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We used to have this movie on Beta: http://cgi.ebay.com/HE-MAN-AND-THE-MASTERS-OF-THE-UNIVERSE-VOL-13-BETA_W0QQitemZ200129135391QQihZ010QQcategoryZ41676QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262

I'd really like to see the episode again, but I don't know where to look. I don't know if beta episode 13 matches with the DVD versions now. I just remember a few things about the episode...He-Man goes to this castle to save someone, and there's a big flowing river, and a bunch of logs. I know that's not very helpful, but of ALL the cartoons from my past, for some reason THIS is the episode I remember. I can buy the movie on Beta, but I don't have access to a Beta player.

Is anyone a huge he-man fan and can point me in the right direction? Someone out there must have watched all the episodes on DVD and can tell me if there's an episode about a river and a bunch of logs :)

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my inner dork is going to come out here but is it an episode where he needs to save a girl and her brother (or friend?) gets this little demon helper who like casts spells and stuff? i think he breaks a dam and he-man shows up. i think its on the first season dvd. im at work now but i will check it when i get home in the morning.

btw if anyone else likes he-man i just saw at walmart the other night they released the remade he-man series from a few years ago on dvd.

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my inner dork is going to come out here but is it an episode where he needs to save a girl and her brother (or friend?) gets this little demon helper who like casts spells and stuff? i think he breaks a dam and he-man shows up. i think its on the first season dvd. im at work now but i will check it when i get home in the morning.

btw if anyone else likes he-man i just saw at walmart the other night they released the remade he-man series from a few years ago on dvd.

hmmmm i think that might be right....can you check the name of the episode? Thank you!!!

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miss u i didnt watch to make sure it was the right one but looking at the episode guide it is called the wizard of stone mountain. im hope that it is the one you are looking for. it is in the season one volume one dvd pack on disc 4. third episode in.

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miss u i didnt watch to make sure it was the right one but looking at the episode guide it is called the wizard of stone mountain. im hope that it is the one you are looking for. it is in the season one volume one dvd pack on disc 4. third episode in.

i just skimmed through it on youtube...not the right episode. I'm going to scour through episode guides to see if I can find it. Thank you, though.

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I have a similar problem but it's for GI Joe. I'm trying to remember what episode it was where the Cobras tricked the Joes into going to some sort of spa and then altered their ages. Three of them became kids and three became really old. That's all I remember.

I remember that episode too...I believe it was called, "Grey Hairs & Growing Pains."

I used to watch that & The Transformers...but "Thundercats" was the show I was hooked on without a doubt.

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nope. I'm surprised at how many he-man episodes involved dams! :laugh: I think the episode I'm thinking of also has to do with a castle and a dungeon... the logs he throws might be in the moat of the castle? I don't know.

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GI Joe






You know they are making the GI Joe live action movie for release next year. Dennis Quiad and the dude from Step Up will be in it.

And they are making a new CGI (think 300) live action He-Man

that had my mornings and afternoons filled when i was a kid. good times man good times.

i have been wondering if they were going to make another he-man movie. hopefully they follow the story a little more than they did with the original. although if i may make a suggestion, have courteney cox play the sorceress. :notworthy

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