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Great quote from Phillip Daniels


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Let's see, we've had zero preseason games, zero training camps, zero regular season games and suddenly Zorn is an offensive genius! Talk is cheap.(Look at Spurrier during

the '02 preseason). It's great to be enthusiastic, but there's a LONG way to go!

Gee, we would have never known that had you not posted it. Thanks! :thumbsup:

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I was thinking something very similar. Why the hell are we listening to quotes about the OFFENSE from a Defensive End? Shouldn't the reporter be asking him about the DEFENSE, not the Offense?

Daniels was in the team meeting like all the offensive players listening to the same thing. It was a whole team meeting. Philip wasn't breaking down what the play calling would be like in the red zone. He was just saying he likes the fact that the offense is going to aggresively go after 6 points. I think a defensive player can appreciate playing with a lead.

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I will have to wait and see. Being as this will be Zorns 1st time ever as a head coach of a professional football team, his approach in the red zone could drastically change in a real game situation. The enthusiasm is great, but sometimes the 3 points are better than the zero.

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I will have to wait and see. Being as this will be Zorns 1st time ever as a head coach of a professional football team, his approach in the red zone could drastically change in a real game situation. The enthusiasm is great, but sometimes the 3 points are better than the zero.
I think a lot of that rests on Campbell's decision making. If he knows when to throw the ball away, instead of making a risky throw into double coverage for a pick, the offense will work well, if not...

I would hope that his offense is more balanced and gives the defenses more things to worry about.

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the plays were obviously different indeed.

i dont see why a vet and leader like phillip daniels cant be taken seriously because he plays defense. there is no logic to some one who studies defending offenses to not know how an offense works. they do have to defend them.

if hes not being told what to say or act or whatever, then hes a great person to hear from about the redskins. hes a team leader.

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I hope they whip everyone's ass this year. I'm so sick of hearing these so called experts talking S--t about how they're going to struggle with a new coach. THE WHOLE TEAM IS RETURNING basically. Them jerks that do the "Moving the chains" on Sirius friday were saying the Redskins will be lucky if they're 2-2 after the first four games of the season. Why? because they have to play the Giants ( I don't think they're that great) Defending champs...whatever, they were the Rudy of the NFL, I was even rooting for them. They were saying how Dallas should or thought they should have been in the superbowl and how the Eagles are goingto be soooo much better.

Nobody EVER gives the Skins any respect. Riggo earlier last month said he could see the Skins going 16-0 under Zorn. There seems to be a great comaradery(sp) with his team that hasn't been seen in years. That's coming from Riggo and he usually is one to bash the Skins. I hope he's right because I would love to see them (so called experts) looking stupid around eek 12. I might even waste my time calling and saying "Look at you...jumping on the bandwagon, huh" Loser:applause:

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Watch the video on the side. CP is funny as hell, he sounds like he blazed up right before that spot.

Seriously though, If we jump out to a fast start something like: @NY - W (crucial), vs Saints W, vs Cards W, @ Dallas L (I prefer a W), @ Philthy W our team could be contending for that #1 spot. Realistically I see: @NY - L (close), vs Saints W, vs Cards W, @ Dallas L, @ Philly L. This would still set us up pretty decently but 3 losses in the division will be tough to overcome. If we can win 1, 2 or all 3 we would be in great shape.

Barring major injuries this team does have the potential to give FedEx its first playoff game in a while aybe even a BYE. This is because the scedule is EXTREMELY favorable to our boys. The first half will be tough, but the second half is gonna be fun.

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That's because the play calling was different. It was clear as day.
Maybe Gibbs was overly concerned with the pick


Maybe JC gave a Hall of Fame Coach (who got to 4 SBs with 3.5 Qbs) something to be concerned about?

Tampa Bay comes to mind.....(2 chances, 2 picks)

Ramsey was YANKED for such as these

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Why is it that whenever we get a new coach, everyone starts magnifying the last coach's faults and acting like the new coach is so much more in-touch and wiser, etc? Wouldn't it be better to wait and see what we actually get with Coach Zorn and then compare him to his predecessors? Also, to be fair, Coach Gibbs was pretty accommodating of his veteran players, especially Daniels. Is it too much to ask of them to not take backhanded shots at him after he's gone? As much as I respect Daniels, it would have been better if he kept this sentiment to himself at this point. From a personal standpoint, I don't really see it as a "great" quote from him.
:applause: I agree 110%
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I think it's safe to ask a professional football player his opinion on the new offensive philosophy ofhis team. It's not like they're asking him to critique modern art.

Nothing personal but I'd rather have his opinion on Modern Art.

Daniels was in the team meeting like all the offensive players listening to the same thing. It was a whole team meeting. Philip wasn't breaking down what the play calling would be like in the red zone. He was just saying he likes the fact that the offense is going to aggresively go after 6 points. I think a defensive player can appreciate playing with a lead.

Ah, so this was all based on a MEETING with the coach. Not on actually seeing the offense. Makes the comment even LESS useful in my mind. Talk is CHEAP. Let's see them actually GET IT DONE.

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Why is it that whenever we get a new coach, everyone starts magnifying the last coach's faults and acting like the new coach is so much more in-touch and wiser, etc? Wouldn't it be better to wait and see what we actually get with Coach Zorn and then compare him to his predecessors? Also, to be fair, Coach Gibbs was pretty accommodating of his veteran players, especially Daniels. Is it too much to ask of them to not take backhanded shots at him after he's gone? As much as I respect Daniels, it would have been better if he kept this sentiment to himself at this point. From a personal standpoint, I don't really see it as a "great" quote from him.

There's some truth to this, but I don't read Daniels as being a vindictive guy, so I interpret this quote as being made out of enthusiasm for a new approach rather than as a shot at Gibbs, who by all accounts was universally respected in the locker room.

It's also valid, given that to the extent Gibbs had "lost his fastball" when comparing this last go-round to his first tenure, it had come from his aversion to taking risks on offense. Gibbs I was only "Martyball" during the Riggo years, but that was more than justified by the freakish and revolutionary offensive line, and he still had an all-time great offense in 1983.

Gibbs realized IMHO early on in 2004 that the game had developed a long way beyond where it was when he'd left it from a scheme standpoint, and I believe he developed an oversensitivity to that that made him cautious. He provided us good service as fans by restocking the roster and rebuilding the locker room and redirecting the organization towards winning, but he'd reached his limits as an on-field leader and I think he knew that deep down, and that contributed to his decision to retire.

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