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Need a Good Multi-Vitamin


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You folks have been able to help me out with a number of things like this in the past, so I'm hoping you can do so again.....

Some of you may remember that when I had the bloodwork done with my yearly physical my lead level came back more than twice what they want it to be (22 > 10). This is caused largely by the amount of time that I spend on indoor shooting ranges with less than ideal ventilation.

I've found a nice product called EDTA (Calcium Disodium EDTA) Chelating Agent to help take the lead out of my system. I'm supposed to take 1-2 500mg pills every day.

The EDTA packaging suggests taking a Multi-Vitamin in conjunction with the EDTA because it takes more than just lead out of the system. It takes Iron, Potasium, and a number of other things out of your system as well.

Unfortunately my experiences with Multi-Vitamins over the years have been less than spectacular. They've either tended to turn me into a total insomniac who can't get to sleep no matter how tired I am; completely destroy my appetite, or turn me into a raving goofball with more energy than I could expend in three weeks.

So if anyone out there can suggest a decent, easily acquirable multi-vitamin whose side effects aren't too terrible, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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I have had great success with the generic GNC brand multi-vitamin for men called Mega Men. I have not had any side effects that I can attribute to the vitamin.

On a side note and hoping I don't sidetrack the thread, I was wondering how many rounds you fire in a month? If I get the chance to fire 100 I am happy. From the sound of your post, you fire much, much more than that.

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I have had great success with the generic GNC brand multi-vitamin for men called Mega Men. I have not had any side effects that I can attribute to the vitamin.

I'll definitely take a look at them. Do you know if they have Iron in them or not?

On a side note and hoping I don't sidetrack the thread, I was wondering how many rounds you fire in a month? If I get the chance to fire 100 I am happy. From the sound of your post, you fire much, much more than that.

I've generally been shooting between 150 and 200 rounds a month. Almost all indoors. In February we have a major match, where I shoot about 350 rounds, then work as a range officer while about 300 more shooters go through. So in a 5 day period in Feb. each year I'm exposed to approximately 7500 to 8000 rounds and for the last couple years I've been in one of the very poorly ventilated ranges for that match.

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One a Day- Men's Health Formula,has been suggested to me by a poker buddy, that happens to be a personal trainer.

EDIT: They don't contain Iron. http://www.one-a-day.com/mens.html

Unfortunately there's no Iron in either, and that's one of the MAJOR things that the EDTA pulls out of the system.

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I'll definitely take a look at them. Do you know if they have Iron in them or not?

I've generally been shooting between 150 and 200 rounds a month. Almost all indoors. In February we have a major match, where I shoot about 350 rounds, then work as a range officer while about 300 more shooters go through. So in a 5 day period in Feb. each year I'm exposed to approximately 7500 to 8000 rounds and for the last couple years I've been in one of the very poorly ventilated ranges for that match.

Just checked the bottle, they do not have iron in them. I probably should have known that, huh?

Do you save the brass and load your own?

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1- Vitamins don't have energy. No calories, no energy. Now some vitamins might help you metabolize energy, but I think most people who say they experience magical energy boosts when taking vitamins are suffering from a placebo effect.

2- I asked the same question you did a while ago. There is a LOT of information about vitamins out there. I'd suggest getting a timed release vitamin. GNC Mega Men is a good vitamin from what I hear. You tend to get what you pay for... GNC is a bit more $$$. Probably worth it though... although there's plenty of debate about that too.

3- If you want more vitamins, best way to get them is increasing your intakes of fruits and vegetables... eating a balanced diet. The human body has fought for hundreds of thousands of years to figure out a way to extract essential vitamins and minerals from the food we eat, by breaking down the food, metabolizing it, and extracting what is available and what your body needs. Multi-vitamins in pill form are a relatively new thing, and your body will most likely look at those pills with a big "wtf"... and simply not absorb most of it. Most of it will simply pass thru you and make your urine look like it's radioactive (you'll see what I mean). There is no substitute for eating the right foods, quite simply. Although vitamins can't hurt I don't think (although some vitamins become toxic in certain doses), they aren't a substitute for eating right.

4- Last but not least, vitamin supplements only contain what scientists so far have uncovered are important to the body. So again, no substitute for a healthy, balanced diet.

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Just checked the bottle, they do not have iron in them. I probably should have known that, huh?

Maybe. That seems to be the one thing that they're all missing so far, and it's one of the most important things to be getting because the EDTA will be taking large amounts of it out of my system.

Do you save the brass and load your own?

Now that I'm shooting .45ACP, yes I do. When I was shooting 9mm it wasn't worth it, financially.

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1- Vitamins don't have energy. No calories, no energy. Now some vitamins might help you metabolize energy, but I think most people who say they experience magical energy boosts when taking vitamins are suffering from a placebo effect.

2- I asked the same question you did a while ago. There is a LOT of information about vitamins out there. I'd suggest getting a timed release vitamin. GNC Mega Men is a good vitamin from what I hear. You tend to get what you pay for... GNC is a bit more $$$. Probably worth it though... although there's plenty of debate about that too.

3- If you want more vitamins, best way to get them is increasing your intakes of fruits and vegetables... eating a balanced diet. The human body has fought for hundreds of thousands of years to figure out a way to extract essential vitamins and minerals from the food we eat, by breaking down the food, metabolizing it, and extracting what is available and what your body needs. Multi-vitamins in pill form are a relatively new thing, and your body will most likely look at those pills with a big "wtf"... and simply not absorb most of it. Most of it will simply pass thru you and make your urine look like it's radioactive (you'll see what I mean). There is no substitute for eating the right foods, quite simply. Although vitamins can't hurt I don't think (although some vitamins become toxic in certain doses), they aren't a substitute for eating right.

4- Last but not least, vitamin supplements only contain what scientists so far have uncovered are important to the body. So again, no substitute for a healthy, balanced diet.

zoony, I thank you very much for the information. I'm looking for a complete multi-vitamin to offset the reduction in certain vitamins and minerals that will accompany the use of another product (EDTA) to take the excess lead out of my system. In general my vitamin levels are not problematic, though I do thank you for the commentary on diet, the EDTA packaging (and others who have taken it) specifically suggest using a multi-vitamin with it.

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Sorry, I guess I misunderstood. I thought you were trying to lower your Iron levels.

Perhaps the One-A-day Maximum would be better for you.


No problem. That one looks like it might be a keeper.

I probably didn't explain it real well.....

I need to get my LEAD level down (it's more than twice what the doc wants to see) so I'm using a product called EDTA to get the LEAD out (hahaha). Unfortunately the EDTA takes a whole bunch of other stuff with it when it takes the lead. Especially potasium and iron. So I need a multi-vitamin to put all that stuff (except the lead) back after the EDTA takes it out.

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No problem. That one looks like it might be a keeper.

I probably didn't explain it real well.....

No you did, I am just multi-tasking and misread what you posted, might be a little of the beer influence too though. Sorry man.

EDIT: (To respond to yours), Good Bro, hope it works out for you the way you intend it too.

Good Luck.

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Mass. Go to vitacost.com. It has everything you need when it comes to supplements. I order all of my supplements from them now. They also have reviews from customers for each supplement and they post bothe negative and positive reviews.

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Mass. Go to vitacost.com. It has everything you need when it comes to supplements. I order all of my supplements from them now. They also have reviews from customers for each supplement and they post bothe negative and positive reviews.

Hopefully I only need this for about 6 weeks, so I'm really hoping to find something that I can get over the counter rather than ordering it. Thanks for the info though.

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Mass. Go to vitacost.com. It has everything you need when it comes to supplements. I order all of my supplements from them now. They also have reviews from customers for each supplement and they post bothe negative and positive reviews.

Good site, thanks for the link!


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