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Are we overrating Todd Collins's performance?

Thinking Skins

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It's not just this instance, though. When I hear these emotional, psychological explanations for how a football team performs -- and vague stuff like leadership and character -- I react with a blank stare. I think it 99% crap.

Football games are usually won by the best overall team in talent and coaching. Although, luck is a huge factor in a single game or a 16 game season.

I respect that opinion. It is kinda vague and hard to nail down, but its still worth looking at. Especially when the players are doing things like crying before during and after games, wearing other people's numbers on their jerseys, talking about changing their numbers, using gestures and clothing to tribute to a fallen comrade.

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I think people overrate Todd Collins' performance, but no more than they overrate any other QB's performance. There are a few very rare QBs who have unique skills that allow them to make their offense look better than it is (Peyton Manning, Brett Favre), but unless your team has one of those, you're better off just finding a talented pocket passer who fits the offensive system, and beefing up the OLs and WRs. In the case of Todd Collins, you had a guy with accuracy, timing, and a lot of reps under Al Saunders' offensive system, improved offensive line play, and receivers who came up big for him.

Now, the fact that Collins was able to come in after ten years without a start and still be effective immediately was unusual. But the circumstances surrounding him dictated that as soon as he shook the rust off, he would succeed.

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F62: cmon now...there is a reason there are expressions such as "we lost because we were flat today"....emotion has everything to do in football...especially when the talent level is evenly spread.

Most people, would agree with you. I don't. High emotion is a negative in any sport. To stay focused, you need to stay cool.

also, if I recall correctly, a major issue with those games was the time to prepare.

They had time to prepare for Buffalo, not enough to prepare for Thursday in Chicago. Maybe they should prepare less.

brother Old....do you think TC would have performed superlatively over a 16 game schedule?

I think the Skins would have been maybe 11-5 or 10-6 had Collins played the entire 2007 regular season. Defenses would have adjusted, but Al would have readjusted... What do you think would have happened?

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I think the Skins would have been maybe 11-5 or 10-6 had Collins played the entire 2007 regular season. Defenses would have adjusted, but Al would have readjusted... What do you think would have happened?

I think DCs would have figured out the pressure strategm. TC would have been crushed early in the season when the pass blocking was breaking down..especially off RT.

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I think the Skins would have been maybe 11-5 or 10-6 had Collins played the entire 2007 regular season. Defenses would have adjusted, but Al would have readjusted... What do you think would have happened?

I think that he wouldn't have made it out of the Giants game alive. The first one. With the O-Line in shambles, and the amount JC had to run for his life, which TC could not do, I don't think he COULD have played a full 16 games. Even JC couldn't avoid getting hurt, and he's much more able to get out of trouble. Can't really predict the record. Because most of the season somebody else would have been QB, probably several people.

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I think DCs would have figured out the pressure strategm. TC would have been crushed early in the season when the pass blocking was breaking down..especially off RT.

Every QB wilts under pressure and every defense tries to bring it, but few have DEs like Patrick Kearny. He made Heyer, Sellars, and Portis look silly in the playoff game. The DE in Green Bay did the same. But the teams that need to bring extra guys to pressure can be burned.

You're right that pressuring Todd is what they would want to do. They would also compress the field. But, it isn't that easy. The Giants tried to do both and have the talent for it. They still lost at home.

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I think that he wouldn't have made it out of the Giants game alive. The first one. With the O-Line in shambles, and the amount JC had to run for his life, which TC could not do, I don't think he COULD have played a full 16 games. Even JC couldn't avoid getting hurt, and he's much more able to get out of trouble. Can't really predict the record. Because most of the season somebody else would have been QB, probably several people.

QBs who can make quick reads and get the ball out a hair sooner take the pressure off themselves.

Peyton doesn't want his RB kept in blocking because he's more valuable as an outlet receiver when pressure is coming. That's the way Collins was using Betts and Portis.

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QBs who can make quick reads and get the ball out a hair sooner take the pressure off themselves.

Peyton doesn't want his RB kept in blocking because he's more valuable as an outlet receiver when pressure is coming. That's the way Collins was using Betts and Portis.

QBs who are mobile create time for longer patterns to develop allowing for a wider set of threat options a defense has to account for...as well as wearing down a d-line perhaps more quickly. tradeoffs...tradeoffs!!!!!

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