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Why Sunday's win over the Saints was BIGGER than most may realize


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I hope he turned a corner, but I remember thinking the same thing after the Detroit game last year. Lets hope he can show more consistency on a week to week basis.

I remember that too, but unlike the Detroit game Campbell led his team from certain defeat to attain victory. The Detroit game was a blowout, anyone can win a blowout.

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I may have wanted to word the deep pass differently. Most of JC's deep passes have bee inaccurate. The one to Cooley against the Panthers wasn't a deep ball it was a short pass that Cooley took yard. The one against the Saints was something like a 20-30 yard strike, more intermediate than deep. Santana's one hander was a great adjustment by tana.
I think they've mostly been right on target, such as the one to Moss in last year's loss to NYG. The Cooley deep balls that I was referring to were ones like the one against TB last year, or the one against Buffalo last year. The one against NO in 2006 was around 40, and that's not factoring in the end zone.
What was meant by it was that Campbell tends to miss the sure-fire 6, wide open deep ball.
How many of those has he even had a chance for? The one mentioned above against the NYG was 40+ yards (I believe, and it was perfect), but since the defenders were right around him (which underscores how perfect it was), he had no chance of reaching the end zone. So far I'd say he's 3/5 (the 2006 NO one, the 2007 one to Cooley against TB, and the one on Sunday).
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I remember that too, but unlike the Detroit game Campbell led his team from certain defeat to attain victory. The Detroit game was a blowout, anyone can win a blowout.

But Campbell's play that day certainly lead to the blowout. This seemed like a sign that he had turned a corner, much like this past weekend.

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Also, if you think that a week 2 win against a Saints team that might not end up being good is more important than wins that got us into the playoffs, then you are a bigger JC fan than a Redskins fan.

This might be that game that JC uses as a jumping off point to get us those wins to get us in the playoffs this year. If he struggles against the Saints' JV secondary, then the thread would have benn much, much different.

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The 66 yarder was a 5-10 yard pass that Cooley broke for 66 yards. Not a 61 yard pass with a 6 yard jog into the endzone.

Well, my post was intended to be a joke...but regardless, who cares if the ball was in the air longer? Or there was more yards-after-catch? It's still 7 points. And neither one is a true indication of future success.

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This might be that game that JC uses as a jumping off point to get us those wins to get us in the playoffs this year. If he struggles against the Saints' JV secondary, then the thread would have benn much, much different.

You specifically stated that this the "BIGGEST win" in 2 1/2 years. Not that it might be a jumping off point.

I would place the playoff win against Tampa above all other wins in the past 2.5 years, followed by wins that immediately preceded our playoff appearance. The Giants and Philly games in 05 and the Giants, Vikings, Pukes games last year.

Last year's win against Miami might have been the start of 19-0 season, it wasn't. A week 2 win is not as important as a playoff win or a win that clinches a playoff berth no matter how much you love JC.

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All the games kind of mesh together with me...(almost like you remember the bad,but not the good)

Now I know he has had some pretty good touchdowns,but I can't remember the last time he connected on a 60 yard+ bomb from any game honestly...

I know he's attempted a few of them including just last week on the thrash miss...

This Saints win and performance was a HUGE game imo...

#1)I think the Saints are a pretty good football team and very well might be in the thick of things this year...I could easily see us both with a simular record if we continue to play well!There's no reason to think that a win against them very well might we what gets us in the playoffs with the tiebreaker scenarios(however early in the season I know)

#2)What made this game and victory huge,wasn't just because we won and he played well,but that we know it's POSSIBLE!Plus it happened early giving us all hope rather than him having a "breakout" game in week 10 or so...

#3)It also proved that Zorn can win in this league,even if he uses an unordadox style of coaching...Sure he has a LONG way to go,but that maybe his offense isn't so bad afterall?

#4)Not only did we make ourselves strong with the Zorn hire,but we may have weakened a Conference opponent in Seattle who has had our number for a few years!I don't think it's a coincidence that Seattle has looked like crap without their QB's coach in Zorn...Now maybe I am giving Zorn too much credit here,but would Campbell have made the progression with Cowher or Fossil or anyone by now...Who knows?People say that this guy was a great pickup or Snyder got this guy or didn't get this guy,but the pickup that may change Snyders and carrato's legacy might just be the ole' little QB's coach from Seattle that got promoted from O-coordinator to Head coach for whatever the true reason is!That might just be the reason this Franchise becomes great again!Sometimes taking risks can reap HUGE rewards...I sure hope Zorn is our guy...It's been a long time!

#5)But the biggest reason of them all,might just be the confidence in the o-line,who I thought did a GREAT job in blocking for him...They will know in the back of their mind,that if they block for Campbell and give an extra effort to keep their man away from JC...that he can and will make a big play for the team to win the game...Now I know he has to do this more than 1 time and 1 game...but if he can continue to flourish with good blocking...I believe our line can be as good as any line in the league!!And if we get good O-line protection,we will go very,very far and JC will go very,very far!It all starts up front people!

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good point, but id say that this was his second clutch performance - the pass to Cooley against Carolina 2 years ago was his first. both, interestingly enough, came on JC audibles.

Zorn called the play. He gave credit to Jason for calling the blocking assignments for the line.

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You specifically stated that this the "BIGGEST win" in 2 1/2 years. Not that it might be a jumping off point.

I would place the playoff win against Tampa above all other wins in the past 2.5 years, followed by wins that immediately preceded our playoff appearance. The Giants and Philly games in 05 and the Giants, Vikings, Pukes games last year.

Last year's win against Miami might have been the start of 19-0 season, it wasn't. A week 2 win is not as important as a playoff win or a win that clinches a playoff berth no matter how much you love JC.

Dude, I far from love JC. As far as future success goes this win does wonders for his confidence and the team's confidence in him. None of those wins last year or in 05 mean anything because we didn't win it all.

The fact of the matter is that for a new coach and a QB that hasn't really show the ability to lead his team from certain defeat to win this game was HUGE!

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The fact of the matter is that for a new coach and a QB that hasn't really show the ability to lead his team from certain defeat to win this game was HUGE!

I see what you are saying, but I think that we won't be able to tell how truly huge it was until we see if they are able to build on their confidence level and momentum. If JC comes out and throws 4 INTS this week and the team gets crushed, anything gained from the Saints game will most likely be lost.

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About the long pass play to Moss...

A rookie CB was covering Moss. Campbell was right to go after the rook in that situation, but the pass was underthrown and Moss had to turn to make the catch. A decent corner breaks up the play.

I believe more time is needed to see if JC is really turning the corner. Sure hope so and Sunday's performance was nice to see.

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I must admit...I thought that maybe some point in the 4th quarter Donavan McNabb came in and switched jerseys with JC...

This is DEFINITELY something JC and the staff can build on.

I soooo love that Zorn put the ball in JC's hands on the 4th down play...when all is said and done this year, that might be the play that it all hinges on.

This is what I agree with (no offense to the OP) that might be the turning point. Easy call would have been to run the ball, but Zorn chose to let JC throw and put it all on his arm. Short pass or not, it is a confidence builder to a QB to have the coach "put the game on your shoulders."

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The 66 yarder was a 5-10 yard pass that Cooley broke for 66 yards. Not a 61 yard pass with a 6 yard jog into the endzone.

I thought the Cooley catch vs. Carolina was longer than 10 yards. I could be wrong, but I thought it was more in the 20 yard range. Anyway, look at it this way, that is the type of play that is featured in the WCO and the 67 yarder over the top will not be a play you see every week. You try to wear your opponent down with smaller passes, then try one over the top and it worked this week.

#4)Not only did we make ourselves strong with the Zorn hire,but we may have weakened a Conference opponent in Seattle who has had our number for a few years!I don't think it's a coincidence that Seattle has looked like crap without their QB's coach in Zorn...Now maybe I am giving Zorn too much credit here,but would Campbell have made the progression with Cowher or Fossil or anyone by now...Who knows?People say that this guy was a great pickup or Snyder got this guy or didn't get this guy,but the pickup that may change Snyders and carrato's legacy might just be the ole' little QB's coach from Seattle that got promoted from O-coordinator to Head coach for whatever the true reason is!That might just be the reason this Franchise becomes great again!Sometimes taking risks can reap HUGE rewards...I sure hope Zorn is our guy...It's been a long time!

Hasselbeck is certainly struggling, but they are without their top 3 WR's (Engrem, Branch and Burleson), had to sign McMullen off the street and lost yet another WR (A backup- can't recall his name) for the season. So until they have all their weapons, I wouldn't say it's all because Zorn is gone, but he did mold Matt into a good QB and I hope he does the same with JC.

About the long pass play to Moss...

A rookie CB was covering Moss. Campbell was right to go after the rook in that situation, but the pass was underthrown and Moss had to turn to make the catch. A decent corner breaks up the play.

I believe more time is needed to see if JC is really turning the corner. Sure hope so and Sunday's performance was nice to see.

It was a little underthrown, but he had 3 yards on the CB and Moss had to reach back a little, but he never lost his stride. Unless that CB has 4.2 speed, even the good ones would have had a hard time breaking that up. I think you're being a little too critical on a good play. He put it where the defender couldn't get it. Be happy with the play. And aren't you glad Jason made the "right" read of 1 on 1 with a rookie?

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The game really wasn't that big... The only way it becomes big is if the entire teams raises its level of play in the coming games. If the defense can play like it did in the first half and the offense can turn those field goals into touchdowns then this game will prove big. But right now it's just a game that we had to comeback and win that we should've finished before halftime.

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Dude, I far from love JC. As far as future success goes this win does wonders for his confidence and the team's confidence in him. None of those wins last year or in 05 mean anything because we didn't win it all.

The fact of the matter is that for a new coach and a QB that hasn't really show the ability to lead his team from certain defeat to win this game was HUGE!

It is absurd to call a week 2 win against a non-division team at home a bigger win than a playoff win. There is no argument.

He has won games against crap teams before, he just hasn't brought us back in the 4th quarter. Let's see how he does at Dallas and at Philly. He is 1-6 against the division so far. If he is 1-8 in 3 weeks, it is time for him to sit.

Being down by 9 with most of the 4th quarter remaining might be "certain defeat" in Zorn's eyes based on his playcalling the week before, but most people still think there is competitive football left at that point.

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This game was a big confidence booster for JC and the beginning of him being comfortable in Zorn's offense. If he does well against the Cardinals this week, his biggest test will be how he performs on the road against the cowpukes. That game will define who JC is as a qb.

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