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Redskins players visit with wounded troops from Iraq war


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Thursday, April 17

Redskins visit wounded at Army hospital

WASHINGTON -- Americans hurt in the war in Iraq were visited Thursday by members of the Washington Redskins.

Four team members dropped by Walter Reed Army Medical Center to cheer up 13 Army personnel injured or wounded in Iraq. Most are recovering from gunshot or shrapnel wounds.

"It's kind of motivating in a way that these guys do what they do so we can be free to live and play football," said Alex Sulfsted, an offensive lineman.

"Some of these guys are younger than me, and that's something that really stays with you," said fullback Rock Cartwright. "They are fighting for this country and you've really got to appreciate everything they do."

Offensive lineman Tre Johnson and kicker John Hall joined their teammates for the visit, handing out team pictures, caps and T-shirts to the troops and posing for photographs with them.

Walter Reed is currently treating about 40 men and women who have returned from Kuwait and Iraq. They include Pfc. Jessica Lynch, the former prisoner of war rescued by special forces from an Iraqi hospital.

Lynch, who turns 20 on April 26, was the first of six missing members of the Army's 507th Maintenance Support Company to be found alive following the ambush of her unit in southern Iraq.

She is recovering from a head wound, a spinal injury and fractures to her right arm, both legs and her right foot and ankle.

Lynch was not one of the patients seeing visitors Thursday. She has been kept in relative seclusion since arriving at Walter Reed on Saturday.

This is not the first time Redskins have spent time with wounded military personnel. Five players visited with patients injured in the terrorist attack on the Pentagon in September, 2001.

Wounded troops at Walter Reed and the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., were also to receive visits from members of the Baltimore Ravens and some of the team's cheerleaders.

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

I just hope that the Redskin players visited all the wounded and former P.O.W.'s so we don't have to hear Reggie White again.

I have a reliable source on record saying that the Redskins refused to visit black soldiers. :rolleyes:

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I too would have hoped for a better showing from some of the veterans. John Hall has been a redskin for about 2 seconds and he is over there showing his support. They should already be in the DC area participating in the optional off season workouts...you can't tell me that many of the boys are busy finishing up their college degrees or taking part in some other community based philanthropic effort.

No Jansen, Samuels, Ramsey, Champ, Lavar? Hello? Gardner? Trotter, Smoot, Armstead?

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Good stuff Tarhog. Thanks. Good to see some of the players visiting the heroes. Hope more follow as time goes on.

I have a feeling somebody's adding those pictures to a collection. ;) Same person may say that a visit from Rock is the best the Skins could do. :cool:


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Originally posted by OrangeSkin

I have a reliable source on record saying that the Redskins refused to visit black soldiers. :rolleyes:

That one guy looks kinda black to me in that one picture... I doubt he got too much sun in Iraq.

Maybe your reliable source isn't too reliable?


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