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VOTE for Jason Campbell for FedEx Air Player of the Week


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Come on guys we pushed the ARE and Santana Moss picture to the top spot last week to win the top spot. When I saw the commercial during the game announcing it as the winner it made me feel good because I knew that along with all of my fellow ESers did that. So lets do it for Jason Campbell to thank him for the past two games and to give him another confidence boost before the Pukes game. Cast your first vote hit refresh and then make the choice again repeat. :dallasuck



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;) Voted; wasn't sure if there was a "dangling" chad, so refreshed my page many, many, many ^^^^^^ you get the drift:silly:

I don't know~ as MUCH as I hate to see it, Phillip Rivers did beat Farve:(, and "my gut"..............

Anyway, I'll ensure I vote again, "just in case" my first vote didn't take:cheers:

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Done and done, though I am pretty sure Rivers will win it...how about Ronnie Brown this week!

That Brett Favre photo was up by over 15% last week and in under 1.5 hours the ARE and Santana Moss picture was up by 9%. Jason Campbell can win if we will him too ... errr vote for him several times. :dallasuck


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Come on guys we pushed the ARE and Santana Moss picture to the top spot last week to win the top spot. When I saw the commercial during the game announcing it as the winner it made me feel good because I knew that along with all of my fellow ESers did that. So lets do it for Jason Campbell to thank him for the past two games and to give him another confidence boost before the Pukes game. Cast your first vote hit refresh and then make the choice again repeat. :dallasuck



rivers got it all the way watch go dallas

dallas 41

deadskin 10

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God bless you man. I can't keep track of the actual times I have voted but it is a lot ... I think you have me beat though. You are the definition of an ES! :dallasuck



It's a group effort. There are so many members at this site. All it would take is a fraction to all vote once. But the more times this gets bumped the more people see it, the more votes we get.

(You know people just can't resist clicking a thread they see at the top a number of times even if the thread title doesn't seize their attention)


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