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Slots in MD?


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i hope you guys vote it down. we need your money. :silly:

one thing i will say, we had this fight 10+ years ago. at that time, our track was a disgrace, run down, shabby, shady, etc..., now, it's all fixed up, it actually looks nice, is a nice place to visit, they just built a new hotel. i'll say this, the track (more specifically penn national gaming) held up their end of the bargain, they've revitalized the track w/ profits from slots.

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I voted yes.

- If Maryland was the only state in the region that allowed it, it'd be a different story. But Maryland is losing money hand over fist to Delaware and Pennsylvania because they allow slots.

- If this can continue to keep Maryland's public education system at or among the top of the nation, then I think the positives outweigh the negatives.

- Most politicians that are against slots in Maryland, seem to be against it because they didn't get comp'd or get their share of the pie. Legget and O'Malley were both against it while Ehrlich tried like crazy to get slots legal, then as soon as they came into office they changed their stance.

- The dumbest thing I heard today was "don't vote yes for slots because half the revenue will be going to gambling interests". If you own a business, and you're only able to keep half the revenue, that doesn't sound like that great of a deal. Why else would a company put up the money for slots unless they were going to get a return on their investment?

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I'm disappointed that it has passed.

The claim that so much money was being spent outside of the state must have really swayed some people. Much of those that will lose from this are those that don't have enough. The people who are poor don't travel out of state regularly to spend their money on out of state slots.

With the passing of this legislation I pray that the poor are not unfairly targeted by the placement of slots in their communities.

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I'm fine with it. If people want to waste money, let them waste it in a way that goes back into the educational system. I like to gamble sometimes, and that's my choice, and the loss is on no one but myself. If that money could somehow go back into government instead of a casino's hands, at least it does some good.

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Charles tooooooowwwwwnnnnn races and slots.

Blackjack an hourish away? Sweet.

may '09 will be the earliest that it can be put back up for vote. the track is doing a pr blitz right now, and the paper recently ran a story showing that estimates that our county school system is losing 2.5 million this year and 4 million each year after that (original estimates before the vote were 1.5 mil/yr.)...i think it'll happen.

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Voted no.

Gambling contributes to the perpetual poverty of the lower class by luring them with a false hope of striking it rich.

Just my opinion.

I agree with you but then on the other hand can't treat grown people like children.

However, there is merit in preventing poverty by saving people from themselves. For instance, Aruba limits their residents to one or two casino visits per month to prevent them from blowing all of their money on gambling. Locals have to sign in upon entrance and casinos have security monitors posted at every door to ensure they do. With a relatively small island population it is easy for security to recognize locals and differentiate them from tourists (who are allowed to gamble and lose all of their money every day of the week and twice on Sunday if they like). By limiting gambling, locals have money left over to pay their bills and feed their families without needing to rely on the govt dole to do so.

Obviously our laws and large population preclude this kind of governmental restraint. Impossible to monitor 300+ million people and besides, nobody wants no stickin' government telling them how often they can bust at the casino any how.

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Slots passsed in MD so it doesn't matter but...

...I voted no for many reasons.

1) Ehrlich tried to pass the same exact legislation and the Democrats made sure it was defeated. They made things hard on him. The Democrats with O'Malley now are trying to same exact bill. I don't play political games like that, sorry.

2) Gambling is illegal in Maryland. If I can't play poker for money in Maryland then the state shouldn't be hypocritical and allow slots.

3) I am not against slots entirely but I am against a constitutional amendment for slots. A state constitutional amendment is for immensely important legislation, not slots. If this is passed the people of Maryland won't have any say in what happens because it will be an official constitutional amendment. The politicians can use and swindle the money for whatever they want.

4) Slots will only be in a very few parts of the state. The entire state doesn't benefit from this. If we allow slots I want it to be equal opportunity.

5) We recently had slots in my county. Annapolis decided to take them away because they weren't being taxed. The business establishments who owened these slots were donating 50% of their profits to local schools. Slots taxed by the state won't help out schools as they've been advertising.

6) The criminal element. Maryland has had slots before. We are doomed to repeat our history because the Democratic party in Maryland wants to take the easy route. Nothing is easy and we'll be paying for it, sadly.

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