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don't you mean a lance?

No. Actually lances were never really used in actual combat. Just in jousts. They're essentially a useless device to be dead honest with you. The rattan swords we use in SCA combat are more or less baseball bats though they're swung with a very different form and technique.

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I was thinking about this situation earlier today and was wondering how things were going for you. I haven't been on long the past few days so I hadn't gotten the updates from the past week or so until just now.

I'm so pleased to hear that things are going so well! It brings a smile to my face when I read about it. You sound genuinely happy and she sounds like an awfully sweet girl.

Stop worrying about screwing things up. Just be yourself. Obviously if she's bringing you breakfast and lunch, you are doing just fine. :)

I'm really happy for you! Definitely keep us updated!

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Update Time....

This one comes as I sit here with an ice pack on my right knee. Coach tells me I may have to go on the PUD (Physically Unable to Date) List for a while after today's incident......

My roommate Shawna and I were originally intending to go out to Pittsfield, MA (near the NY border) and see a Norwegian Fjord Horse show today. Now Sarah, my lady love, has met Shawna and my Fjords (Tom & Dyre) so she asked me the other day if she would be welcome to tag along with us. I told her that we'd love to have her join us, but that it would require being at our apartment at 5:30 am so we could get to the show on time.

At 5:30 this morning Shawna was in the midst of a massive allergy attack and decided she wasn't going to join us. Sarah and I got to the show about half an hour early and I used that time to introduce her to the few people there that I know personally and to explain a little more about the horses, and how to act around them in order to make sure one doesn't get hurt. The show started a little late and we're all kind of milling around in the area outside the show ring. Horses, spectators, eventers, etc... are all just sort of hanging around together.

Sarah is talking to one of the horse owners when a bit of motion catches my attention out of the corner of my eye. Horse B is about to bite the tail or Horse A who happens to be the one being held by the lady Sarah is talking to. I grabbed Sarah by the shoulders and turned her out of the way just as Horse A decides to disuade Horse B from biting her tail by kicking out. While I got Sarah out of the way, unfortunately my right knee took about half the force of the kick. That's my already BAD from prior injuries right knee. Of course I scream out and start hopping around on one leg. Everyone crowds around and my knee is inspected by several people and deemed probably sprained but definitely not broken or dislocated. Of course I don't have my knee brace in the car, do I?

We hung around the horse show for a couple more hours and then I asked Sarah if she minded a detour on the way home, to a tack shop in southern New Hampshire. She's actually somewhat excited about the idea and so we left the show in the early afternoon.

By the time we've made the 90 minute drive to the tack shop my right knee is throbbing in pain and there's no Advil in the glovebox of my car. Additionally, what I'd hoped would be a 15 minute stop at the shop turned into an hour long search for what I wanted that still ended unsuccessfully. The two hour drive back home from the tack shop didn't do my knee any more good. Even after I'd stopped and gotten Advil.

On a more pleasant front Sarah and I got to spend a whole lot of time talking during the rides in the car today. We touched on a couple of fairly sensitive topics including sex, children, and where we see our lives going in the next couple of years. I think we were both a little surprised at some of the things we found out, but nothing that we can't work with and move forward with the knowledge of. The discussion regarding what we wanted for dinner on the ride home was a classic.... "What do you want"; "I don't know, what do you want?"; "How about X"; "If you really want, but how about Y"; etc..... discussion. By the time we pulled into Wendy's we were both just about in tears laughing at each other.

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MSF is a bonafide hero :applause:

I'm sure that earned you additional points. Sounds like things are continuing to go well bro!

No heroes here. Just somebody who really didn't want another person to get kicked. The intent was for ME to be out of the way as well. The horse just clipped me with the hoof. Thankfully I was close enough that she couldn't get any power on it, or I'd probably be in the hospital right now.

So far, so good. Some very interesting and thought-provoking conversations yesterday.

MSF...I'm gonna need some ladying tips from you, my friend :)

LOL. Somehow I don't think so, dcnative. Most real players would have used yesterday's experience as a way to turn the day to their advantage in one way or another. Not me. So you probably want to look elsewhere for your role model.

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How's the knee?

The knee is a little better. It's NEVER great. I messed it up in Junior High School (another woman-related story) and then really did a job on it trying to play football in high school so it's never really been 100% in many years.

It was an interesting week. Sarah's schedule and mine were just totally opposite this week so we didn't get to see much of each other. We talked every day, but we only got to actually see each other for a couple hours on Sunday morning.

Most Sunday mornings she gets together with some friends of hers for breakfast at a particular restaurant. I met the group there and we had a very interesting series of conversations for about 3 hours over breakfast and brunch.

Hopefully we'll be able to see more of each other this week.

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Well, you know how sometimes when a guy gets involved with a lady, he tends to get a little soft around the edges :)

Just joking with ya.

You know I've HEARD about this phenomenon, but I've never actually experienced it, so I'm pretty sure things should be fine. In fact, if anything I think she's probably changing her behaviors to deal with me much more than the other way around. She's learning. Still a long way to go, but she's learning.

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To tell you the truth, I'd be a little puzzled too, m'friend :)

It was actually kind of funny (at least from my POV). She's a little shorter than me, so as she grabbed me in this big hug she got the rear sight up in that bit of sensitive flesh where the ribs/breast/armpit kind of all come together. She literally YELPED and drew back. Thankfully we were not in a public place, so her question of "What the hell just bit me?!??!" was able to be answered honestly and immediately. She literally hadn't even thought about the fact that I carry when she went to hug me. She's learned to be a little more cautious about being on my right hand side.

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I should think so.

So, keep that in mind, ladies and gents: Scott is packing.

If we ever meet in public, I'll be sure to only say two phrases

"Yes, sir" and "No, sir" :)

:laugh: I think most of the members here in the Tailgate have known for quite a while that I'm generally packing if I'm out in public. :laugh:

Sarah knew as well, she just hadn't made the connection about what it meant in regards to being on that side of me. She's also gotten much better about realizing I'm going to want the seat facing the entry door in a restaurant and/or the seat to the right if we're in a booth, and other things like that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's the newest update and advice request......

Sarah's been out in Missouri due to her grandfather being on his deathbed. She came back late last night, not in the best mood, considering her grandfather had upset her quite a bit (said he didn't want her there and kept telling her he'd rather see her cousins than her). She called about 2am this morning to tell me she was back in town and still had the rest of the week off from work.

Kind of works out nicely since I'm in the trouble room today, so she's bringing me KFC for lunch. However, she also made the suggestion that I go to her place this evening to watch the game. She's got a larger tv than I do and it's HD so normally I'd love this suggestion. Unfortunately she's never been around me during a game and no matter how badly I tell her I tend to act during games she doesn't believe it could be "that bad".

So I'm not sure what to do. I want to see her, but I am not going to miss the game. I'd invite her to my place but I'm not sure she wants to be around one of my roommates tonight since he gets on her nerves even more than he gets on mine. Especially considering her mood/mental state at the moment. Any constructive advice would be greatly appreciated.

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go to her place, try to keep it tame. Eventually though, she'll have to realize how you act during games. As long as you stay away from saying/doing anything offensive/violent to her, just keep your anger against the Giants and the tv. Also, explain before the game starts that this is seriously what happens.

People are always surprised that my normally passive/reserved self gets soo loud during games. I just try to keep the violence out and the comments directed at the tv.

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go to her place, try to keep it tame. Eventually though, she'll have to realize how you act during games. As long as you stay away from saying/doing anything offensive/violent to her, just keep your anger against the Giants and the tv. Also, explain before the game starts that this is seriously what happens.

People are always surprised that my normally passive/reserved self gets soo loud during games. I just try to keep the violence out and the comments directed at the tv.

I don't get violent or aggressive with the people around me during games but I yell, scream, curse, swear, wish ill will on players, and generally am not the nicest person on the planet to be around during games. Especially (though not only) if we're losing. I also tend to throw/punch/kick things when I get upset enough. Not people, just things. I've tried to explain this to her a couple of times but she basically doesn't believe me. She tells me I can't be that bad and that I'm exagerating.

I'm going to try to give her the option, and explain to her that it isn't going to be a matter of just laying there on the couch and cuddling while the tv has the game on.

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I'm sure some of you will find this terribly humorous. Through some "interesting" circumstances I have received a "free" two week personal ad in one of our local singles publications. Personally I HATE these things but considering the circumstances I'm just going with the flow here. So here's what I'm proposing to use for the ad.....

Educated, Professional, 33y.o., SWM enjoys reading, sports, and intellectual pursuit seeks SWF 28-35 y.o. for LTR. I'm a believer in traditional values and am looking for the same. Looks are less important than personality and the connection between us.

.... So what do you think? Will it even get a response?

I love it except I would change "intellectual pursuit" to "strip poker", "28-35" would be changed to "17 (depending upon state of residence)-32 (If verifiable proof can be furnished as to the lack of gravity's effect on said individual).............Love the "traditional values" section although you might want to be more descriptive as to what that entails (i.e. speaking only when spoken to, making sure dinner is ready on time, being ready for 'quality time' at the drop of a hat...etc).

Other than this and the fact that mine would say "no ugly chicks" I think your spot-on

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