would love for Portis to win the award each and every week, but in order to do that, he has to be head and shoulders above every other running back in the league. Last week, I thought Turner was better. I won't be blinded into not giving someone their props because of my loyalty. CP played great, and his not winning the ground player of the doesn't dimminish that.

I want them to win awards, but I want them to win them by earning them.

oh boy, the earning police are here!! yay everyone, now we can make sure that Forte and Turner get their awards and that big mean Portis doesnt keep stealing it. :rolleyes:

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I understand your reasoning. Personally, I look more at the team's overall records than the ranks you mentioned. Both Seattle and the Rams are bottom feeders. To me, 400 yards more, which works out to about 36 yards per game over 11 games, isn't that significant.

it is in the fact that forte ran against a worse D and got less yards anyways. plus porits is older, obviously injured and being used vigorously. and plus the fact that Seattle has had our number the past 2 post seasons as well.

if it came down to choosing between those 2 i would pick CP all day. Ive already said Turner had a better day but between Forte and Portis I give it to Portis.

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Give it up Merlin. Most people here are unwilling to look past the redskins bias and admit that another player out preforms a redskins when they have stats that are close.

I voted for Portis because of the season he's having, but Forte and Turner had better games.

No doubt.

Against my objective assessment, I voted for Portis because he's a Redskin ;). Honestly though, the FedEx award is a player of the week award, whereas the MVP and Pro Bowl takes into account the cumulative season.

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