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Nice JLC article on the cap


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You know I have managed to not read any JLC stuff for a week and wow I don't feel any less informed in fact I feel a little smarter . People say he tells it like it is and the balance to Redskins corporation that are trying to slant information...that is okay as long as you like your truth speculation flavored ...

Of the Washington post writers I read there is ...Jason Reid and thats it Mark Maske was okay but he moved on . Wilburn took cheep shot at Taylor and that has never sat well with me and has little to do with the Skins anymore..Jenkins comes across as nothing more than society gossip columnist reporting nothing more than speculation and opinion and JLC well ....

Look at Bram, A well respected sports reported who is moving up the chain ... he like Larry Micheals and Garry Fitzgerald of Redskins.com are all roped into the voice of the evil corporation and quickly dismissed but people give JLC and his wildy speculative poorly edited blog gospal status .

Bram in a recent blog thanked the Skins organization and said not once did anyone from Redskins.org tell them what to report even when they disagreed with his views... what motive does he have for sticking up for the FO now on his private blog with his destiny now in Bristol?

Gerry Fitzgerald...if you actually read anything on redskins.com is a decent writer . You can expect a very *GO REDSKINS* undercurrant in his writing because of the audience he is writing for is different from the general sports media but the information he provides is pretty good . So good infact the Washington Post (JLC in fact) lifted his top ten lists of the biggest concerns going into mini camp last season and then turned round and accused Gerry of plagiarism ... an accusation he backed away from pretty smartish..

The point is there are other reporters out there like Ryan O'Hallrohan, David Elfin of the times ... I am not telling people what to read or what to think but if you think JLC is a tool stop reading his junk ... if you read Rich Taldlers blog for example he will often go off on a bizzaro rant every now and then but sometimes he has some insight... something missing from Jasons offerings for some months now ..

Well said and I agree 100%.

I have stayed out of the whole JLC bashing because frankly I dont see the point. His blog is what it is and frankly it has become not very good IMO. Its certainly not an 'insider' - he has about as much access now as I do which is zero.

I have stopped reading it because it does not give me any information I can't get from on here or from other sources and any good information there is is lost in the negative mindset he brings to his reporting vis the Redskins. If some people find it informative or entertaining good for them.

I'm not expecting him to write puff pieces but I am expecting balance and something more than his opinion or speculation. I'm not sure how long JLC can stay as the Post beat reporter for a team, or at least ownership he clearly holds in disdain. For better or worse he is losing his readership and that has to be noticed at some point by his editors and is not sustainable.

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this might just be me but this article has a very negative tone in which jlc basically calls the front office liars and admonishes us for being skins fans and believing them. if the skins wanted to spend the money they could have done it.

i also dont get his little comment about no surprise there when he says that our free agent search came in february this year. i think he is talking about the coaching search but we havent had to worry about that in four years so i dont know why it is no surprise.

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I do not care about tone (the quibbling over diction so many on this board are apparently experts at)...which is what most folks are burning their chaps over. If they want to be spoon fed a daily dose of happiness that is their business.

You know I don't want that. What I'd like to see is his discussion to be more well thought out than the average post on this board. Is that unrealistic to expect from someone who gets paid to cover the Skins?

I treat him just like any member of this board. If I think there is an opinion that is BS, I'm going to call a person on it. Course, he's not going to respond here and that's fine.

BTW, most of the time I mostly ignore his posts, because it is mostly "nothing new here". I probably wouldn't even read him if it wasn't posted to this board.

I know things are far from perfect, but JLC has oversimplified the issues and is in some cases barking up the wrong tree. While I do agree that what the Redskins are doing means that they have "seen the light", there are some who still argue that nothing has changed since Snyder took over the team, which I don't think is true. Certainly the results haven't quite been there, but it isn't because they haven't tried to adjust their strategy. You'd think that actually keeping players around and building on what we had in the past would be a cause for celebration.


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You know I don't want that. What I'd like to see is his discussion to be more well thought out than the average post on this board. Is that unrealistic to expect from someone who gets paid to cover the Skins?

I treat him just like any member of this board. If I think there is an opinion that is BS, I'm going to call a person on it. Course, he's not going to respond here and that's fine.

BTW, most of the time I mostly ignore his posts, because it is mostly "nothing new here". I probably wouldn't even read him if it wasn't posted to this board.

I know things are far from perfect, but JLC has oversimplified the issues and is in some cases barking up the wrong tree. While I do agree that what the Redskins are doing means that they have "seen the light", there are some who still argue that nothing has changed since Snyder took over the team, which I don't think is true. Certainly the results haven't quite been there, but it isn't because they haven't tried to adjust their strategy. You'd think that actually keeping players around and building on what we had in the past would be a cause for celebration.


to be honest brotha Jason...I'm more concerned about how ES (not you) seems to have become a vehicle for attacking every reporter some fans (or others) disagree with....but that's just my perception!!!

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DE....simply responding to the tone of this blog. the loudest (not you) generally are the least informative. at the end of the day....when this is all reduced to essentials...I am certain of one thing:

- the Skins have not won a *amn thing since the 1992 SB. theirs has been a record of sustained failure. no excuses can overcome that one seminal truth. the problem isn't JLC...it's the Skins inability to grasp their environment, adapt and prevail.

The juvenile spitballing at JLC has become boringly predictable....thread after tedious thread. What exactly are the purveyors of truth and reporting fairy dust shooting for? A novel insight every other day? Around the clock tailing of Snyder, Zorn and the coaches for that elusive scoop no one else caught? What resources do they expect should be spent doing all of this? Exactly where does their information base start from? (hint: work done by others...not themselves).

the Skins want to control the information flow.....perhaps even shape it at times through disinformation on boards like this...who knows...:-).....that's their right. it's also a partial source of the frustration/anxiety some seem so susceptible to. I don't hear anyone complaining about that. In fact, many will extol its virtures as "not tipping their hands". JLC is only part of the equation. Folks don't get the reality of the matter...IMO...they're caught in the middle and ought to be upset with both parties....that is if their real objcetive is to be informed/in the know.

well said fansince62, thanks for explaining where you are coming from. I don't usually have a problem with JLC, his tone or what he writes about. It is usually close to target and he does not seem to have anything against the skins or its fans specifically.

But, I guess it is more of a sense of constant frustration on my part ... to continually check his blog daily and get no new info. But maybe my expectations are too high for this time of year, when there is not much to talk about or report on?

I guess I was hoping to find even just his opinion on the draft prospects that we have been talking about around here.

Maybe it is hard for him to address different audiences in one piece? That's believable, because there are casual fans out there who really may not have completely understood the picture he tried to paint about our FO and the salary cap situation with his blog yesterday.

I'll admit it does get hard to enjoy something so much, and to have to be reminded of past mistakes constantly by the media. and then the one local organization who covers this team, doesn't really give us anything outside of what we read in national sports columns.

I apologize if I can across as snapping, yesterday was a rough one for me, but it is no excuse to take that out on anyone else. So, apologies if I came across that way.

I am just ready to let go of the past, regardless of how it affects this team in the present and future, I believe that it takes time to turn things around, I personally appreciate the fact that we are not just scrapping everything, and blowing up the roster just to get ourselves in a financial situation that is more in line with the rest of the league. I appreciate the way we have left this team in tact, and converted salaries to these players we believe our integral to our success in the future, while trying to get younger and build more depth at the same time.

Sometime JLC does irk me with his tone, seems like he is trying to use his blog to take shots at the FO about things we already know about, and I find it frustrating that it is not informative, but is more opinionated. I have no problems with differing opinions, I encourage it, but lets talk football, not what bad contract the skins made 2 years ago. :cheers: to fansince62 and also to the draft this weekend.

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Maybe it is hard for him to address different audiences in one piece? That's believable, because there are casual fans out there who really may not have completely understood the picture he tried to paint about our FO and the salary cap situation with his blog yesterday.

The thing is JLC either does not understand our cap position or at least it does not seem that way from his writing.

He is suggesting that we are still in a heavy spending pattern and nothing has changed and he shows figures of bonus payments that put us in the same bracket as the Raiders this offseason to suggest its the same old front office, Snyder sucks etc

Fact is thats a total misrepresentation. What we did was convert non guaranteed salary for existing key players who we were never going to cut in the next couple of years in bonus money for salary cap purposes. We have not actually added any money to these deals just guaranteed money and maybe paid more upfront.

Meanwhile what the Raiders and the other teams active in free agency have done is added new dollars both actual and cap by bringing in new players. It nonsense to compae what we did this offseason so far to them

His latest cap article is simply based on a false premise.

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to be honest brotha Jason...I'm more concerned about how ES (not you) seems to have become a vehicle for attacking every reporter some fans (or others) disagree with....but that's just my perception!!!

I do agree with this. There have been plenty who have taken shots at JLC which are uncalled for, especially on posts where he really didn't post anything but the truth.

To be honest, I expect the national media to be clueless to a certain extent because they are national and deal with things more on a surface level. But, I do expect more from the local media, because the local teams are supposed to be the focus.


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