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Two great running backs=passing offense?


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The article said balanced attack, not pass heavy. Shaun Alexander and Brian Westbrook both have put up good numbers in a WCO. Also, CP and Betts are both good pass catchers, and the WCO uses checkdowns to the backs a lot (see Westbrook in Philly) so both RBs will have opportunities in the pass game as well. Westbrook gets more touches than any other player on the field, and the argument a WCO will take away from our backs is directly ignoring these facts. I think the OP is just looking for any reason to bash Zorn, as that theme ties in with his previous thread.

BTW, you don't need a WR corp. full of superstars. The Bengals and Cards have great WRs and don't do jack. The Eagles have had success with mediocre WRs, as have the Pats. The Seahawks have decent WRs in their WCO, but none of them are really "studs". Now I know JC isn't McNabb or Brady, but he is coming along. Even with mediocre-at-best pass protection and WRs dropping balls like flies, JC still had a 60% completion rate, so he isn't garbage as some on here have claimed.

You want to know why some of us are liking Zorn so far? Simple, go read or listen to his interviews. Listen to the player interviews on Zorn. Why not be excited? I'm interested to see what Zorn can do. I'm not going to go crazy and declare Superbowl, but I'm also not going to completely dismiss the teams chances at success when we don't even know the product Zorn is fielding. Sure you can be pessimistic and not think the team will do anything great, but what is the fun in that? You can hide behind the guise of "realism" but seeing as we don't know what kind of head coach Zorn will be, it's not realism, it's simply pessimism. What's the point in being a fan if you only expect the worst?

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As much as i love Joe Gibbs, one thing that just about killed me every game in GibbsII was the fact that we just about ALLWAYS ran on 1st downs. Just think about how much of an edge that gives any defense playing against us. Now they might not know where we'll run, but they'll know that we will run. It was so bad last year that we were in either our last game, or in the wild-card game and the announcer threw out the stat about us running on first, and while he was saying it,(I think it was Seattle), was stacking the box.....and we ran and got stuffed.

Now I know that Seattle had our number that game. Especially on our weak right side. But I, for the life of me, would love to see more of a 50/50 split on first downs with regard to run or pass.


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With a pound it down your throat running football team that used its attack to set up the long passing game.

Wrong! The last time we won the Super Bowl in '91, we had one of the most prolific passing attacks in the NFL, with the Posse absolutely dominating the league in the same fashion that Moss/Welker/Stallworth were doing this past year. Our running back did put up good numbers, but our strength was in our passing attack.

The only time we won the Super Bowl with a pure pound the rock attack was in '82, when we had the Diesel to ride. In '87, we had a pretty balanced attack.

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Thank you. It's essential to have a quality backup with a RB like Portis, clearly.

Bro, you make it sound like Portis is the only running back to get hurt in this league with that sentence "with a RB like Portis clearly". The NFL running back is probably the one position where you are more likely then not to get hurt. If I'm not mistaken, every team this year had their starting running back get hurt, and most team's starting running backs missed at least one game.

Even guys like the mighty LT and the mighty Adrian Peterson got hurt and missed games. Are you going to label them as injury plagued? That's a tag you throw to guys like Cadillac Williams and Kevin Jones. Not someone like Clinton Portis. I'm not trying to detract from the importance of having a good back up running back, but I'm saying that you can't single out Portis for being injury plagued when he hasn't missed that much action, save for one season.

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We should be a run-oriented team. That is what our personnel dictates and it's the best way to win in the NFL and specifically against our NFC East opponents.

You'll understand what I mean when we're going 3 & out on possessions, and instead of at least running off time on the clock, we've ran off all of 20 seconds. Ball control will be a thing of the past under Coach Zorn.

Is this really the real Joe Gibbs. See guys JG really was listening to what we were talking about.

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CP could be a great receiving RB, that with some power running mixed in, people wont have a chance, it will be the best of both worlds... Pound the rock when you want and west coast... What more do we need... I am excited to see how the O does, but what about the D?

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Not a big deal.....just looks kind of stupid when you are bashing someone else for reading/spelling capability, and you are dropping responses like below:

QUOTE] The problem with this is that JRFRIEDM never claimed to be a spelling bee champ or a writer, yet the assclown who can't comprehend a news article and started this thread claims to be in television and have a Journalism Degree from "a college [he's] sure [we have] heard of." He is getting ripped and blown up for his ignorance and stupidity, never mind the fact that he has been called out about his statements and refuses to answer, but he can't comprehend that either. He is truly a joke.

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Ahhh, from Virginia Beach, you must be JRFriedM's buddy. Now I get why you started attacking for no reason.

Nay nay my friend. You're not getting attacked for no reason. You simply were exposed for misreading the article, and instead of admitting this when it was pointed out, you lashed out. That's what got you "attacked". :silly:

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Nay nay my friend. You're not getting attacked for no reason. You simply were exposed for misreading the article, and instead of admitting this when it was pointed out, you lashed out. That's what got you "attacked". :silly:
Nice try, but he won't be able to comprehend your post. :laugh:
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Ha ha, it's funny how some say I'm "misreading" the article if my interpretation of it isn't the same as theirs. There's a utopian place for some of you, where the internet is tightly controlled and free thought is not permitted: Communist China.

The funniest thing about some on this site is that they were BLASTING Zorn and the whole coaching search 2 months ago. I will go back and find some of the posts and contrast them with Zorn's new biggest fans.

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This is a stupid thread, nobody ever said we would be a "pass first offense" so how can anyone interpret it that way? Balanced is balanced...no room to misinterpret that.

And the reason why people who blasted Jim Zorn are now on his bandwagon is because they like what he has said and shown so far so they are giving him their support. He has good ideas, and they are updated from what we have seen lately and in my opinion we needed some updates to get to the next level.

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Of course nobody was happy immediately after Zorn was hired. Everybody and their mothers wanted G Williams to be the next head coach. Zorn has had some very nice comments that would make any skins fan excited. Do people not have a right to change their minds?

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Everyone please forgive me for liking hard-nosed, run-it down your throat Joe Gibbs football instead of the Jim Zorn chuck & duck offense.

"Chuck and duck offense"? Dude, no one's exactly seen what the Zorn offense if going to be, because of the fact he's creating it for the first time. Yeah it's going to be a WCO, but he's already said he plans on fitting it to our personnel.

And plus, our new running back coach Stump Mitchell has already said Portis could go for 1800 yards this season. Why are you so eager to trash Zorn when he hasn't even started and you have yet to see what he can do with our team?

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