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McCain: Palin Has National Security Experience Because She Knows About ‘Energy’

Cooked Crack

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There hasn't been a single nuclear explosion in the US since it was passed.

That's the Republican Party's definition of a stunning success, isn't it?


BUSH KEPT US SAFE. In other news the tiger repellent I bought is keeping me safe from tigers

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Picking Palin was a brilliant move by McCain. Every time the libs bring up Palin's experience, it just MAGNIFIES what little Obama has accomplished in his 2 years in the Senate (no, you can't count the 2 years he has been running for president).

Because I say so. So there.

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What do you want him to do?

Apologize for the last seven years?

You guys are laughable.

no, I want idiots to stop claiming the only reason a terrorist attack hasn't been successful is because of him. Like he is involved somehow in gathering intelligence and neutralizing terrorists threats. Somehow McCain will also be better than this then Obama.

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no, I want idiots to stop claiming the only reason a terrorist attack hasn't been successful is because of him. Like he is involved somehow in gathering intelligence and neutralizing terrorists threats. Somehow McCain will also be better than this then Obama.
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no, I want idiots to stop claiming the only reason a terrorist attack hasn't been successful is because of him. Like he is involved somehow in gathering intelligence and neutralizing terrorists threats. Somehow McCain will also be better than this then Obama.

If you have problems with reading posts full of blatant cognitive dissonance, the maybe the Tailgate is not the place for you. :silly:

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Dude, wiki is crap.

Saying that knowing energy and knowing national security are the same thing is absurd. I'm not saying energy plays no role in national security, but I don't think T. Boone Pickens knows jack **** about national security either.

I didn't post anything from wiki. And I said something along the lines of it being a dangerous tool(mainly because there are parts that are crap)

Energy plays a much larger role in national security than I think you give it credit for. And the person(speaking in complete generalities here) that can reduce the significance of those things JMS listed earlier will contribute greatly to national security, whether they know anything about it or not

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no, I want idiots to stop claiming the only reason a terrorist attack hasn't been successful is because of him. Like he is involved somehow in gathering intelligence and neutralizing terrorists threats. Somehow McCain will also be better than this then Obama.

*edit* Misread your post.

I haven't seen a single person claim that GWB is the sole reason we haven't been attacked. Maybe you could show me differently.

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no, I want idiots to stop claiming the only reason a terrorist attack hasn't been successful is because of him. Like he is involved somehow in gathering intelligence and neutralizing terrorists threats. Somehow McCain will also be better than this then Obama.

I don't think he is the only reason that a terrorist attack hasn't been successful here. But just like he isn't the only reason, he and his policies are a reason.

I wish idiots would stop posting in one thread that he, or his policy, has nothing to do with decreasing violence in Iraq and nothing to do with no terrorist attacks...but has EVERYTHING to do rising home foreclosures and gas prices

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Or maybe some are just so full of venom that they can't give credit to "the enemy" no matter what.

What credit do YOU propose we give Sara Palin as an expert on national security or on Russia? McCain is the one who made these silly suggestions, not us. We are just pointing out that they are silly.

"Not only is Alaska America's closest point to Russia, Alaska has Mount McKinley, which makes it America's closest point to space. That means she has space policy experience, too.

- Stephen Colbert
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What credit do YOU propose we give Sara Palin as an expert on national security or on Russia? McCain is the one who made these silly suggestions, not us. We are just pointing out that they are silly.

- Stephen Colbert

Is this on a scale of 1 to something?

I think that whole exchange between H_H and Jeeb was regarding the amount of credit Bush gets for there being no terror attacks in the last 7 years.

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A bill ending Lobbiest free "lunch tickets"? Four years in the Senate, and that is what we hang our hat on? Come on! That is just hilarious.... :D

And you guys want to say Palin has no experience?

I was about to say the same thing. Obama is fashion, an empty suit, the great black hope for guilty white liberals.

Claiming Palin is inexperienced just makes them look like idiots and/or hypocrites.

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For one year. According to the GOP, that's important, and makes her qualified.

Obama's been a US Senator for three years. According to the GOP, that's not long enough to count.

Last I checked if McCain wins she will add at least 4 years as Vice President to her resume. Would she then be qualified?

2 year in the Senate is a joke Larry. The first year you basically do nothing so he really has one year of senate experience. The last two he has done nothing but travel around the country giving pretty speeches.

I'll never say Palin is very qualified, but she is at least as qualified as Obama and she is not HEADING UP THE TICKET.

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Is this on a scale of 1 to something?

I think that whole exchange between H_H and Jeeb was regarding the amount of credit Bush gets for there being no terror attacks in the last 7 years.

Exactly the same that Clinton gets for there being none for the previous 7? :halo:

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Last I checked if McCain wins she will add at least 4 years as Vice President to her resume. Would she then be qualified?

2 year in the Senate is a joke Larry. The first year you basically do nothing so he really has one year of senate experience. The last two he has done nothing but travel around the country giving pretty speeches.

I'll never say Palin is very qualified, but she is at least as qualified as Obama and she is not HEADING UP THE TICKET.

1) It's Three years in the Senate. Versus One year as Governor.


In fact, I said so, on day 1. I said that I thought the GOP was wrong to try to claim that one year as Governor somehow qualifies someone to be President, but that 3 years in the Senate doesn't. I suggested that the better response, that I thought would actually work, would be to point out that the responsibilities of Vice President are just a tad bit lower.

Problem with making the honest, obvious, true statement, is that it also is an implied statement that the GOP doesn't think she's qualified to be President.

It's true. (They don't think she's remotely qualified.) But they absolutely can't admit the obvious truth, because it doesn't spin well.

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If only that were true.

But this should stay on topic

(I guess your assertion is true if Oklahoma has succeeded from the union):halo:

Oooh, you're right. We should obviously give W credit for ending domestic terrorism by invading Iraq.

Let me guess, Saddam was behind Oklahoma City, too.

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