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Portis running over zach thomas

NeverForget ST#21

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He still has his speed IMO but he's definitely lost some shiftiness. He didnt even really try to juke the last guy. Just slightly changed direction.

He's like an alligator, he's got great wheels straight ahead, but when he wants to switch direction, he turns his hips and his body together which slow him down tremendously. Dude is still a beast though. He's great for the skins. If he continues to run and block like he's done, we don't need him to change a bit.

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To the people talking about Portis' speed and the long run..

-He ran a 4.26 40 yard dash in 2006.. and that year he had some weight hoping to improve his durability.

-If you look at the players in the background he's moving alot faster than them ;)

-Lastly, on the cutback he was in a crappy position to maneuver considering the angles from the Dallas players. My money is that no running back in the NFL takes that to the house. That said, he looked a little confused when he got into the open field.. hasn't seen it enough in DC :applause:

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Practice is one thing. Gametime is another.

I see this sometimes in youth coaching, a guy is really fast but once padded up they become slow while others don't.

Check out this video from 5 years ago:


Tell me he still has that speed.

looks as if he was running standing straight up in that video. now, he seems to run much lower to the ground and doesn't seem to have as much shiftiness. his game speed now is nowhere close to where it was then.

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I remember Doc Walker talking about this (at least I think it was Doc Walker - losing my memory sigh) a couple days ago.

He was saying that he doesn't think that Portis has lost a step, but that he has been VERY careful about his ball handling skills for about the past year.

The first few years that Portis was in Washington, and possibly early last season, Portis has coughed a bunch of fumbles, especially at the worst times possible. But I don't remember him fumbling the ball at all the late part of last season and so far this season.

It seems like he runs real low, and tries to push the pile, but if he feels that there might be a chance for the ball to be punched out, he'll get down to the ground.

I don't know if this is true, but he hasn't fumbled at all lately, when it used to be a problem for him.

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That may be what the seemingly "slowing" down is from. He definitely seems to be very aware of the ball position and protection of the ball. I think this is very important. I would rather have a consistent rb that doesn't fumble, than a rb that may get a home run but has a habit of spitting the rock up.

I see CP getting into the "Redskin" type of rb. He is still on pace for almost a 1500 yard 12 TD season. I am good with that. How bout you?

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One teensy weensy little detail people are leaving out in regards to Clinton getting "caught" on his 31 yarder.

That play happened with 10:41 left in the third quarter. He had 11 carries and 2 catches up to that point in the ridiculous humidity of Texas Stadium, and that was his third touch in a row on that drive.

The 63 yarder against the Bucs was the first run of the game for Portis. Now I don't know about the rest of the athletes in the NFL but 90 degree heat + humidity and 13 bruising touches are going to suck a bit of energy out of you, and I think its not overly dramatic to say Portis wasn't running as fast as he would have had that hole opened in the 1st quarter.

What I will say on the matter is this. Portis has been running gaining some tough yards for the past few years he's been here. I expect the running game to evolve and look more like the running game that Shawn Alexander took part in. Adjusting back to that kind of open-lane running may take Portis a few games. Let's see how he does against some of the defenses in the upcoming weeks before we decide Clinton's speed aint' what it used to be.

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Portis has not lost his speed as noted earlier by running head to head with Landry. Portis is smarter in his tactics of the game by saving his power and quickness after toying with the defensive front four to see with the weakness might be.

He has definitely gotten wiser with his body by not taking too many hits.

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The heat was a huge factor. Also why there was not too much celebrating after the good runs. Too exhausted. I'm shocked he was able to do what he did.

Were you at the saints game? People could barely sit through the game let alone play in it. It was about equally hot in dallas on sunday.

Clinton Portis is a machine!

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I remember Doc Walker talking about this (at least I think it was Doc Walker - losing my memory sigh) a couple days ago.

He was saying that he doesn't think that Portis has lost a step, but that he has been VERY careful about his ball handling skills for about the past year.

The first few years that Portis was in Washington, and possibly early last season, Portis has coughed a bunch of fumbles, especially at the worst times possible. But I don't remember him fumbling the ball at all the late part of last season and so far this season.

It seems like he runs real low, and tries to push the pile, but if he feels that there might be a chance for the ball to be punched out, he'll get down to the ground.

I don't know if this is true, but he hasn't fumbled at all lately, when it used to be a problem for him.

If this is true, then I prefer the current Portis. Our offense (and defense, indirectly) has benefited tremendously from not turning over the ball.

I just want him to get first downs and help control the time of possession.

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Another thought to conisider -

SO WHAT if he sacrificed some speed to become a more "bruising" runner. Toward the end of a career, you are likely going to loose a step (I think he's got some time left, but he's a very old 27). Isn't it good to adapt your running style to prolong your years....

He might be able to give us another 4-5 years of being our every down back. Maybe we draft another RB in a few years to give us the change of pace, quick hitter.....but you always need the "between the tackles" guy, and right now, Clinton is a good blend of "between the tackles, but still with some speed"....

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