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Im sorry but Devin Thomas does not belong on the field


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Whenever I see him involved in a play, he's falling all over himself, hestitating, responding too slowly. I am rooting for him to do well for us but right now he looks totally lost and unable to figure out how to looks like a credible NFL player.

watching him play makes me so grateful we got an utter steal out of chris horton. now THAT is a rookie player that you can tell BELONGS on the field. :notworthy

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I didn't see too much of that tonight. He's getting acclimated to the offense and he seems to be playing faster than earlier in the season.

It's easy to pick on the rookie after that performance by the entire offense. I'd be more annoyed with guys like El, Thrash, and Yoder who are expected to produce when called upon.

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We need to relax with these sweeping generalizations that are totally off . . . EVERYONE looked bad tonight. It happens in football. I personally think that he should be on the field MORE . . . and when he is on the field, actually use him. It seems that for the most part, he is on the field during running plays. Why not send him on some routes? He is an explosive player who tries his hardest to make something happen after every catch. He'll be fine. And hopefully Kelly's knee will be fine after the bye. Until then, let's really try to hold judgment on them.

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These threads are so useless. Half the people cry that DT is too slow, doesn't know the routs...blah blah blah...and the other half points out how he was ALWAYS going to be a project because he didn't even play that much in college and because it usually takes WRs a while to develop. I don't understand why we need to have the same discussions about DT and Fred Davis EVERY GD WEEK!!!!!!!!

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I'd rather have Devin Thomas on the field than James Thrash. You got to give Dt and MK some time to get to know this type of offense. They are the type of guys we need (tall, fast, good hands) so we can take pressure off of Moss, Cooley, and Portis. I feel like once MK gets healthier he will start to produce. Hopefully he will come through for us towards the last 4 games of the season. I don't expect DT to get in a rythem until next season.

Right now we have some young guys in key positions. We just need to be patient and give them some time. The good thing is we have veterans with good character that can guide them in the right direction.

Now lets enjoy the week off :cheers:and get ready for Dallas. :dallasuck

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