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Can anyone confirm we nixed Trade of "MW for 3rd "

Guest W&M

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I really want to know if this is true. Not only do we lose Westy to FA next year. And of course, we aren't really using him much this year.

But let's not forget ... we don't have a 3rd rounder next year. We have up two 3rd round picks (last year and next year) to the Chiefs in order to get Marty.

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No one can confirm it. However, we can confirm Marty specifically rejected the rumors surrounding it in the Times and also substantially in the Post. Both publications indicate the team did not engage in any substantitive conversations on trades as attributed to team sources and Marty.


Doom is in the box.

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No Dirk, that sounds very wrong. We'll get picks for Brad Johnson and we didn't draft him. In the era of free agency.....the draft shouldn't be dictating anything that has to do with extra picks.

oh yeah, of course nobody can confirm it.....and nobody talks about it now. It was just a rumor for some more anti-danny feelings throughout the league right now. Believe me, somebody in either Washington's or Denver's head office would of leaked something by now.


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I don't know that who drafted a particular player figures in, but then again, this IS one of the most arcane aspects of professional football ... so who the phuck really knows.

Here's a blurb from http://www.nfldraft.net/defs.htm .

In pertinent part:

COMPENSATORY DRAFT PICKS: Compensation awarded by the league to teams who lost more UFAs than they signed. Compensation is in the form of extra draft picks added to the end of rounds three through seven. The quantity of picks is equivalent to the difference of UFAs signed to UFAs lost. For example, if a team loses 4 UFAs and signs 1 UFA, they will receive three Compensatory Selections. The value of the picks is determined by the difference of the contracts signed by the players lost and those acquired. The highest possible compensatory pick is the 31st of the third round (91st overall). If a team has signed an equal number or more UFAs than it lost, no "Compensatory Picks" are awarded.

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perhaps someone should list the FA's we lost to the ones we gained eh?


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if performance counts for anything, I can't imagine how we couldn't fare with the system, as the "Marty" free agents have made little if any impact on the Redskins:

Kevin Lockett. Big Zero.

Donnell Bennett. Average. May not hold off Bryan Johnson for entire season.

Matt Campbell. Average. Never really contended for a starting job until injuries mounted to other players.

Ben Coleman. Average. Finally gets on field in Week 5.

Michael Bates. Above average. Is 5th in NFC in kick returns. Has solidified the coverage teams.

Donovan Greer. Below Average. Came out of camp as #4 corner and then got hurt. That injury saved Marty some egg on his face for giving Greer a bonus to be a vet minimum-type riding the bench.

Walter Rasby. Average. Nothing special here. Hands like rocks and passable blocker at the point of attack. Doesn't make anyone forget Don Warren or Ron Middleton.

Robert Jones. Average. Hasn't been used at all by the club. Complete waste of a player who has the skills to contribute.

Dave Szott. Above Average. Only line import that has been as advertised, a solid veteran that shows up each week to play. Doesn't complain about every little hurt and ding.

KiJana Carter. Average. Like Robert Jones, too talented a player to sit on the bench game after game while the offense sputters along. Got spot duty as third down back last week and should continue in this role.

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First of all, I should mention that I'm glad to be back. I fly from Hong Kong to San Fran tomorrow, but at least I ahve access to the Post and this board now.

Last two weeks my only Redskins news can from CNN world sports hour after work (like, all 13 seconds worth), and the Washington Times web site (kinda ironic that one makes it through the CPC censors).

To my knowledge, performance of the free agents means everything, quantity means nothing. Otherwise, no compensatory picks would ever be awarded (just think about it...you lose x many guys, you still have a roster of 53, so you've got to bring in x guys to replace them, and the only ways are through free agency and the draft).

Specifically, what is examined is how well the guys you lost are playing, and how well the guys you brought in are playing. One year, after losing a major player (can't remember who now) Oakland got a first rounder as a compensatory pick. That's now been closed up, so the best pick you can get is at the end of the third round.

We will get picks for the following players:

Brad Johnson

James Thrash

Derek Smith

Based on the stiffs who replaced them, I would think that we will get something like a 4th, 5th and 7th.


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well bull,

i think kevin lockett has given us more than donovan greer. and he had a few quality grabs this past week..but he's only a multi-set compliment,underneath type..to me,robert jones & kevin mitchell are downgrades to derek smith & greg jones,as their market value would suggest!

jones can give us some decent run support,but his coverage skills are a huge liability..that TD toss to walls was dubbed as shade's responsibility by tim green,but i disagree..shade does let the TE release but at least he picks up someone(RB)..it doesn't matter,if walls is jones assignment it's 6,if the back was jones assignment,that would've been a TD too!..

you go back and you'll see,he's real late getting out there..which is often the case!..this may have already been mentioned,but i'd like to see bates used more out of the backfield..hail the skins

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On a team with 2 rookie wide receivers and another that is a former practice squader (Thompson) I imagined that Kevin Lockett would have been more productive to this point of the season.

The reason Bates isn't used more out of the backfield is precisely the reason he isn't going to be returning punts anymore, he just doesn't have soft hands.

KiJana Carter is a back who has natural instincts when he has his hands on the ball and HE is the player the Redskins need to find a way to get more reps in the regular offense.

As far as the linebackers go, I think it is axiomatic that middle linebackers, outside of Brian Urlacher anyway, usually don't possess the kinds of speed and cover ability to stay with a 6'5 pro bowl TE close to the goal line.

If you think Derek Smith would have fared better, get out your tape of last year's Dallas game where Jackie Harris abused the middle linebacker and safety in much the same situation.

The truth is the Redskins were unable to put much pressure on the quarterback in the first 30 minutes of the Carolina game and that is what allowed the Panthers to make some plays in the passing game.

Once we started blitzing in the second half and Weinke was forced to throw before he was ready, we started to get turnovers and some three and out drives by the Panthers.

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exactly, when the Skins started blizting, it gave the QB less time to make a choice. Its a risk and everyone knows it but with our D.....its a risk worth taking. Blitz all the time, wear out the OL.......rattle that QB. I think that is so key


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I had just put a comment in a thread a day ago either here or over on cpnd about the free agents and comp picks.

You missed a few free agents signings.

Albright long snapper

Dorian Boose


Metcalf (now)

the punter

the kicker

keith Lyle at safety



[edited.gif by Montilar on October 26, 2001.]

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you won't get any disagreement from me with respect to LBS in coverage, especially once they get turned back to..once the play isn't unfolding in front of them,they're not nearly as instinctive..well,vast majority anyway..

robert jones isn't our middle LB,and that's not to imply that we have one..he's outside,as he was on the play noted. while you raised a valid pt pertaining to matchup,you didn't address the fact that jones wasn't out there to cover the TE or the RB!..

if shade takes the TE,weinke just hits the RB that would've been open..my girlfriend's brother-in-law has that cowboy gm of mine,so...i'm rollin'on memorysmile.gif..while it's true that derek smith was at times, expected to man up on the TE from his MLB position,i remember jackie harris schooling mark carrier,but not smith..

anytime you acquire a seasoned vet during summer months for basement bucket bonanza prices that's usually a fair indication of market-value..or lack there of..i wouldn't view robert jones as a "find".hail the skins

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