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GrimReefa's Week 5/6 Power Rankings


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Some weird movement in this week's power rankings, with some teams moving up after losses and others down after wins. This is mostly due to my very imperfect system, but I like what I've got.

32. Lions (Last week: 31) - Are the Lions the worst team in the League, or are the Rams? Tragically, we may never know, as they don't play each other this season. 0-32?

31. Rams (31) - Next 3 games are at Washington (suicide pick!), home against Dallas, and at New England. Good luck.

30. Texans (30) - I don't usually feel sorry for anybody from the state of Texas, but Houston fans have been kicked in the stones repeatedly this season. And that's not even counting the hurricane.

29. Bengals (29) - Showed fight against the two NFC East foes they have played thusfar.

28. Browns (28) - Primetime home game against the defending Super Bowl champs and presumptive best team in the league coming off a bye; this is a chance for this team to make a major statement. Hahaha! I crack myself up sometimes...

27. Chiefs (27) - Nope, still not any good. But thanks for knocking 5 guys out of my suicide pool two weeks ago!

26. Raiders (26) - This just in, the Raiders have not fired head coach Tom Cable yet. We'll see how long that lasts...

25. Seahawks (20) - Let's put it this way: yuck!

24. 49ers (21) - Showed some fight early on in the season, but it seems the good part is already over.

23. Vikings (24) - You may call it finding a way to win, but I call it dumb luck. If AP can't run better than that against the Saints defense, this team is in big trouble.

22. Jets (20) - Next three games are against the Bengals, Raiders, and Chiefs, meaning this is the time for this team to run up its record.

21. Packers (15) - This team is in free fall, and Aaron Rodgers isn't the problem. Where is Ryan Grant?

20. Colts (18) - Marvin Harrison is now officially a shadow of his former self.

19. Jaguars (17) - Thiiiis close to being 0-5.

18. Saints (10) - How do you lose that game? How?

17. Chargers (9) - Marty Schottenheimer, no. Norv Turner, obviously not. I hope Steve Spurrier is sitting by the phone.

16. Eagles (13) - It's called a quarterback sneak, and it has worked before.

15. Falcons (25) - Signing Michael Turner and drafting Matt Ryan look to be two moves which could catapault the Falcons into Super Bowl contenders sooner rather than later.

14. Patriots (19) - Two weeks after Ken Wisenhunt crushed his team by having them stay 3,000 miles from home for a week to avoid a plane ride (are plane rides really THAT bad?), Bill Belichick does the exact same thing. WTF?

13. Dolphins (16) - Ok, so the Wild Cat is confusing and all to teams that aren't used to defending it, I understand that. But where is all of this defense coming from?

12. Cardinals (23) - If Wisenhunt has learned from his mistake, this should be the favorite to capture the NFC West.

11. Ravens (14) - Two soul-crushing losses are followed by a trip to Indianapolis for what could be a crossroads game for both teams.

10. Bears (12) - The presumptive kings of the NFC North travel to the Georgia Dome for one of the week's most intriguing match-ups.

9. Buccaneers (11) - Doesn't it seem like the Buccaneers have fielded the exact same team for like 5 years in a row now? The only thing that changes is the quarterback, and even they've all been pretty much the same guy, just with different names.

8. Bills (5) - Upon further review, the Seahawks and Jaguars aren't very good, and we all knew the Rams and Raiders were awful. Couple those with a blowout loss to Arizona, a resurgence in Miami, and the Patriots looking like they might be a threat yet, and suddenly things don't look as rosy in Buffalo as they did a week ago.

7. Broncos (8) - They have won their three home games by a combined total of 6 points. This is not the Denver homefield advantage to which we are used.

6. Steelers (7) - I really want to rank them lower than this, but the fact is they are the 2nd best team in the AFC right now. What happened to that conference?

5. Panthers (6) - Big games the next two weeks against the Buccaneers and Saints give the Panthers an opportunity to create some real separation in that division.

4. Cowboys (4) - So much for riled up; the Pokes slepwalked through their win over Cincinnati. Wade Phillips better figure out how to motivate that team and fast.

3. Titans (2) - They're probably behind the Cowboys and Panthers, but I have to keep them up here as long as they're undefeated.

2. Redskins (3) - Next three games provide a real opportunity to open up the offense and turn this team into a juggernaut.

1. Giants (1) - They'd better not sleep on the Browns at home in prime time coming off a bye week. Hahaha! That's still funny...

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How did the Redskins leap frog the Titans? According to your rankings, the Titans were #2 last week and they beat a better team than the Redskins did.

I dunno man... do you really think the Ravens are better than the Eagles?

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You bring up a very good point, Joe. But...

It's not just the teams they beat, it's the manner in which they beat them.

The Redskins got down 14-0 before they realized a football game had started, and then thoroughly dominated the final three quarters of play. The Titans, on the other hand, were in a back-and-forth battle (without the actual back-and-forth) all game and only won after a preposterous roughing the passer call that should be getting all of the scrutiny of the Hochuli call in Denver in week 2.

Look at the stats:

The Redskins outgained the Eagles 388-254, had 22 first downs to the Eagles' 14, and dominated the clock by racking up almost 10 more minutes of possession than Philly.

Meanwhile, in the Tennessee/Baltimore game, it was Baltimore who controlled the game statistically. The Ravens won the yardage battle 285-210, had the exact same 22-14 advantage in first downs, and had virtually the same control of the clock (the Redskins time of possession was 17 seconds longer than the Ravens'). The Ravens actually had more yards per pass attempt AND per rush attempt, which even the Redskins didn't do (the Eagles averaged 6.8 yards per pass, while the Redskins averaged 6.2, although the Redskins made up for this by dominating in yards per rush attempt, 4.6-3.2). The only measure by which the Titans outperformed the Ravens was on the scoreboard (and yes, I know that is what matters the most - that's why I have the Titans as the 3rd best team in the NFL), whereas the Redskins defeated the Eagles by pretty much any measure.

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