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If Jason Campbell does not pan out this year like we expect him too, would we get another quarterback in the draft or free agency? (please dont say colt brennan, the guy got his ass whopped when he played against quality players)

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We need to give Jason more than a year to learn a new offense. Franchise Quarterbacks aren't made over a season and a half of starting games.

You're inviting people to talk about Colt just by asking this question, so yes, i bet a lot of people will mention him. Also, your comment about how he got killed playing against good players. Yes he had a bad game, one of very few in a record breaking college career. But, SEC defensive line versus WAC O-line. SEC wins every single time no matter what. Any QB would have been killed that day. I'm not a Colt fan either, for other reasons, but you can't state that one bad college game means he can't be effective as a backup or a potential starter one day. IMO an erroneous statement.

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Brennan will get his shot if Campbell doesn't succeed. He was hand picked by Zorn for a reason.

Rookie head coaches don't "hand pick" their QBs in the sixth round. Just because he possibly has more potential than other 6th round draft picks doesn't mean he's on par with a first or second rounder.

There's a difference. Gibbs "hand picked" Jason Campbell by trading up and drafting him in the first round. Brennan is just as much a hand picked QB as Andre Woodson or Dennis Dixon.

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If Jason Campbell does not pan out this year like we expect him too, would we get another quarterback in the draft or free agency? (please dont say colt brennan, the guy got his ass whopped when he played against quality players)
If you are judging Brennan by that one Georgia game, you really don't know anything at all about football. Tom Brady would have got an ass whipping like that with no blocking.
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colt brennan threw 5 interceptions against Idaho, freaking idaho, he also threw 4 interceptions against st jose state,, three interceptions against georgia, and at the senior bowl he sucked too....so no its not just on one game, maybe u should do some more research....also why do you think these top NFL pro scouts let him all the way to the 6th round, and just because we picked off a quaterback in the 6th round does that mean that hes going to be tom brady...a player like brady does not come around every year.

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and for those people that say that colt brennan was in a west coast system in high school, thats a joke.....its high school....he played in the steve spurrier system in college, he has no arm, and having a 6'2 frame isnt going to help when enormous defensive linemen are trying to kill you...I just think there isn't much upside to his game, unless Jim Zorn works some magic

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Colt Brennan is an extremely talented QB. Thats why he was drafted by an NFL franchise.

This thread seems like a pretty lame attempt to incite the fans who view Colt as a potential starting QB for the Skins.

It`s like asking that MCD5 guy "If Portis goes down, who should the Redskins start in his place?"

"And dont even say Betts! That guy sucks!"

Lame dude.. Just plain lame.

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and for those people that say that colt brennan was in a west coast system in high school, thats a joke.....its high school....he played in the steve spurrier system in college, he has no arm, and having a 6'2 frame isnt going to help when enormous defensive linemen are trying to kill you...I just think there isn't much upside to his game, unless Jim Zorn works some magic

Colt played in the Run and Shoot, not the Fun and Gun. There is a bit of a difference. For one thing, in Spurrier system, the QB lines up under center. Colt didn't do that in college, because you don't line up under center in the run and shoot, you play shot gun.

Sorry for the correction, no back on subject, I believe that Jason will be given an ample shot at learning the system and becoming the QB we all know he can be.

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This thread has opened up the debate of a QB controversy which there is none. Jason Campbell is the starter until he shows he isn't the guy. If Campbell gets hurt then Todd Collins will come in and not Colt Brennan. Colt Brennan is a developmental player to see if he is worthy to be a starter in this league and for those who say that he wasn't hand picked by Zorn because he was a sixth rounder don't remember a hand picked guy by a coach by the name of TOM BRADY. He was a sixth round choice by the Patriots and look what he has done. So don't underestimate a guys ability because if you knew more about QB's and football than Jim Zorn then you would be the Washington Redskins Head Coach, now wouldn't you? Remember Zorn use to be a QB, coach QB's and was the guy the NFL allowed to run the QB drills at the NFL Combine until this year because he became the Redskins head Coach. So Zorn has a lot of experience in evaluating and developing QB's. Until one of you fellow ES fans has a resume like that then you don't have anything to back up your claims.

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The WCO is not perfected in training camp. JC will have a learning curve, and he may struggle for several games (as will Zorn) getting it perfected.

A few mistakes will not jeopardize his job; not at first anyway.

Brennen should motivate him to pick it up knowing that he MAY be able to challenge for the job whether that is the case or not is still to be seen. Perception becomes reality

Having a "hand picked" backup waiting in the wings should work in our favor 2 fold. ;)

Nothing makes you run faster than having someone chase you.

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If Jason Campbell does not pan out this year like we expect him too, would we get another quarterback in the draft or free agency? (please dont say colt brennan, the guy got his ass whopped when he played against quality players)

While I am 110% for JC, Colt Brennan also didn't have alot on his team to work with. No high-pick receivers or running backs........

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and for those people that say that colt brennan was in a west coast system in high school, thats a joke.....its high school....he played in the steve spurrier system in college, he has no arm, and having a 6'2 frame isnt going to help when enormous defensive linemen are trying to kill you...I just think there isn't much upside to his game, unless Jim Zorn works some magic

Drew Brees is 6'0 on a good day, and I think he does pretty well. The whole height thing is a joke... So what, it probably means a few additional batted balls at the line.

I love Campbell just as much as the next guy, but if he does not produce in the next year or two in this system he could be on his way out. Brennan doesn't have the arm Campbell does, but he makes much quicker decisions and can check down very well (which is essentially what the WCO is all about). Both are about the same in terms of mobility/scrambling. And he didn't run "the spurrier offence" in college. Hawaii operated out of the Shotgun Spread for most of his 06 and 07 years.

I think the sky is the limit as to what Zorn can do for him. I'm not saying Campbell won't produce (and I really hope he does), but if he doesn't I would want Brennan to have first shot at taking the reigns of this offence.

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This thread has opened up the debate of a QB controversy which there is none. Jason Campbell is the starter until he shows he isn't the guy. If Campbell gets hurt then Todd Collins will come in and not Colt Brennan. Colt Brennan is a developmental player to see if he is worthy to be a starter in this league and for those who say that he wasn't hand picked by Zorn because he was a sixth rounder don't remember a hand picked guy by a coach by the name of TOM BRADY. He was a sixth round choice by the Patriots and look what he has done. So don't underestimate a guys ability because if you knew more about QB's and football than Jim Zorn then you would be the Washington Redskins Head Coach, now wouldn't you? Remember Zorn use to be a QB, coach QB's and was the guy the NFL allowed to run the QB drills at the NFL Combine until this year because he became the Redskins head Coach. So Zorn has a lot of experience in evaluating and developing QB's. Until one of you fellow ES fans has a resume like that then you don't have anything to back up your claims.




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If you are judging Brennan by that one Georgia game, you really don't know anything at all about football. Tom Brady would have got an ass whipping like that with no blocking.

Or when he played NFL type competition he got his ass whooped

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Campbell deserves 2 full years in the same offense, but may not get it.

If Campbell tanks, then you scuttle Collins, and draft 2 QBs, and rebuild OL.

Brennan obviously gets his shot in that scenario.

Let's hope it doesn't come to that!

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