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Protestors outside my window


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The FIRST protest tomfoolery was when I pulled up to a red light and a protester decided he was going to block traffic by laying down in front of my car. Kind of funny at first, but seriously, i had just promised 3 Marines lapdances and they are a little wound up. :laugh: So after realizing that honking wasnt going to work, my buddy and Jarhead #2 exit my car. Before i know it, the freaking guy gets heaved onto the sidewalk by the back of his pants and his collar, it was the funniest damn thing ive ever seen. He easily went 10 feet. :laugh:

Hahaha, I can just picture the sight of that protestor getting his butt launched by your buddies!! Absolutely classic!

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I picked my buddy up from the train station the other day when they were doing the anti-scientology rally in my big mean sounding chevy truck. so here we are just cruising along talkin and we see these people protesting. Now I HATE protesters of any kind, so we pull up next to them and honk our horn. They all turned almost at the same time like they were stoked they had support and me and my buddy both just shot them the bird. I never saw so many people look defeated at the same time.

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Is no one aware anymore that we wouldn't be a country without protesters?

The irony astounds me.

EDIT: That doesn't mean this thread isn't still funny ;)

I still dont agree with it when it comes to things like protesting the war. I believe it sends the wrong message to the troops that are over there..

but thats my opinion and I am usually in the minority when it comes to that.:2cents:

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I still dont agree with it when it comes to things like protesting the war. I believe it sends the wrong message to the troops that are over there..

but thats my opinion and I am usually in the minority when it comes to that.:2cents:

Wrong message? What they **** are they china dolls that can't be spared the horrible injustice of knowing that there are people in America using the freedom of speech (okay, freedom to assemble peacefully) that they are supposedly defending? That some people here think that the troops have been sent halfway across the world to kill other people under false pretenses?

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Wrong message? What they **** are they china dolls that can't be spared the horrible injustice of knowing that there are people in America using the freedom of speech (okay, freedom to assemble peacefully) that they are supposedly defending? That some people here think that the troops have been sent halfway across the world to kill other people under false pretenses?

Unless you served Rince you are just blowing out your pipehole again. And yes, I said again. I was and have been there and know first hand that protestors against the war are not looked upon favorably.

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Unless you served Rince you are just blowing out your pipehole again. And yes, I said again. I was and have been there and know first hand that protestors against the war are not looked upon favorably.

Sucks for you that you fought for the my right to have an opinion. If the troops don't look at people protesting 'favorably', so what? I don't think people should live their lives just so that military people should view them in a favorable light. I'm funny, or not funny as PB would have it, that way.

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Sucks for you that you fought for the my right to have an opinion. If the troops don't look at people protesting 'favorably', so what? I don't think people should live their lives just so that military people should view them in a favorable light. I'm funny, or not funny as PB would have it, that way.

You're right, the military people that are "fighting for your right" should know that you dont give a damn about them.

Thats what keeps us safe at night. People protecting you when they know you dont care about their feelings. :doh:

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You're right, the military people that are "fighting for your right" should know that you dont give a damn about them.

Thats what keeps us safe at night. People protecting you when they know you dont care about their feelings. :doh:

I'll remember this the next time you say liberals care too much about their feelings. ;)

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I'll remember this the next time you say liberals care too much about their feelings. ;)

I sometimes think you say crap just to get a reaction and not because you actually believe it.

You keep lobbing them in there and Ill keep knocking them out of the park

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I learned somethin' today. This country was founded by some of the smartest thinkers the world has ever seen. And they knew one thing: that a truely great country can go to war, and at the same time, act like it doesn't want to. You people who are for the war, you need the protesters. Because they make the country look like it's made of sane, caring individuals. And you people who are anti-war, you need these flag-wavers, because, if our whole country was made up of nothing but soft ***** protesters, we'd get taken down in a second. That's why the founding fathers decided we should have both. It's called "having your cake and eating it too."




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Oh that was great.

This woman was ranting about our unlawful occupation of Iraq (big cheer) and unfairness toward the people of Palestine (big cheer) and in New Orleans and a couple of other places (big cheers)

and then she says: "and we denounce this government's mindless aggression toward North Korea!" (silence) Everyone was looking at each other like :whoknows:

She got off the stage pretty quick after that. :laugh:

bwahahaha :laugh:

predicto you need to invest in a digital camera. this is the second time you've been talking about protests outside your window. the last one was cindy sheehan or something iirc

think of yourself as our boots on the ground in loony san fran :silly:

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I sometimes think you say crap just to get a reaction and not because you actually believe it.

You keep lobbing them in there and Ill keep knocking them out of the park

I love people that think they make good points and win debates just because they say they make good points and win debates. You portisizzle, and hokie4redskins should make a club.

If you were even half as astute as you think you are you would notice that I never said I would join the protest or even that the protesters were right. Hell, the chick was saying we are being unfair to North ****ing Korea. I just don't think that would should become the almost facist state you're suggesting where we shouldn't voice our opinion that we think the war is wrong just because the soldiers might get their feelings hurt. If the soldiers can't see the difference between someone saying this is an unjust war and not wanting them to die, then **** 'em. Get a rise out of that.

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Is no one aware anymore that we wouldn't be a country without protesters?

Oh brother, I'm very well aware of the fact that our country was founded out of dissent from the British monarchy. And I support the right of these morons to protest whatever the hell they want, regardless of whether or not I agree with their stupid, idiotic "cause." BUT, when they're doing crap like laying down in front of cars, stopping arms shipments from reaching our troops, and other crap like that, it infringes on normal civilians' rights and I get ticked off...and laugh when servcemen chuck them out of the middle of the road, or BigMike passes them by and gives them the birdie. :D

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I love people that think they make good points and win debates just because they say they make good points and win debates. You portisizzle, and hokie4redskins should make a club.

If you were even half as astute as you think you are you would notice that I never said I would join the protest or even that the protesters were right. Hell, the chick was saying we are being unfair to North ****ing Korea. I just don't think that would should become the almost facist state you're suggesting where we shouldn't voice our opinion that we think the war is wrong just because the soldiers might get their feelings hurt. If the soldiers can't see the difference between someone saying this is an unjust war and not wanting them to die, then **** 'em. Get a rise out of that.

In the words of the great Mr. T:

I got no time for your jibba jabba.

Come back to me when you have something intelligent to say.

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