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AOL SPORTS: "Gibbs Racing Faces Penalties for Cheating"


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posted: 1 HOUR 4 MINUTES AGO

BROOKLYN, Michigan (Aug. 17) - The No. 18 and No. 20 Joe Gibbs Racing teams in the Nationwide Series will likely face big penalties after efforts to alter the results of a chassis dyno test.

Joe Gibbs apologized to NASCAR and fans after his two teams in the Nationwide Series are caught by NASCAR officials with magnets under their

NASCAR inspectors, preparing to do tests on horsepower numbers following Saturday's Nationwide race at Michigan International Speedway, found magnets under the gas pedals on the two Gibbs Toyotas.

Tony Stewart, making his last Nationwide start for the Gibbs team, finished third in the No. 20, and 18-year-old rookie Joey Logano was seventh in the No. 18. Those cars have been dominant this year and NASCAR, after earlier dyno tests, took steps to cut the horsepower in the Toyota engines in Nationwide.

This was apparently an effort to keep the current numbers from looking too strong in the test.

"In our post-race inspection - yesterday was the day we were going to chassis dyno cars - our inspectors discovered some shims that were placed on the gas pedal stop," Robin Pemberton, vice president of competition for NASCAR, said Sunday. "It was magnets that were about a quarter-inch thick that prevented the accelerator from going 100 percent wide open.

"The intention was to manipulate the numbers that we get when we get our information and data off the dyno."

Pemberton said NASCAR officials will meet Monday and Tuesday to determine what penalties will be handed out.

"I anticipate that we haven't seen the end of it yet," Pemberton said when asked if the penalties were likely to be severe. "We historically don't make our decisions within a 24-hour period. It takes time to get everybody in a group and talk about it."

J.D. Gibbs, son of owner Joe Gibbs and president of the team, said JGR takes full responsibility for the actions of its employees.

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haha. Not a Neckcar fan. Not even a little bit. But, I am a Joe Gibbs fan. :)

I am too.

I find it a bit interesting to find that he was busted for cheating, this seems to be a pretty big infraction of the rules. I don't totally understand it all but I wonder how much Gibbs played a part of this.

From what we know about Gibbs he seems like a guy that's for good sportsmanship and would frown upon cheating.

So while Gibbs apologized as the head of Gibbs racing, I'm willing to bet he had no knowledge of this. I hope.

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During the season last year, we heard quit abit ob billichech cheating, and there were numerous people who said, and probably believe with all their heart that a Joe Gibbs team would never cheat to win. I think these events have got to change our oppinion, on whether or not any kind of cheating could take place under the Joe Gibbs ERA. One particularly that we were accused of was piping in crowd noise.

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I am too.

I find it a bit interesting to find that he was busted for cheating, this seems to be a pretty big infraction of the rules. I don't totally understand it all but I wonder how much Gibbs played a part of this.

From what we know about Gibbs he seems like a guy that's for good sportsmanship and would frown upon cheating.

So while Gibbs apologized as the head of Gibbs racing, I'm willing to bet he had no knowledge of this. I hope.

I'd lean towards agreement, here. It reminds me of when GW took it upon himself to pay respect to Taylor by way of the missing man formation. All without Joe's knowledge.

Now, my example and the matter at hand are two completely polar opposites in reality. However, in the sense of something happening without Joe's knowledge and having still took blame is of the same light.

From my understanding with these 'shims', they were to be used to fool the dyno with how much power their engine was really giving out. Then, come race day, those two cars would haul ass down the track.

Kinda makes you wonder though, is this the first time that they used said 'shims'? Or is this just the first time that they got caught?

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I'd lean towards agreement, here. It reminds me of when GW took it upon himself to pay respect to Taylor by way of the missing man formation. All without Joe's knowledge.

Now, my example and the matter at hand are two completely polar opposites in reality. However, in the sense of something happening without Joe's knowledge and having still took blame is of the same light.

From my understanding with these 'shims', they were to be used to fool the dyno with how much power their engine was really giving out. Then, come race day, those two cars would haul ass down the track.

Kinda makes you wonder though, is this the first time that they used said 'shims'? Or is this just the first time that they got caught?

Dunno...from what I understand about NASCAR, the rules are always changing. In a weird sort of way, it almost endorses cheating, for lack of a better term. Not totally endorsing it, but encouraging ways to find loopholes, maybe? Kinda goes hand in hand with your question of them using the shims or is it the first time they've been busted.

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This is old news it has been discussed in the Nascar thread at noon today.


end of page 3 and 4

How does that come up with the search feature when checking previously started threads?

Just trying to figure out how I could have found this out without reading a bunch of words that doesn't interest me. :)

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How does that come up with the search feature when checking previously started threads?

Just trying to figure out how I could have found this out without reading a bunch of words that doesn't interest me. :)

I was just letting you know. If it has to do with NASCAR it has been discussed trust me. :laugh:

The thing about cheating in the Nationwide series is, it is the minor leagues for Cup. JGR had nothing to gain by doing this, and everything to lose. They are not running for the championship in the Nationwide series. I am sure Joe did not know about this, but somebody who is a high up did.

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Yeah, it surprises me deeply that Gibbs has been caught cheating or even associated with it. He always seemed a man of honor. I guess there's the hope that he didn't know, but even if he didn't know or it was done without his knowledge the buck stops at his doorstep. He's the President. He's the boss.

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Yeah, it surprises me deeply that Gibbs has been caught cheating or even associated with it. He always seemed a man of honor. I guess there's the hope that he didn't know, but even if he didn't know or it was done without his knowledge the buck stops at his doorstep. He's the President. He's the boss.

Actually, his son J.D. is the president and runs the day to day operations of Joe Gibbs Racing.

We all know Joe Gibbs and we all know he would NEVER be involved in anything like this. Nor would his son. I'm not dismissing what their responsibilities are, but you cannot possibly control every minute detail of a large operation such as JGR. You have to trust the people around you.

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I'm not dismissing what their responsibilities are, but you cannot possibly control every minute detail of a large operation such as JGR. You have to trust the people around you.

If you put your name on the door... if you accept the gig, then the responsibility is yours. That's one of the things that bugs me most in modern politics, especially with President Bush's defenders. There's been a constant line of...

"Gee, you can't hold him accountable for that! He's only the President! Just because it was done in his office under his authority didn't mean he bares any responsibility for it!" Bush isn't even held accountable for things in his own speech. I have heard him being excused because while he said it, any lies were the fault of his vetters and speechwriters.

We live in a no-fault society. Mistakes happen, but owning up to them and addressing them is important. Too many seem to forget that.

Thankfully, Gibbs is a man of moral courage. Glad to see that he has "full responsibility for the actions of their employees" He should. And he should work to address and fix the problem immediately.

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If you put your name on the door... if you accept the gig, then the responsibility is yours. That's one of the things that bugs me most in modern politics, especially with President Bush's defenders. There's been a constant line of...

"Gee, you can't hold him accountable for that! He's only the President! Just because it was done in his office under his authority didn't mean he bares any responsibility for it!" Bush isn't even held accountable for things in his own speech. I have heard him being excused because while he said it, any lies were the fault of his vetters and speechwriters.

We live in a no-fault society. Mistakes happen, but owning up to them and addressing them is important. Too many seem to forget that.

Thankfully, Gibbs is a man of moral courage. Glad to see that he has "full responsibility for the actions of their employees" He should. And he should work to address and fix the problem immediately.

Way to interject politics into this thread. :rolleyes:

And oh, by the way, I guess you missed the part of my post where I said that Gibbs' responsibiities can't be dismissed.

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