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Chris Wilson questions....


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Do you all think that with the Redskins not going after any big name WR's(as of yet) in free angency or through trade, that maybe the defense has confidence in Wilson and are just planning to take a WR with our first pick? Wilson is almost identical in size with Andre Carter, and obviously has some speed, and at 26 years old still has some youth. From the little bit I've seen it looks like he could be a consistant pass rusher, but it looks like he needs to work on stopping the run. I know this guy pretty much came out of nowhere, so maybe teams just needed some film on him before they figured out who he was, but if he can keep going the way he finished last year do you all think he could be an asset to our Defense?


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He can definitely be an asset to the defense, whether he can ever be an be a dominant pass rushing end we are yet to see. I would imagine his roll will streadily increase throughout the season, but he could definitely use adding a few lbs.

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I think we have more pressing needs then WR to address in the first 2 rounds.

I do like Chris Wilson he 4 sacks with very limited playing time.

I think that Chris Wilson is an up-coming pass rushing specialist.

But we can never have enough good pass rushers, hopefully Derrick Harvey or some other first round rated DE will be there with 21st.

We finished 16th in sacks with 33; our top 3:




The top 5 teams had 42 or more

#1 (Giants) had 53 sacks; their top three:


Tuck- 10


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Well no one knows him better than Blache, so if he thinks Chris is ready to start, I'm 100% behind him.

Agree with you 100% on this Ceviker. We complained last year about not drafting a defensive tackle and we saw how well Montgomery turned out. If we pass on a defensive end, that probably means Coach Blache has faith in our young guys to become starters.

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I want an O-lineman or DB with the first pick. Early Doucet in the 2nd and from then on, rotate between O- and D-linemen.

Wilson, Monty, and Golston make the need at D-line less pressing then O-line and DB.

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I think alot of people are going to be pissed when we bypass DE and WR on Day 1 of the draft . I really think OG - Albert, CB - Flowers, DRC or DT is going to addressed first but Vinny C doesn't value first round Dlinemen and I tend to agree . You may miss out on the studs like Peppers, but there are gems to be found later . Same with WR . Hackett was a 7th round pick, what is to say another late round pick (Marcus Monk) for example wouldn't offer the best value ?

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We finished 16th in sacks with 33; our top 3:




The top 5 teams had 42 or more

#1 (Giants) had 53 sacks; their top three:


Tuck- 10


Way too much is made of these types of statistics and statistics in general. Umenyiora got SIX of those sacks in one game (iggles who refused to put a blocker on him). Now that's a GREAT game but it also means he only had 6 sacks in the other 15 games - that's not earth shattering.

Wilson had 2 of his 4 sacks in the last game of the year when the pukes had given up and weren't really playing any more. One good game on defense for the Skins coupled with one really bad game on offense by the pukes who had already clinched homefield moved the Skins defense from 12th in the NFL (after game 15) to 8th. Look at the stats - sometimes the rankings change several spots because you got a big gain or gave up a big gain at the end of the game when it didn't make any difference.

Carter had a much bigger impact than his 10 sacks because he consistently put pressure on. Our lack of interior pressure allowed qb's to consistently step up and avoid Carter. He didn't get alot of pub last year, if we'd had a monster year from Griffin, though, Carter (playing exactly as he did anyway) would have been a probowler.

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Way too much is made of these types of statistics and statistics in general. Umenyiora got SIX of those sacks in one game (iggles who refused to put a blocker on him). Now that's a GREAT game but it also means he only had 6 sacks in the other 15 games - that's not earth shattering.

Wilson had 2 of his 4 sacks in the last game of the year when the pukes had given up and weren't really playing any more. One good game on defense for the Skins coupled with one really bad game on offense by the pukes who had already clinched homefield moved the Skins defense from 12th in the NFL (after game 15) to 8th. Look at the stats - sometimes the rankings change several spots because you got a big gain or gave up a big gain at the end of the game when it didn't make any difference.

Carter had a much bigger impact than his 10 sacks because he consistently put pressure on. Our lack of interior pressure allowed qb's to consistently step up and avoid Carter. He didn't get alot of pub last year, if we'd had a monster year from Griffin, though, Carter (playing exactly as he did anyway) would have been a probowler.

I don't get your point? Those sacks don't count?

I know stats can deceptive after all:

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

Until they start keeping stats for intangibles associated with sacks its all we got.

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Where's the beef? We need a guy who is like 6'6" and is like 270 and can still add weight. There is no substitute for raw size. We need some beef at DE, not tweeners or speed guys.

That doesn't have to be a first rounder, but we need one of our first day picks to address this.

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wilson, needs about 15 pounds to play de regularly. however, he would be a terrific 3d down lineman, or big yardage off plays by opponents. i would like to see offensive line help. we have a recurring injury problem with jon jensen, and randy thomas. kendall did well last year, and is a year older. samuels, has to take the other teams best pass rusher, and he gets dinged up some as well. need those pass blockers, and run blockers to get west coast offense in gear.

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I'm pretty sure Cerrato said that the wide receiver talent in the 1st isn't worth the pick and they will take one in the 2nd or 3rd. Our 1st pick will go to BPA

What's wrong?

Sawyer's paraphrase or Cerratto's judgement?

I also recall that Vinny did not think that there were stud receivers worth a top ten pick and he wasn't sure if a WR would be the best player available at 21... which is what they intend to select with the pick.

I suppose then that the "wrong" is directed at Vinny's take on this draft class which is fine just be more explicit in explaining your random comment.

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