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Rock vs Shaun Part Deux


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Well, Shaun got a lot of touches this week and he really didn't impress me that much. No leg drive and slow to hit a hole. I say this because last week there was a lot of criticism of Rock's running ability. I said then and I'll repeat it - I think Rock is a better back. Neither one of them can replace Betts though.

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I want to say this because this is just one of many threads I have seen about this topic.


At least, not in Rock's mind. He will do what is asked of him. He has not complained. He has not fussed. AND TRUST ME, IF THERE WAS A PROBLEM, I WOULD KNOW IT.

I would love him to get more touches at RB. But, it didn't happen. Will it happen next week? I don't know......and he has not told me ....if it will be any different next Monday.

I want to win. Rock wants to win. He wants to go all the way. I want to go all the way.

Which ever back makes the change from CP the smoothest, should be out there.

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Hmmmm? I don't dislike Rock hes a Redskin, but he hasn't gotten a carry to base anything off of? Let alone Alexander getting double digit in carries. There is no bases for comparison. However, Alexander is a former MVP, I'de honestly rather see Rock taking some carries because he doesn't dance. He's pretty explosive off the LOS, just runs out of gas much like Portis for the big one.

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I don't think I said Rock was pissed did I?

Nah she's just touchy. I think its a valid question to ask.

I dont mind seeing a little bit of each of them.They just need to be on the field enough to give Portis a small break. Hopefully it wont even matter much as we will get a bye after Pittsburgh and hopefully Betts will be back after that.

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I don't think I said Rock was pissed did I?

Not at all.

And I appreciate your post.

I wanted to let the posters know that ROCK doesn't see it as a -vs-.

And that he is NOT jealous of ANYONE on this team...as someone alluded to on another thread.

Thanks for allowing me to make that statement in your thread.

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Nah she's just touchy. I think its a valid question to ask.

I dont mind seeing a little bit of each of them.They just need to be on the field enough to give Portis a small break. Hopefully it wont even matter much as we will get a bye after Pittsburgh and hopefully Betts will be back after that.



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This is a try out for shawn ..just to see if there is anything left in the tank..if there is .it is a win for the skins if not..nothing ventured nothing gained..so far I am not impressed ..will be surprised if he stays on the roster once betts is back..

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