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Disgruntled Cancer from Oakland


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Ok ...I see.. They dont play football in Oakland?:doh:

What makes you think He is gonna find jesus and suddenly take an interest in covering the man across the line?

Dont get me wrong I hope for the best...but expect the worst after watching this guy for 5 years run his mouth more than he runs down receivers.:mad:

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They dont play football in Oakland?

You're digging yourself in deeper. :)

Four very solid seasons in Atlanta (including two Pro Bowl appearances) trump 8 terrible games on one of the worst teams in football. Besides, you have to look beyond his individual performances to those around him. If we're smart, we'll utilize his ball hawk mentality and downplay his weaknesses in coverage. Intelligent coaching is what separates a good team from the Cowboys, after all. Have faith. If he's proven to be awful by week 17, you can make a thread and rub it in the face of thousands of disgruntled ES members with my blessing.

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Ok ...I see.. They dont play football in Oakland?:doh:

What makes you think He is gonna find jesus and suddenly take an interest in covering the man across the line?

Dont get me wrong I hope for the best...but expect the worst after watching this guy for 5 years run his mouth more than he runs down receivers.:mad:

Why so bitter, Doom44? Hall is a capable CB. Don't you want to see him succeed with us? What's not to like about this deal?

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Like I said ...I hope for the best. Not bitter...just realistic

I also hope Danny does not give him a ton of cash until he has done something for us. We have neglected some of our "real redskins" in recent years by rewarding hyped newcomers.

I hope he ends the year with a dozen picks...But in spite of the great play in Atlanta he has been known to be a bad force in the locker room.

His whole thing with ocho cinco was a joke because Chad owned him.

The deal is set up well for us, I hope it stays that way.

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Look, I hope Hall proves me wrong, but there's a few problems with the arguments I've seen in this thread:

1. There is no comparison between Hall and Randy Moss. Early in his career, Randy Moss was one of the best WRs in the entire history of the NFL. Hall has never proven to be an elite corner. You can point to his Pro Bowls and his interception stats, but at the end of the day his coverage has been pretty suspect for the majority of his career.

If you're looking for a comparison, I think Fred Smoot is what you're hoping for. A guy who was chasing a big payday but ended up in a system that didn't fit his playing style. I think if you're high on Hall, you've got to be hoping for a Smoot-like renaissance.

2. Oakland is not some "black hole" for defensive players. If nobody can succeed in Oakland, then how do you explain the CB working directly opposite of Hall playing out of mind for the past few seasons? The truth is you CAN be a successful cornerback on the Raiders. Asomogha has the same safeties, the same LBs and D-Line...yet he is producing. Hall was getting torched.

Again, I hope Hall proves me wrong. I hope he can be a good corner. I still think we got a good deal today. But I'm not sure it's going to turn out as well as everyone here thinks.

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2. truth is you CAN be a successful cornerback on the Raiders. Asomogha has the same safeties, the same LBs and D-Line...yet he is producing. Hall was getting torched.

Well since Asomogha is SO GOOD, people throw somewhere else, and the only other place to throw a playmaker is to Hall's side. Resulting in Hall getting tested more. Judging Hall's caliber on his short stay in Oakland is not fair. I look forward to see what he can do

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Well since Asomogha is SO GOOD, people throw somewhere else, and the only other place to throw a playmaker is to Hall's side. Resulting in Hall getting tested more. Judging Hall's caliber on his short stay in Oakland is not fair. I look forward to see what he can do

What's funny is, if we are to believe the stats in the post at the top of this page, Hall is averaging about 8.3 yards per attempt against him. This would be his best performance in that category since 2005. Meaning, Hall is having one of his better years and he still looks terrible.

I look forward to seeing what he can do, as well. Another bonus to picking Hall up is that if we extend him, it will pretty much place a ceiling on what Carlos Rogers can ask for. Hall has been to 2 Pro Bowls, has had a lot of picks, etc. so I think it would be hard for Rogers to ask for much more. Anyways, I hope I am proven wrong.

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I look forward to seeing what he can do, as well. Another bonus to picking Hall up is that if we extend him, it will pretty much place a ceiling on what Carlos Rogers can ask for. Hall has been to 2 Pro Bowls, has had a lot of picks, etc. so I think it would be hard for Rogers to ask for much more. Anyways, I hope I am proven wrong.

Furthermore, you couldn't possibly argue that Hall's signing is superfluous or overloading one position, considering he's a completely different corner from Rogers, who is becoming elite in coverage, but can't catch worth a damn. Hall provides the necessary threat that a ball hawk brings to a defense...the kind of threat we had with Sean Taylor in the backfield (obviously, there's no comparing the two; they don't even play the same position, but you get what I mean).

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Good thing about this deal is that even if he doesn't work out, we don't lose much as a result. At the end of the year we can cut him and lose nothing in terms of draft picks and salary cap space. And I think Hall knows this. If he wants another deal he's going to have to prove himself and he's lucky he's coming onto a team that has playoff potential. So he's got the right incentive to behave himself. And since he's got no Al Davis or Bobby Patrino to deal with, I think he'll be okay.

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