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2 to 4 years in racial shooting


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but even now he is not sitting in prison and they are trying keep him free until he appeals even this sentence.

Which he is legally entitled to do. If the appeal fails, he will serve his time.

The law also stated that possession of an illegal firearm carried a minimum sentence of 2 years but he didn't even get that. The angry father said he got 1 and 2/3rds to 4 years.
For what crime? There were multiple crimes here:

1. Possession of an illegal firearm

2. Manslaughter

He didn't even get one of those minimum sentences

Per the first sentence of the article:

"A black father was sentenced to two to four years in prison Wednesday"

I'm guessing this is a reduced version of the minimum sentence based on the fact that the judge can reduce a sentence if he finds culpability on the part of the victim, again a perfectly legal practice.

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Negligence resulting in someone's death. Same thing in the eyes of the law.

You have a picture in your mind of a guy looking to kill someone. Those actually at the trial saw something else. Until I hear more about this story, I'm going to trust the judgment of the people who have all the facts over the anger of someone who read a brief AP article about the case. Sorry.

Dont be sorry Henry, I will make it clear for you. :laugh:

When his son said "dad, dad some kids are here to beat me up" he could have picked up the phone and dialed 911. Instead he went to his garage, grabbed a gun and walked outside and down to the end of the driveway. this didnt take 2 seconds to happen, it had to have taken at least a few minutes. so he gets there and gets into it with the kid and shoots him in the face and kills him.

im not saying he laid in bed when that night dreaming of killing a white kid. but from the time he got out of bed until the time he got to pulling that trigger he should have thought about it.

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If this was a white man that shot a black teenager, imagine the outrage. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would of been all over this. Black people would of marched in the streets. People would cry hate crime. Yet, some are saying it is somehow the kids fault...gotta love the hypocrisy of most of the tools on this board.

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add something to the conversation or save it. your personal attacks on me mean nothing and will be ignored from now on.:cheers:

Oh save it with the "personal attacks" garbage. I said you need to read the article. You need to read the article again because you keep claiming that the guy just randomly shot some teenagers. Read the article, it says a GROUP of drunken guys showed up at his house over a bogus accusation of rape. Then the guy that got shot tried to GRAB at the gun when it went off. In none of your posts have you shown that you think the mob has any culpability whatsoever in what happened. As if they arent responsible at all for being in the situation. You also say that "you dont believe" that it was manslaughter. Where you there? No, you werent. You have no clue, but you are posting like you know more than the freaking judge that tried the case. :doh:

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If this was a white man that shot a black teenager, imagine the outrage. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would of been all over this. Black people would of marched in the streets. People would cry hate crime. Yet, some are saying it is somehow the kids fault...gotta love the hypocrisy of most of the tools on this board.

Real easy to come on here and call a bunch of people tools because you don't agree with them but can't actually compose a valid argument. :rolleyes:

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Oh save it with the "personal attacks" garbage. I said you need to read the article. You need to read the article again because you keep claiming that the guy just randomly shot some teenagers. Read the article, it says a GROUP of drunken guys showed up at his house over a bogus accusation of rape. Then the guy that got shot tried to GRAB at the gun when it went off. In none of your posts have you shown that you think the mob has any culpability whatsoever in what happened. As if they arent responsible at all for being in the situation. You also say that "you dont believe" that it was manslaughter. Where you there? No, you werent. You have no clue, but you are posting like you know more than the freaking judge that tried the case. :doh:

if he was grabbing the gun then how did it shoot him in the face?

alot of people say the gun "just went off" when in fact your finger was on the trigger when it "just went off".

Yeah PB, I think I am the judge in this case. You nailed me there. Way to once again judge someone just because you dont agree with them. Man you must be a joy to be around in real life too.

Youre also right when I didnt admit AT ALL that the kid had any role in showing up in the first place looking for a fight. :doh:


I mean its on the same page even where I said this...

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Real easy to come on here and call a bunch of people tools because you don't agree with them but can't actually compose a valid argument. :rolleyes:

he does make some point though. if they were black teens jesse and al would have been there already.

im not saying he is right in what he said, but thats the truth. there would be a big racial spin put on it.

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Per the first sentence of the article:

"A black father was sentenced to two to four years in prison Wednesday"

I'm guessing this is a reduced version of the minimum sentence based on the fact that the judge can reduce a sentence if he finds culpability on the part of the victim, again a perfectly legal practice.

Your guess is correct, it is a reduced version of the minimum sentence that the judge decided to go with. The minimum sentence of just having an illegal hand gun was 2 years. 2 years for just that crime. Where is the justice for him killing the boy?

If this had been on the other foot with the angry WHITE father shooting the black man's son, he would have been hit with a much larger sentence. If the black family had not gone out and gotten the best lawyers in the entire area to represent them he would have gotten a worse sentence. I believe on a smaller scale this is clearly OJ number two where a man's guilty and got off because of his race and who he had defending him.

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Real easy to come on here and call a bunch of people tools because you don't agree with them but can't actually compose a valid argument. :rolleyes:

Well, are you actually gonna say that anything I said wasn't true? You might disagree with the tool part...but here's a reality check...most people aren't smart.

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if he was grabbing the gun then how did it shoot him in the face?

He wasnt quick enough i guess.

alot of people say the gun "just went off" when in fact your finger was on the trigger when it "just went off".

Yeah PB, I think I am the judge in this case. You nailed me there. Way to once again judge someone just because you dont agree with them. Man you must be a joy to be around in real life too.

Look pal, a REAL judge ruled on the case and you are on here saying the judge is wrong when you have about 1/100 of the info the judge has. Oh, and a personal attack to boot. Hypocrite.

Youre also right when I didnt admit AT ALL that the kid had any role in showing up in the first place looking for a fight. :doh:

So whats the problem. The kids paid a hefty price for their actions. Anyways, i thought you were going to ignore me. Thats usually what people do when they dont have any real answers, just ignore. :thumbsup:

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he does make some point though. if they were black teens jesse and al would have been there already.

im not saying he is right in what he said, but thats the truth. there would be a big racial spin put on it.

You're right about that, and I sort of get tired of that automatic reaction. That said, don't allow that to have some bearing on this case. The saying "2 wrongs don't make a right" comes to mind. Just because the case would get out of hand if the races were reversed doesn't mean it should affect this case at all. Doing it wrong for a black victim doesn't give you a free pass to do it wrong for a white victim.

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so killing a kid gets you 2 years?

man there are some people that i know that wouldnt mind doing 2 years if that means they get to just pull any random illegal pistol and blast someone in the face.

your thinking of it like he wanted to do it and it was planned event

think fast

your son is inside your house

you have a mob of people of the opposite race of your own outside your house wanting to beat the life out of him

these people are standing in on the edge of your driveway and very rowdy/drunk/obnoxious.

that is a hostile situation,Mr. White didn't even want to be in

granted white should have called the cops,it'd be incredibly naive to say he wanted to look badass or he intentionally went out there to blow someones brains out.

he probably thought he could just scare the kids away by flashing the gun,only the poor drunk kid tried to grab the gun according to reports and got shot in the face.

drunk kid put himself in that situation,white did to but his was more of a reactionary action.

I'm white,if I had a mob of angry pissed off black people in front of my house,I'd probably judge their intent/actions and call the cops before I went to get a gun.if I felt I was about to be harmed immediately though I'd get the gun over the phone.

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He wasnt quick enough i guess.

Look pal, a REAL judge ruled on the case and you are on here saying the judge is wrong when you have about 1/100 of the info the judge has. Oh, and a personal attack to boot. Hypocrite.

Did you? I didnt see it if you did. Anyways, i thought you were going to ignore me. Thats usually what people do when they dont have any real answers, just ignore. :thumbsup:


try to keep up PB. I know its hard but just try.

Once again you are TRYING to say what I am saying and that my friend is just silly of you. I didnt say the judge was wrong once. I may believe he was and probably would have said so if you asked me but I havent yet. So assuming I thought something makes you just as simple as I already believe you to be.

Wasnt quick enough huh...yeah way to keep up the act.:doh:

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Real easy to come on here and call a bunch of people tools because you don't agree with them but can't actually compose a valid argument. :rolleyes:

In our country today white people are afraid to talk about racism because any time they do they are labeled as racists. I was called a racist here yesterday by SithLord that freaking idiot, simply because I thought Obama wasn't right to be a hipocrit by wanting Imus fired and not doing anything to not listen to his racist pastor. I was watching Fox news last night and they were discussing how many people simply are afraid to discuss racism because of the fear of being labeled a racist. So the fact that FlyinO said what he did here is pretty unusual.

I'm not a racist. I want equality but things are not equal these days and the untrue and unfair belief is that in this case the lawyers tried to say that because of the shooter being black he shouldn't have been charged with any crime for what he did. Why is that fair when white people in similiar situations are charged in cases like this with HATE crimes? Its a huge problem today but everyone's scared to discuss it because no one wants to be labeled a racist.

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your thinking of it like he wanted to do it and it was planned event

think fast

your son is inside your house

you have a mob of people of the opposite race of your own outside your house wanting to beat the life out of him

these people are standing in on the edge of your driveway and very rowdy/drunk/obnoxious.

that is a hostile situation,Mr. White didn't even want to be in

granted white should have called the cops,it'd be incredibly naive to say he wanted to look badass or he intentionally went out there to blow someones brains out.

he probably thought he could just scare the kids away by flashing the gun,only the poor drunk kid tried to grab the gun according to reports and got shot in the face.

drunk kid put himself in that situation,white did to but his was more of a reactionary action.

I'm white,if I had a mob of angry pissed off black people in front of my house,I'd probably judge their intent/actions and call the cops before I went to get a gun.

If there is a group of angry black people outside of my door the first thing I do is get my gun. The second thing I do is call the cops. The third thing I do is get my family to the middle of the house and out of range of a window. The fourth thing I do is watch them and make sure they dont come thru that door. When and IF they do come thru that door I shoot.

You dont rush an angry mob man, thats just silly.

You also dont go to a man's house looking for trouble. But just because a drunk kid uses bad judgment and comes to your house to fight your kid doesnt give you the right to go blasting..

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im not saying he laid in bed when that night dreaming of killing a white kid. but from the time he got out of bed until the time he got to pulling that trigger he should have thought about it.

I agree. That's why it's manslaughter. And it's also why he's going to jail.

if he was grabbing the gun then how did it shoot him in the face?

If he wasn't why would the article I posted say this?

In a colorblind world, perhaps, the White case could have been about a terrified man defending home and family, and an intoxicated young man dying after reaching out for an illegal, loaded handgun.

Again, you weren't there. You are making all kinds of assumptions and using them to justify racial outrage. That's the problem we are facing in the country. People making assumptions to justify this 'victim' mentality. You rail against the black community for doing this, but you're doing it right now. You weren't there. You don't know the facts. Save your outrage for when you do. Otherwise you do a disservice to those who really do have a reason to call foul.

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try to keep up PB. I know its hard but just try.

I edited after your edit. Try and get your posts right the first time. :thumbsup:

Once again you are TRYING to say what I am saying and that my friend is just silly of you. I didnt say the judge was wrong once. I may believe he was and probably would have said so if you asked me but I havent yet. So assuming I thought something makes you just as simple as I already believe you to be.

Yes, you said the judge got it wrong.

well first off i dont believe its 2nd degree manslaughter.
Wasnt quick enough huh...yeah way to keep up the act.:doh:

Do you have some info nobody else has? :whoknows:

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I agree. That's why it's manslaughter. And it's also why he's going to jail.

If he wasn't why would the article I posted say this?

Again, you weren't there. You are making all kinds of assumptions and using them to justify racial outrage. That's the problem we are facing in the country. People making assumptions to justify this 'victim' mentality. You rail against the black for doing this, but you're doing it right now. You weren't there. You don't know the facts. Save your outrage for when you do. Otherwise you do a disservice to those who really do have a reason to call foul.

The last quote wasnt me so I wont address that.

Dude, 2 years for killing a kid? With an illegal gun you really think 2 years is justified? You really dont think that is too light?

So the media gets everything right? He might have been reaching for the gun. I dont think so, but dont give me that "because it was in print it must be true" line.

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If there is a group of angry black people outside of my door the first thing I do is get my gun. The second thing I do is call the cops. The third thing I do is get my family to the middle of the house and out of range of a window. The fourth thing I do is watch them and make sure they dont come thru that door. When and IF they do come thru that door I shoot.

You dont rush an angry mob man, thats just silly.

You also dont go to a man's house looking for trouble. But just because a drunk kid uses bad judgment and comes to your house to fight your kid doesnt give you the right to go blasting..

and for all we know drunk kids actions to get the gun could have caused the gunshot.

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Alright here's what I want to ask you BigMike, and don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything like that. What I want to ask is, what point do you hope this thread proves?

Honestly, when I first posted this it was because I was hoping to show that with all of the "racism" and "racist" threads that were going around about how black people are still discriminated against that this was a story that JUST happened showing the opposite. That if it was still as racist as people make it to believe where you "cant join country clubs" they "wont even let you knock on doors" a black man shooting a white teen and killing him would have gotten life in prison at the minimum.

I know you arent trying to be a jerk man, you have no worries about me taking things you say in that way. I also know that you and I dont agree on things like this either. But thats my truth right there and it wasnt for any other reason but that.

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