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For the Thrash Metal Fans

Commander PK

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what do you have against Hatebreed? seriously too, not being a smart ass.

Nothing against them per se, although it's a bit mainstream for my taste. I just think they have about as much to do with Thrash metal as NOFX.

That's a band that's just glaringly out of place in a documentary about thrash, IMO. It seems like a cheap attempt by the producers to sell copies by throwing in someone the kids at the mall will recognize.

Give me Forbidden Evil or Blind Illusion and pass on the metalcore. :2cents:

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It should be a crime to file Godsmack next to megadeath,dio,COB, & testament....


Godsmack has such a mixed modern feel to it......While their style is close enough to get confused from an outsider the answer is simple......just ask anyone with a Rust in peace T-shirt if Godsmack is Thrash......:rolleyes:

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I think what a lot of the newer bands that are credited, Godsmack, Hatebreed, etc. are more for what the Thrash scene "did for them," and how it influenced their music. I don't think they are defining what they are doing now as Thrash. I don't think that is what the documentary is trying to That Godsmack is Thrash Metal.

I've been waiting for this to come out on DVD for a while. I've read nothing but positive reviews online.

Another Metal Documentary that was great was "A Headbangers Journey." I bought it on DVD a few years ago, and now VH1 has picked it up. I've caught it being broadcast by them atleast twice. Overall, great documentary, although the director had some questionable groups in his as well. Tom Morello? Sorry, not Metal. Geddy Lee? Rush is a great hard rock/prog rock band, but not Metal.

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Here's another one to check out, Born in the Basement :http://www.ratskates.com/what_it_is.htm

Both Get Thrashed and Born in the Basement were put together by Rat Skates the former drummer for Overkill. Born is mostly about Overkill but it looks like it will cover a lot of the same stuff as Get Thrashed will cover. Haven't seen either one but they both look cool.

My old band opened for Overkill on several shows back in 89' or 90' (can't remember now). Rat had left the band by that point. They were all very cool to us and didn't give us the attitude some other "big" bands at the time we played with did. Good times.

Things were a lot different with music before the internet. The big thing back then was to make a demo tape (cassette) and get it circulating. There were also a lot of Fanzines around where you could buy and sell tapes through.

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