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BRT:Russia offers Chavez nuclear help amid US tensions


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Russia offers Chavez nuclear help amid US tensions

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was to meet Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev on Friday after Russia risked Washington's wrath by offering the fierce US foe help developing nuclear energy.

The two were to meet in the city of Orenburg after hawkish Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told Chavez in Moscow on Thursday that Russia was "ready to consider the possibility of cooperation in nuclear energy."

The countries have boosted ties in recent weeks following sharp US criticism of Russia's incursion into Georgia, with Moscow dispatching long-range bombers and warships to Venezuela for exercises near US waters.

Putin made the nuclear offer after Russia this week delayed talks with the United States and other powers on fears Iran is developing nuclear weapons, concerns critics say have been exacerbated by civilian nuclear technology provided by Moscow.

Chavez called for increased ties with Russia as a counter-balance to US power.

"Today like never before all that you said on the multi-polar world becomes reality. Let us not lose time," Chavez told Putin. "The world is fast developing geopolitically."

In deployments not seen since the Cold War, Russia this month sent two long-range bombers to Venezuela for exercises and has dispatched a flotilla of warships from the Arctic base of Severomorsk to Venezuela, near US waters.

Putin thanked Chavez for the "warm welcome" given to the planes and said South America was growing in importance for Moscow.

"Latin America has become an important chain-link in creating a multipolar world, and we will pay more attention to this vector," he said.

Russia's relations with the United States are in a deep chill, most recently over the brief war in Georgia last month -- a conflict where Chavez was one of the few world leaders to support Moscow.

During that war, Washington angered Moscow by holding naval exercises near its Black Sea coast. And when the war ended, the United States used warships to deliver humanitarian aid to Georgia.

Chavez and Medvedev were expected to touch on military and energy cooperation in Friday's talks, a Kremlin official said.

The Kremlin on Thursday announced that Russia had granted Venezuela a one-billion-dollar (682-million-euro) loan to buy Russian arms.

Venezuela has signed deals for 4.4 billion dollars' worth of Russian arms since 2005, including fighter jets, tanks and assault rifles.

Russia's Kommersant daily reported last week that Venezuela was planning to purchase anti-aircraft systems, armoured personnel carriers and more combat aircraft. Chavez arrived in Russia from China and will continue on to France as part of a world tour ahead of local elections in Venezuela in November. It is his third trip to Russia since June of last year.

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I get a chuckle when I read that Chavez is a "fierce foe" of ours.

He's a clown, and I really don't think anyone here feels any threat from him.

Now, he seems to WANT to be a fierce foe, and he seems hell bent on doing so for reasons I can't figure.

We are the largest buyer of his biggest export, and I guess he'd rather not sell us his product.

I can't see how any of his actions toward the US make any sense at all.


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I get a chuckle when I read that Chavez is a "fierce foe" of ours.

He's a clown, and I really don't think anyone here feels any threat from him.

Now, he seems to WANT to be a fierce foe, and he seems hell bent on doing so for reasons I can't figure.

We are the largest buyer of his biggest export, and I guess he'd rather not sell us his product.

I can't see how any of his actions toward the US make any sense at all.


Railing against The Man has always been an easy way to stay popular, even if there's no reason for it.

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I get a chuckle when I read that Chavez is a "fierce foe" of ours.

He's a clown, and I really don't think anyone here feels any threat from him.

Now, he seems to WANT to be a fierce foe, and he seems hell bent on doing so for reasons I can't figure.

We are the largest buyer of his biggest export, and I guess he'd rather not sell us his product.

I can't see how any of his actions toward the US make any sense at all.


words are cheap

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I get a chuckle when I read that Chavez is a "fierce foe" of ours.

He's a clown, and I really don't think anyone here feels any threat from him.

Now, he seems to WANT to be a fierce foe, and he seems hell bent on doing so for reasons I can't figure.

I think, what really pissed him off was the failed coup which Bush engineered against him in 2002.

Since that time Chavez hasn't been that funny. Chavaz is the guy who has been giving money, arms and support to the FARQ Gerillas destabalizing his neighbors over in Columbia a strong US ally who recieve hundreds of millions in US support.. Chavaz also has been buying up and handing out AK-47's 100,000 at a time to different leftist groups.. And he just announced a deal to buy advanced fighters from China.. J-10's the ones which we helped Israel to develope, and Israel sold the production technology to China.

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The trading shots with Pakistan thing that nobody commented on makes me more nervous.

The Russians now how to play the game and so do we. The probability that somebody is going to misstep and cause a serious situation are pretty low.

The Georgian situation proved that.

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I don't see why Chavez needs Russia's help,he is clearly capable of destroying a fine country and it's economy all on his own.

I guess since he is about through wrecking oil production,nuclear power seems like a great idea.

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I don't see why Chavez needs Russia's help,he is clearly capable of destroying a fine country and it's economy all on his own.

I guess since he is about through wrecking oil production,nuclear power seems like a great idea.

The reason we are opposed to him getting nuclear energy is the same reason we don't want Iran to get it. The same reactors which produce nuclear energy will yeild plutonium material to support a nuclear weapons program...

Chavez getting a nuke would be worse from our perspective than Iran getting one.

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