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Clinton Portis wears....


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Interesting. It's no big deal getting kicked in the shins,yet it's enough to warrant a cheap shot later on,including the possibility of a shot to the crotch. Now that's an escalation in the arm's race there.

Come'on PCS...you live out in the woods/hills and wrestle bears and rhinos and ****....teach these youngins to be hardcore like you!

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Come'on PCS...you live out in the woods/hills and wrestle bears and rhinos and ****....teach these youngins to be hardcore like you!

Hardcore and stupid are often sometimes synonymous. I tend to teach younins common sense. Common sense says, if it hurts like hell don't do it again or do something to keep from letting it happen again.


Moose maybe, but never a Rhino. :)

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I played O line in high school and would never wear a cup in practice...but you better believe I put wore one on gameday. People do crazy shiznit under the piles, especially after you pancake them and they are pissed as hell because they suck.

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Y'all are whimps....I used to get kicked in the shins all the time playing soccer (without shin guards). You just make sure you **** the guy up next time down the field with a trip, kick to the balls, etc.

I got enough yellow cards in high school without taking cheap shots at people.....

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Running with a cup is a ***** and very uncomfortable....I used it my early years in high school (baseball and soccer) and gave it up after awhile.

Yeah, true. One lacrosse game in HS I left my cup at home and that was day I took just a glancing blow from a shot to the wedding tackle. There is nothing like having to lay in bed for a week with an ice pack on your junk. After that, I prefered to run slow and wear a cup.

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On the topic of cups, I can tell you I wore one every day of practice and during every game in high school and I just assumed this was the norm.

I got to college and was shocked - I can tell you truthfully I've NEVER seen anyone wear a cup. Seriously, not a single person. There might be a few exceptions but even from my former teammates who went to the league they all tell the same story. I guess it's a bit of a macho thing mixed with how ungodly uncomfortable they are, especially at a skill position. We've also been through many meetings with athletic trainers who have told us, among other things, the horrors of wearing a cup (hint: plastic cup v.s. metal helmet, which will break first and how?).

As far as shin guards go I definitely understand that one (albeit probably only at running back). At this level I see the beating our running backs take and I can only imagine how much more damage some of these guys can doll out in the NFL. Wearing a thin plastic guard on the shins all game instead of having to take a play every now and then when you get stepped on or drilled in the leg? Yes, please.

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