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anyone catch this tidbit yesterday? some enterprising reporter interviewed Susan Sarandon's mother who apparently is a conservative. mom passed that she thought little sussie was misguided, niaive, etc. robbins was upset, confronted the reporter, and apparenetly threatened him........nothing like peace in our time from the purveyors of goodness!

i caught the news on the O'Reilly show - who incidently backed Robbins in viewing the interview of someone's mother as going too far. what's the difference between this, I ask, if it is consenual, and Peter Jennings interviewing a dead soldier's mother on nation-wide TV? sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander......

eff Hollywood and all their children!!!!!!

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fansince.... I agree with the "hollywood are idiots" theme for the most part, but it doesn't bother me as much... but do you intend to boycott movies? Going to a movie or renting or purchasing a DVD or VHS is supporting these guys...

Just curious.

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Are you sure it was a tidbit? :)

Tim and Susan should know that if they are going to use their fame as a platform to voice their ideals, then the public is going to scrutinize them from any angle possible. It's really simple: If you don't want the media digging into your personal life, stop using them to voice your opinions.

Can't have it both ways.

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Did anyone catch Robbins on the Bill Mahr show? What an idiot! He was saying that the President did the whole 9/11 thing wrong. He said instead of going after the bad guy's we as Americans should have built baseball fields out of sandlots?????

:high: :high: :high: :high:

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code.....no...i'll just be more selective........in the past I tried to separate art from politics. but these folks have so mixed the two...that i cannot in good conscience spend my dollars in a manner that supports people I disagree with and whom I view as hypocritical and disproportionately benefitting from a system and way of life they so obviously detest.

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Originally posted by fansince62

code.....no...i'll just be more selective........in the past I tried to separate art from politics. but these folks have so mixed the two...that i cannot in good conscience spend my dollars in a manner that supports people I disagree with and whom I view as hypocritical and disproportionately benefitting from a system and way of life they so obviously detest.

No problem, I was just curious... (no hidden agenda).. You obviously feel very strongly about it.

It doesn't bother me, but not because I think they are right, but because I don't "buy nike's cause Michael Jordan wears them".

I just don't pay them any mind whether it's politics or product endorsements...

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Originally posted by fansince62

what's the difference between this, I ask, if it is consenual, and Peter Jennings interviewing a dead soldier's mother on nation-wide TV? sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander......

eff Hollywood and all their children!!!!!!

I totally agree.
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I'm with you fansince...100%. I wouldn't buy anything from Sarandon or Robbins or really any of those others on that long list so it doesn't affect me much. I wouldn't piss on em if they were burning though I can tell you that. Those jagoffs probably agree with that banner in San Fran that says "we support you if you shoot your officers". Friggin Pinko Commie jlkfejwrkh(*&^&^%%$!!!!!:cuss: :cuss: :finger:

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It is a free country and if movie stars want to use their celebrity to give them a podium to air political views, I guess that's o.k. But I think if they do that, we're entitled to know more about their educational background and personal background so we can evaluate what weight to accord their opinions.

If J. Garofolo or Babs Streisand have some expertise in weapons of mass destruction, for example, that might make me more inclined to listen to them. Their ability to whine nasally, on the other hand, doesn't add much to public discourse....

By the way, why is Susan Sarandon's mother's opinion worth less than her daughter's? Or is the free expression of ideas something only for those with SAG cards?

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I was gonna say the same thing, that Shawshank is too good for me to ignore. Great acting, directing, cinematography and the whole.

Boycott if you like. Nice having lots of options out there.

The same reason I don't shop at Wal-Mart, they lied their asses off in court to get out of paying for my medical bills... so I am one less customer they will have. Will it do anything to hurt them, of course not... makes me feel a bit better knowing I won't give them my money.

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The hypocrisy of hardcore peace activist Tim Robbins' shakedown of that reporter is certainly rich. Almost as rich as Richard Gere's hypocrisy.

Gere goes on and on about always steering clear of violent conflict resolution, yet a couple of years back he had no qualms about walking up to a paparazzi photographer who was irritating him, grabbing the guy's camera, and smashing it on the ground.

I wonder how Richard explained that one to the Dalai Lama. :laugh:

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I disagree with the whole "my side is more educated that your side" as well.... As TCarl says, what's important is if they are educated on the issue, not how much school they have. I'm sure there are military guys that have not been to college that know more than a politician that has a masters degree....

And on the opposite side, Tom Morello formerly of Rage Against the Machine is opposed to the war because as he says "violence begets violence"..... Do you dismiss his point of view because he is a celebrity? Or do you give his point of view more credit because he has a degree from Harvard?

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I've always hated that Robbins was such a knee-jerk socialist because I'm a BIG fan of his film work....He's been incredible...Shawshank, Bob Roberts, Bull Durham, Hudsucker Proxy, Howard the Duck...okay, well MOST of his film work! He plays a great 'everyman', right up there with Hanks in my book.

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code......the frustration is only partly with the ideas expressed by the Hollywood types....what is grating for many of us is the complete, arrant hypocrisy and inconsistency in the application of the principles they espouse. they are against war because innocent children die....but they have nothing to say about the innocent children murdered by a rogue regime.......they are against using high tech weapons against civlian poulations...unless it's a democratic president ordering the launches.......they are against WMDs...unless it is an Arab regime who furtively builds and stores them...they are for International Law....unless it is a dictaoship that is violating this law......

no one can take these people seriously....or more directly....one has to dig for the deeper emotions in play: they truly HATE America - that is to say its political and economic system. they see America as the global evil...not Saddam or any other butchering tyrant.....well, I'm pretty clear on my emotions and thoughts: eff em and I could care less if they fell victim to their own excesses tomorrow by some right wing looney out to even the balance of idiocies.

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Violence is what is need to produce peace.

Once you liberals realise that the times during the 90's that we sat on our hands, it enboldened these bast@rds into thinking we are soft and wont fight back sorta like the if we hit the skins in the teeth they'll fold away trashtalk (which has been true).

Then when we did use a little violence Bosnia it quelled that nonsense over there to an extent.

Flowers, scented candle and longhaired yippies swaying to the Byrds or the Turtles is not gonna change the heart of those evil fanatics.

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